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Everything posted by Botdra

  1. When you say lame PS4 reveal, I hope you mean EA and not Sony. I don't get why people think this is a good idea. Who thinks Microsoft deserves money just to be allowed to access the internet on your Xbox? They aren't an ISP, I already paid for my internet, I already paid for my Xbox, I already paid for my game, I already paid for Netflix, I don't even need to pay for YouTube, and yet I have to pay Microsoft of all people to use all those things. That's fucking bullshit. Also, if I buy a game and play it, and my buddy wants to try it, he can't. I can give him the disc and he can install the game, sure! Why not! Oh yeah, but he has to pay FULL RETAIL PRICE FOR THE GAME BEFORE HE CAN PLAY IT. Why the hell should he have to pay for that? Apparently trading games is PIRACY. Loaning games is PIRACY. Buying a USED GAME isn't piracy, but we don't make as much money off of it because it's used... well then, LET'S MAKE USED GAME PRICES NON-EXISTENT. The dumbest part is that the disc is worth nothing at all then. You could simply by the digital download and pay for the license on another console, the disc is worth NOTHING at this point, and they're charging you for the disc and packaging when you DO NOT NEED THE DISC TO RUN THE GAME. You MUST install the game before playing it, so the entire thing is on your console, making the disc pointless (Again, why not make it a digital download?) and yet you still have to pay for the disc and packaging. $60 for a game is bullshit, everyone knows that, and Steam was what introduced the whole concept of "Sure, we'll give you digital downloads without the disc so you don't have to pay for it for a lot of games." Then companies yelled at them because they wanted to make money. So Steam says "Alright, we'll make the games full price again." Why is no one complaining about this? Because during the first month any major titles comes out they put it on sale for half price! And if you miss it, wait until one of the big Steam sales (summer, Christmas, Halloween, not to mention the daily deals) and you can buy that game plus 10 more of them for $60!! Microsoft is greedy, and this is becoming a political argument just as much as a gaming argument. Game companies are continuing to make you pay more for less. When's the last time you played a game you got 150 hours of ORIGINAL content in? Hmm? Skyrim? And before that? The original Legend of Zelda for the NES? Yup, sounds about right. I strongly believe that anyone who goes out and buys an Xbox One is a complete fool, and is just as much a part of screwing over the gaming industry as the companies are. YOU are the customer, when YOU buy into this bullshit you are telling companies it's okay for them to charge enormous fees for NO GOD DAMN REASON. Your fault. Why anyone thinks it's worth supporting a greedy corporation just so they can play CoD on their shitty big screen TV is beyond any form of logic or common sense.
  2. I was too, they were nice. Not blow-every-other-game-out-of-the-water nice, but they were always nice, polished games visually that were a step up for sure. Problem is, you can deny it all you want, but the announcement is more about selling the Xbox One than it is about promoting Ghosts. What other games did they show for as long as CoD? None, not even close. They're using Ghosts to market to the hardcore gamers so that they will BUY THE XBOX ONE. That's why they are acting like all of this is some major breakthrough. It's going to be for PS4, but you don't see Sony talk about the game, and definitely not to that extent, because they aren't trying to get people to buy the system because of CoD. They're trying to get you to buy the system because of all the awesome games they showed at their reveal, and their exclusives. It is blocky, come on. Compare that helmet to the one right before it and tell me there isn't a clear difference. Why does the fact that it's a totally different helmet matter AT ALL? That's a rubbish excuse, and that's the point I'm making. You go "Oh wow, look at how perfect those curves are" and everyone talks up how great the curves are going to be, and then everyone buys the game and you don't see those perfect curves because while they can do it with just one helmet, having dozens of guys on screen is too much for the engine, so they make the helmets blockier again. Smoother than last generation? Probably. As they promised in their "gameplay videos"? Highly doubtful. It is within the Mortal Kombat series too. And the Battlefield Series. Any any freaking series that will have a game on the next gen consoles. You can talk about semantics all you want, but at the end of the day their just using all this talk in the hopes that people forget about the fact that this is totally happening on the PS4 too, and that people will go "Microsoft showed this awesome trailer about Ghosts' graphics, I want an Xbox One!"
  3. @: The graphics are great, but as eezstreet said, look at Crysis 3. *shrugs* Also, notice how at 0:48 in that video they talk about Sub-D, allowing "perfectly smooth curves. Now look at the top of the helmet. A perfectly smooth curve. Next, they show a character model. Look at the top of the helmet. Very blocky, not a smooth curve at all. This just goes to show they can easily show you tech demos of awesome graphics, but when it comes to the reality of the finished game, these are not going to be implemented to the extent you expect. What you CAN do, has never been the same as what the system can handle. If you pay close attention to what's happened in the past with games like CoD, you'll know that while beautiful, they are never QUITE as promised graphically. Plus - come on. The graphics of Ghosts have nothing to do with the Xbox, and everything to do with Xbox AND PS4. The graphics differences will probably be extremely little, if at all. @@DT85: Play Crysis 3 on max settings. Hell, even look at what eezstreet posted. Old tech? Please. I also don't know why the higher polycounts and higher resolution textures make it so much more awesome when - again - we all knew that ALL the games on the next gen consoles were going to high higher polycounts and higher resolutions for textures. This isn't exclusive to Ghosts.
