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Everything posted by Botdra

  1. I dig the new icon man, good work.
  2. Nice man, I hope to see more of this in the future. The texture resolutions are one of the big graphical downfalls for JA, in my opinion.
  3. Looks very nice so far, very polished. Keep up the good work.
  4. I'd like to see that last racing map put out, now that I think about it... always wanted someone to make a racing mod as I loved the Boonta Eve Podrace map, and Star Wars Podracer to death. Lots of fun.
  5. Oh yeah, so uhhh... does anyone actually want this? I couldn't be bothered to polish/upload it lately as school has taken priority.
  6. Neat, hopefully this one actually gets somewhere, unlike previous attempts. Somewhere I have a map (brushwork only) of the inside of Hogwarts' main area from the first game... If I ever find it I'll pass it your way.
  7. The policy on ported models here makes me all warm and fuzzy on the inside. I like that we're allowed to share 'em and talk about them, personally. Anyways... I think it is that modern weapons pack that you're referring too, but I do remember another modern weapons pack that was ported, a different one... very vaguely though.
  8. Everyone says it's simple yet it seems to be offering some challenges.
  9. It's the JKB_Selkath that @@AshuraDX made. I'll let him know.
  10. Ugh... this is going to take days. ): The downside to having this many mods is how hard it is to pinpoint the issue.
  11. Just for a bit of realism. I wanted to make a custom HUD that was similar to one you'd see in Republic Commando, Bounty Hunter or Metroid (an inside the helmet view) but didn't want it to be shown when I was in 3rd person view. Also if you are going to attempt it: http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/Crosshair_Selection;53116 There's that, but just needs to be automatic OR just set so that the 1 key changes to that normal hud and keys 2 - 0 do the helmet hud. That being said, that isn't perfect... it would eliminate the possibility of using the "Switch Weapon Left/Right" keys and having the HUD change, or any other key configuration for that matter.
  12. If you have time, yes. I'd love all of them in JA, but if I had to choose I would love the Vibroblade and the Widow. You're making me want a ME weapon pack badly... oh damn, here come to TC ideas...
  13. Heck I'd love a port if you get the time/motivation. Thanks, this one is much better!

  14. So I've got a bunch of mods going right now, a few maps, but mostly models and weapons. I've made sure none of these mods are replacements for base content that could be conflicting. Now here's the issue. I'll load up a map, any really, and it'll work fine. BUT if I go to Profile and scroll down the game crashes. Otherwise everything works fine, but if I just scroll down a bit there's a complete crash. The error I get is simply "Requested feature was omitted at compile time". Here's the details that were given upon crashing: I'm guessing all that has something to do with the crash, despite having error messages with mods that didn't cause any problems whatsoever. Anyone have any ideas? P.S. I DID manage to get it to scroll once, but I just scrolled to the bottom of the list as fast as I could. It lagged for a split second, but worked. Then as soon as I scrolled up a bit it crashed again. EDIT: Interestingly enough, I tried doing the same thing but from the Main Menu into Profile rather than the Profile Page in-game. Same crash from the same scrolling, but here's the details of the error I got this time around: For clarification, both times I loaded the game normally, THEN loaded the folder with all my mods in it via the Setup > Mods menu. Then I tried the Profile page.
  15. I was wondering if anyone had/could make a mod that switches between two different HUD's? One HUD when in 3rd person, another in 1st person perspective? Don't know if it's possible and may take some coding, but don't see it being TOO difficult... any ideas?
  16. Whichever you prefer Aki, I'd just like a better version of either. Though I haven't seen Ashura's to be fair.
  17. Yeah I've got a few. This one is already done, but personally I think it could be better. 1) The Vibrosword from SWKotOR. http://img122.echo.cx/img122/4388/vibroblade7ot.jpg http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20051123191036/starwars/images/6/6d/Vibrosword.jpg https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-_hINHQgfkPg/TXVA6JUpzyI/AAAAAAAAETA/WxYFYOMJJhw/378499-150px_vibroblade_large.jpg There is one already but I didn't think it was QUITE proportionate, and the texturing could've been better. 2) Gordon Freeman's Crowbar. The original is... meh. http://img232.imageshack.us/img232/1369/crowbar.jpg http://images.wikia.com/half-life/en/images/6/6f/Crowbar_world_model_ep2.jpg Too lazy to suggest more. Will do it later.
  18. Glad you guys like it. I appreciate the kind words. I don't know about the antenna, I kinda like it, but it is a pain in the ass to texture properly. I'll fiddle with that tonight and see what I dig. @@MagSul Yeah, done that way too many times haha. I think I might make a few more of these, just for kicks and laughs.
  19. I have no idea what any of this means. But thanks Scooper.
  20. So I've been making my own personal skins with the base Boba, Boba VM and Jango VM, then I had an idea. So I tried it. And it turned out okay. This is Boba Fett after he rips his scalp off. Beta version of course. Happy Early Halloween everyone. EDIT: Oh yeah, and his palms are all bloody now too, since y'know, if you ripped your scalp off, you'd probably get your hands dirty too.
  21. Ah, I see... not worth it for just one skin. Thanks guys.
  22. When you say editing the model, in what way? Wouldn't I just have to uvmap it in a different way? I don't know anything about models, mind you.
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