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Everything posted by Teancum

  1. Jeff and I have a plan, but I can't reveal anything yet.
  2. Is the .map available somewhere?
  3. Not to steal the thread, but you know what tutorial would also be nice? Weather in maps -- specifically setting up weatherzones, inside and outside brushes, etc. I can't seem to find a good tutorial on it. I've got weather working, but I can't get it to shut off for my inside zones. Also, it'd be great if there was a note on fog as weather, but I think the existing tutorial for custom weather covers that part, I'll check.
  4. Correct, they never made a Kell Dragon, so I've been using a rancor. Given that you only ever see them on Jabba's ship I'm kind of okay with using rancors instead. It seems like a lot of work what with both modeling a non humanoid and then creating an all new animation set. Right now on Jabba's ship you just run from the rancor. @@Jeff -- top notch, dude! Excellent work as always.
  5. The flying dark troopers are actually already running the rocket trooper animations through code. I agree the Phase III will eventually need more advanced attacks. As far as accuracy that's something that definitely needs to be addressed.
  6. I wasn't able to read most of those as YouTube wouldn't play it back in a high enough resolution. Why not just type it out? I caught the lag when looking a specific direction in Ramses Hed. I already said that the maps aren't optimized, nor was that release anything more than just a taste to get an idea as what's to come.
  7. I won't be able to help on the map unfortunately. I have a total of eight maps still on my plate for the DF mod if you include the ones I'm working on now.
  8. Cool! What's new?
  9. Can you set a cvar in Icarus?
  10. The feet for sure. Try the legs and see how it looks.
  11. I hadn't planned on the overcharge powerup. The revive is easy since it can be attached to an Icarus script. Touch-->Set player health to 100, shields to 100 (200 on easy)-->delete the powerup, and done.
  12. They would have to be rigged to a skeleton as they don't use one. Back then it was literally just a bunch of smaller meshes inside a model floating around to keyframes that made it look like one model. Here are Jedi Knight Enhanced's Pic and Gorc. The might be too low poly but they'd serve as an excellent reference. If you wanted a 3D reference you could import these 3DO files to any modeling suite. I'm not personally asking for them to be made (Jeff's already doing so much for me!), but here's a fully 3D set of references. http://www.jkhub.net/project/show.php?projid=242&section=downloads
  13. NICE! That looks great! Hey I've been meaning to ask you a few things: Is it difficult for you to kitbash multiple layers? Like with Kyle, is it easy to get Outcast Kyle's head on Mercenary Kyle and vice versa? I'd love it we could do a few characters that were customizable via turning surfaces on/off like the default species. I don't necessarily want the Kyle bodies merged, but the optional heads would be nice. If they were merged I think there would be too many torso customization options. Feel 100% free to say no to this -- but what do you think about kitbashing the JA rocket trooper's legs onto the Phase II mesh. I think it would beef it up a bit more, and the original texture you modified could possibly be remapped to the legs. Also everyone... guess who's going to be an easter egg. It'll be a static model (no AI or animations), but I thought this little guy would be fun. I already know where I'm going to put him, but I don't wan to spoil it so I won't give it away. Also from that same project (JK: Enhanced) I get to use a few items: The Revive (third on top) can be used if I ever want to make an Icarus-scripted powerup. The backpack (middle bottom) will be used for getting Kyle's gear back on Jabba's ship. I'm thinking about using the keys, too and seeing if I can make them something you can pick up. Wish I had a way to make a third key, though. In JO/JA there are only two kinds of keys.
  14. So I figured something out that veteran mappers probably already know. If you set a misc_model to "solid" it'll compile as BSP data, right? Well I might just use this trick to make much simpler, yet detailed, canyons for level 8. Basically you compile, then once you get the layout you want, use the decompile feature of q3map2 to decompile your bsp back to a map file. Now those models are BSP data as a bunch of single-sided brushes. You just delete what you don't need and you've saved a lot of effort. 'Course it's really only useful to an extent. If you overdo it you'll get compile errors.
  15. If you figure this out please let me know. I use a target_position, but I can't get get mine to turn off either via Icarus scripting.
  16. He sent it to me, too. The updated EULAs for Star Wars games now allow it.
  17. The Phase II and III were both ports. II was from Empire at War: Forces of Corruption, the Phase III was from the canceled Battlefront III
  18. Actually I was using the rocket trooper animations, but I'll see how the hazard trooper anims look. The Phase III was gonna use the Hazard Trooper.
  19. Nah, I really love that model. If someone else wants to make an optional patch that's fine.
  20. Thanks to @@Jeff for the Phase II. Just got it and I'll be adding it tonight. @@KyleKatarn1995 -- I don't think Luke's shirt would fit well. Remember Moff Rebus is kind of fat. I think this guy's body (remove the tattoos, add hair) is a great model for Moff Rebus. He's the right build, the right age, and he's wearing the right shirt. I agree with Jan's goggles, but maybe have them up in his hair, as it would probably look weird otherwise. Welding goggles like this might work well. They'd fit in universe, not straight rip off Jan, and the forehead position would let us see Rebus' eyes. It's all up to @@Jeff though. I trust his judgement. ***EDIT*** Hmm, with Moff Rebus being a weapons designer, maybe I should put the disruptor rifle or fusion cutter in his "fortress". This is a number of years before Jedi Outcast, so we could say maybe Rebus designed the prototype?
  21. @@Jeff -- he looks fantastic! Nice work. And yeah, having Jan Ors would be great! Really it's just her, General Mohc and possibly a non-Rax Joris version of Moff Rebus and every single model is covered.
  22. Because my buddies and I keep a bunch of them for quick and easy LAN parties. It's lots easier than lugging around a bunch of PCs. On a different note, how about a few VERY Work In Progress screenshots? Below you'll see the start of the robotics facility weather system, a second Phase II fight, a close up of the Phase II's height (still the rocket trooper model) for size comparison, and the debug message you'll get upon "completing" any level that isn't finished yet.
  23. Wow, patience padawan. It hadn't even been 12 hours from his post to yours. Give him at least 3 days.
  24. Maybe. I'm trying to keep code changes as minimal as possible as that's not my forte. I also aim to keep my code as minimal so I can *maybe* port my code to the Xbox using some code comparison tools and making changes accordingly. I'm fairly confident that once map optimizations are done framerates should soar again. @@ensiform -- but I still don't get the reasoning for constantly upgrading. I get that it's better support, but we're talking mid-millenial code. I've found in the professional world you don't upgrade unless you have to as it can present unforseen issues. So I guess being from the opposite-school train of thought it's frustrating. Still, I'll be able to fix the music using older code, I'll just have to do a little research first.
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