I wonder how much of this could apply retroactively to Voyager Elite Force. If I remember right it uses either MD2 or MD3 character models, but the scripting, BSP structure, and overall AI should be largely the same. ***EDIT*** More info -- http://eliteforce.gamebub.com/skinning.php Also, several Elite Force source files (READ: not the full source) were previously released by individual Raven folk. See this (scroll way down for Elite Force stuff). It'd be cool to merge Elite Force and Soldier of Fortune stuff in. http://eliteforce2.filefront.com/developer/Raven_Software;115 Also, SOME source was released by Ritual Entertainment for Elite Force 2 (also a Id Tech 3 game). Might be interesting to have a fork that goes that route. -- http://eliteforce2.filefront.com/developer/ritual_Entertainment;1513 It's not much, but hit helps. ***EDIT #2*** Could I also make one request and ask that the Jedi Outcast mulitplayer gametypes be ported to JA (if they haven't already been - I haven't been an active JK series player for years).