  4. I got my PS3 this past Xmas as a gift, it came with Playstation Plus. I have 23 games for PS3, I only bought 7 of them. The rest were free full games on PS+. Not just crappy indie games, I'm talking the newest Ratchet and Clank, Sleeping Dogs, Uncharted, etc. People argue that it's more like payed rentals... if you don't renew your subscription you lose the games. Yeah, but you can also let your subscription run out, then later on renew it and have access to all those games again. If you don't need to play those games, then end your subscription. It's that simple. I really like Playstation Plus for that. I'm downloaded hundreds of dollars worth of games for free, for the price of the subscription, which is $49.99 a year. And because my subscription came free with my bundle, I didn't even pay that fee. I just paid for the console and the games that came with it.
  5. I wasn't claiming you said it was revolutionary, Microsoft did. That's the problem, all they did was little things. VERY little things, in my opinion. Trying to get an audience more excited about nothing is still a presentation about nothing. It is a good thing to wait after the PS4 conference, a very smart business move, but again claiming it as revolutionary and like it's exclusive to the Xbox One is just lying, really. No one is asking if it can play games, Mog... People are complaining because a game system should be revolutionizing gaming. If they want to integrate all other areas of entertainment of course that's awesome, but we're seeing less and less attention on gaming and gamers, and more attention on sales and profits. It's a business, so it's bound to happen, but no longer are they saying "We should serve the gamers (or customers, rather), that'll make us more money." Instead, they are saying "Let's give them as little as possible for as much as possible to ensure we make a profit." Integration of entertainment is new? Surely you must be joking. The Wii could play games (Wii and Gamecube), play some TV channels (sports mostly), watch YouTube and I could watch Netflix. Xbox 360 has games, movies, music, photos, SmartGlass, HDTV streaming, and photos. The PS3 allows me to game, stream live TV, watch Netflix, YouTube, use a web browser, edit video, play the PS3 on my PSP or PS Vita, watch DVD's, watch Blu-Ray, look at photos, and listen to music. Please tell me again how integration of entertainment is new, and how Sony "tried with little success". The only new features of integration the Xbox One is showing are that you can look up NBA stats while watching the game, and you can switch with voice commands instead of pressing buttons. To be fair, being able to plug my TV box right into my Xbox would be a neat idea, but again I could also just press "Input > Input 4" on my remote. If you really think I don't have a right to bitch and complain over what they've shown (most notably the "anti-used games"/"anti-borrowing games"/"anti-group buy games" fees and restrictions) then you're not listening.
  6. Also: http://www.computerandvideogames.com/407912/microsoft-confirms-pre-owned-fee-for-xbox-one/ "Microsoft did say that if a disc was used with a second account, that owner would be given the option to pay a fee and install the game from the disc, which would then mean that the new account would also own the game and could play it without the disc." Original article was from: http://www.wired.com/gamelife/2013/05/xbox-one-analysis/ Also, @@eezstreet, I believe they have a real console as they showed one in-person at the reveal today. However, that could easily have just been "This is what it will look like. This one isn't functional yet."
  7. They pushed back their reveal conference after the PS4 reveal. I think it's evident they tried to match what Sony did with some features on the PS4. For example, they talked about the DVR feature allowing you to record and share gameplay footage on the fly, which Sony has as a part of their "Share" button. How do I know they copied it? Well, the fact that they mentioned it just once, and showed a STILL picture of it and nothing more says to me that it's not finished. They probably just said "Hey devs, can you do this too?" "Uh, yeah sure, why not." "Cool get it done!" No it doesn't make you lazy. I was saying they presented it like this feature that's going to revolutionize the industry. If you feel that it makes a giant difference over every other console though, I do find that lazy. You say that is if it's slow currently. It takes me 7 seconds (yes I tried) to go from gaming, to Netflix, or to music, or to a DVD on my PS3. The Xbox One takes about 1-1.5 seconds. Yes that's a lot faster, but how much does that matter? They demonstrated switching about a dozen times back to back as if that's something people actually do. Yes, I would love to watch 1 second of everything going on in my console. =/ Again, I'm not complaining that it's fast, I'm complaining that all these little things they have they treat like it's a big deal and countless times use the words "ground breaking" and "revolutionary". It had everything to do with the Xbox announcement. Not only was it an Xbox conference but the game was also said to have exclusive content on the Xbox One version. They're using it to sell the system, how can you say they aren't related? Yes, the graphics references go far all systems, doesn't mean it's not bullshit. Again, they're presenting all these extremely small, mostly pointless items and claiming they are revolutionary. I'm not saying those things aren't cool, I'm saying they ARE NOT NEW OR UNEXPECTED. They are either stuff we all knew was coming (higher polycount and texture resolution, things that ALWAYS come with new hardware) or stuff that's been going on for years (increased detail the closer you get). Again, the issue is not the content, it's that they present it in a way that makes it seem like it's revolutionizing the industry and that you can only get these things with the Xbox One. Try realistic. I think you're extremely optimistic if you think there's anything revolutionary to be had that's exclusive to the console as of now.
