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Everything posted by Psyk0Sith

  1. Perfect for beginners: http://vimeo.com/27213238 Plus he's got some more that you can check out too and his website with old stuff: http://www.poopinmymouth.com/tutorial/tutorial.htm I stated character modeling with this one: http://www.3dtotal.com/ffa/tutorials/max/joanofarc/joanmenu.asp
  2. I guess i could release it, just have to make sure it's bug free and i want to do a few tweaks on the textures.
  3. That's a lot better than the piece of crap i put together!
  4. It's called being efficient and quite common with older games
  5. It was a cap that had the wrong name (twice the same name but different location if i recall correctly). It did not prevent from compiling the first time around but it would crash in modview, it worked fine in game. @@DarthDementous: I believe the plugin requires quads and ngons to be converted to triangles before export?
  6. It could be a wrong path in the .glm where it's pointing to the .gla, the game expects it to be "models\players\_humanoid". If you set up your .car file or assimilate differently than this (ptobably not since you're using blender) the game will refuse to load it. It could also be a problem relating to the skeleton itself, if something has been deleted by accident or changed somehow (like it says, missing bone?).
  7. Just select the stuff you want to get rid of with a selection type (like lasso, rectangle whatever) start from the top and take out as much as you can in one go. The rest you'll have to select manually and delete...it's really that simple.
  8. Haha sure You got awesome maxscript / plugins skills dude!
  9. Lookin' good! and don't forget to fix that texture bleed on the mirrored face / neck.
  10. Right click and save instead of left click?
  11. I tracked down the issue and it is now fixed, the right leg hips cap was not named correctly, oddly enough it compiled without warnings (but later came up with "empty surface name" cannot be reached). Check your PM's for the updated .glm.
  12. @Dark_Cuillere https://web.archive.org/web/20070827013832/http://io.meskinaw.net/vehicle_importing_tutorial_for_ja.html Here's a backup of the guide.
  13. Post a screenshot so people can judge if it's worth their time.
  14. With multiple heads i usually named them headb, headc, headd etc. and link them to the original head. As soon as you delete something from the original rig the hierarchy is broken for the tags and caps as well. It's pretty easy to figure out which parts are not linked, simply double click the hips, everything still part of the hierarchy will be selected, unlinked will not. At least that's true for 3D max.
  15. Sure, i have tons! https://www.google.ca/search?q=brains+texture&biw=1920&bih=1036&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=3MCJVLnzN82UyATVzoHICw&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ
  16. No LODs but caps should be there. I checked my final rig and caps are present. Each version = 3328 tris / 1902 verts without caps. For some reason modview crashes when i try to load the model, i don't recall having that problem ever (and i've done some complex shit)...so i took out what i added and left the stock model for compiling, it still crashes even if carcass doesn't report any errors at all. My game seems to work fine with civilians .pk3 still in the folder. Is it crashing modview on your end @@DT85?
  17. There's a backhand stance that will turn any saber to backhand. It should be in the files section.
  18. Well i sent it to DT already, i thought we'd keep it "exclusive" to the mod.
  19. i'm saying adding spots on my texture is not that big of an upgrade. I could add it myself into ongree species and save people an extra .pk3 in their folder.
  20. Yeah i got some of those for the taunts and stuff but other actions like death, jump, fall etc.
  21. Too sharp? I used 3* 512x512 TGA for head, hands and legs.I could resize them to 256 and add blur filter! Or do you mean they're too bright compared to JA's shitty lighting when models are seen from the front? There's a difference between texture sharpness and brightness. Well anyway, i've fixed a few bugs with the caps, rigged the fingers, added bots + npcs. Now trying to find sounds that fit.
  22. Be more specific...? Hidden Bek the body is from Hap's and i'm not updating anything about it, seems good enough to me.
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