  8. Howso? You mean answering the rumor would put them in an awkward position with used game stores? They're gonna have to do so eventually anyways. Oh yeah, and they've confirmed it now, it's not just speculation. Very true, but to be somewhat nice to Microsoft, PC's will be using DDR5 (or possibly better) near the end of this console's generation... but that's obvious and has happened before.
  9. The Xbox One is complete and absolute garbage. Allow me to pick apart everything they presented as glorious and "groundbreaking": - The "redesigned controller" has a "precision" d-pad. Right, because it was such utter shit before. And we need precision on a d-pad... - We have 8GB and shit tons of transistors. The PS4 has 8GB too, and since when are we doing transistor counts? Who cares? - You can talk to it to turn it on. Stop being lazy. - You can tell it to switch between movies, TV, games and music in under 2 seconds Who needs to be able to switch between them all that quickly? NO ONE. Just go to the home menu and load up the next activity. All you've really done is cut out 5 seconds of time for switching between activities, who cares? - ESPN programs are interactive and you can call up a player's stats. WHO THE HELL CARES?! You'll use it to show your friends once, think it's rad, and then never use it again. - Our new CoD game isn't Modern Warfare of Black Ops, it's NEW! It's called GHOST!! So? Doesn't mean it's not going to be so blatantly the same as Black Ops was to the Modern Warfare series. - Graphics are gonna be dope! Yeah, same with the PS4 bro. Still won't be a PC. - The closer you get to something, the higher quality it gets!! This has been happening for YEARS. - We put in cool AI so fish scatter when you get close! SO WHAT. - You can customize your gear (oh, you mean like the previous games?) - It's gonna be the most beautiful CoD yet! Yeah, because it's newer you dumbass. - New engine will allow higher texture resolutions. WHOA. NO ONE SAW THAT COMING. >.> - "Boosted polycount" Oh right. Because that's new. That has never happened before. - We mo-capped our attack dogs now! Right, because everyone will noticed how much better the animations are in the 0.3 seconds you have before the dog is on top of you - They distracted the utter shitiness of their Xbox by saying LOOK OVER HERE!! HALO TV SERIES WITH SPIELBERG!! Oh yeah, no he's not directing... just producing. - It's going to be available this year!!! Who cares, so is the PS4. - They didn't even acknowledge the rumor of Microsoft putting in anti-used game measures and restrictions, pretty much confirming that rumor. With something that devastating to their entire market you'd think they would shut down that rumor right away. They've had journalists and and press HOUNDING them asking this question to them POINT BLANK and they haven't said a SINGLE WORD. FORBES HAS ASKED THEM. NOT JUST STUPID TWEETS TO MICROSOFT. Not a word. I think this pretty much ensures that there will be some sort of connecting the game to the console so you can't resell the game. That's just my opinion, but at the very least we can all agree that was a terrible marketing strategy to NOT address the rumors. EDIT: It's been confirmed. AND FINALLY. LASTLY. TO SUM IT ALL UP: THEY SHOWED LESS THAN 2 MINUTES OF ACTUAL IN-GAME FOOTAGE FROM ANY GAME. ANY GOD DAMN GAME. I remember when video game systems were about video games.
  10. Just so you know, despite how far you have to go to get it looking right, it gets closer with every screenshot. You're doing well man, keep it up.
  11. When he has updates to show he will show them. No need to take up half the thread with your posts about Gregor.
  12. Fantastic, similar to ENBSeries then it seems? Of course that's based on my primitive understanding. Can't wait to try it out.
  13. Shit got weird REAL fast up in here. Looks great Szico!! How does QEffects work for the user (not the mapper)? Do I just download it and it works for all of JA? Does it just work for maps that have been made using it? All I know is it looks good.
  14. That won't happen any time soon. It will be easy to do since I've done it once already now, but it will be time consuming. I have enough to release it once I get the Alpha Channels right but other versions will have to wait unfortunately. ):
  15. Not sure what you mean. I think you mean the gray graphic around the edges? If so I just copied that from the original to be accurate, I was hoping to make a version with a REAL edge as if it were a REAL scope but... well see previous post. *facepalm*
  16. So, because I'm a f---ing idiot, I saved the flattened version of the file overtop of the original PDF. It's at the point where all I have to deal with is the Alpha Channel which I'm almost done with but oh holy mother of god there is a lot of hatred going on right now. >.> It's done, just needs to be polished a bit with the Alpha Channel then I'll upload it just in case anyone is interested.
  17. I disagree. I still subscribe to the theory that Inyri is a robot, and never was alive in the first place.
  18. There's definitely some inconsistencies quality-wise, as minilogoguy stated. It looks great though, just needs some polish.
  19. If we had it on the same system and I had Xbox Live, then I would buuut I never play online enough to warrant spending the money on it. ): EDIT: If we could fit in a way to jump on the hoverboards I would be extremely pleased with that, personally. I always thought JA needed more race track maps for swoops and hoverboards, this would make them a lot more fun, and allow you to cruise around other JA levels fairly easy.
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