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Everything posted by Teancum

  1. That's what I used before and nothing compiled. I don't see why all the dependencies keep (seemingly) jumping in version when there's no major benefit. It's probably something I'm not seeing.
  2. Only the player and trandoshans use the concussion, and trandos should only use primary fire, so no worries there.
  3. Yeah I think we could probably code in a swing sound for the Phase I. For the other two it feels really satisfying to have them move and fire. It's much more exciting than the original. That being said, I need to improve their accuracy as I can literally stand there unloading shots into them and not get hit very often.
  4. Been working on Dark Trooper AI for the last day or two (among other things). Phase I will use melee attacks as it's easy to control the damage values and it looks best animation-wise. Now it looks more like they're either punching you with their shield arm, or stabbing you with their "knife" arm. Phase II and III are flyers from the get-go and will rarely hit the ground. They're very aggressive, but for some reason not very accurate at all. The Phase I still relies on waypoints to get around and be aggressive, which really sucks, but whatever.
  5. Right? As far as the Assault Cannon I agree. It's all weirdly proportioned, but that could just be sprite-based limitations or the fact that players wouldn't really see it up close. Either way the mod's Assault Cannon will have to be redone as well. Not only is it strangely proportioned too, it doesn't render correctly in widescreen, cutting off at the top. The version at the link below is by far the best I've ever seen in 3D, but I seriously doubt the author still has the model after nine years. Even if they did I can't find a way to contact them. http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=180720 I found an interesting model at the URL below which clearly was a development pic for some Star Wars game (given the Lucasarts branding), but I have no idea what it's from, nor whether it actually made it into whatever game it was for. ***EDIT*** Apparently it was Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds. All the in-game stuff was done with sprites though, so this model can only ever be a reference.
  6. Reverting this change. The updated snd_music.cpp doesn't play well with Visual Studio 12.0's VC library. It threw about a dozen errors at me, so for now I'll have to look elsewhere for a fix. I believe it's the use of Q::substr in the code but @@mrwonko will have to confirm. Actually @@Jeff -- please stick to trying to capture the same color tones/specular of the Phase III you converted. The original Phase II's sprites were really ugly, and I'd bet money if they had the ability to be higher resolution originally they would have made them better. I mean, just look at how ugly this is: I mean, what's with that jetpack?
  7. Nice! He rigs up pretty good considering that he's lower poly than your average JA model. Nice work. As far as color maybe we can try to give him the same tone as the Phase III as that's how they were originally.
  8. Didn't know #2 was fixed. I've updated my code accordingly and will have it fixed in a future build.
  9. Well here's the original sprite sheet for reference. The mando markings on his shoulders definitely aren't there. https://www.google.com/search?q=boba+fett+dark+forces&safe=active&client=ms-android-verizon&prmd=sivn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj0pqyS2PPMAhVSK1IKHSEwDq4Q_AUICCgC&biw=360&bih=511#imgrc=PvFqLP3tr2gHWM%3A
  10. What's wrong with this Boba? https://jkhub.org/files/file/2869-boba-fett-esb/
  11. Again, once I have all the permissions and time to import them I'll let you know. There's nothing to tell right now. On a different note, I decompiled the original 1-level demo for JO. Maybe someday WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY down the road it would be cool to have the "beta" builds of these maps available as bonus content or something. If we ever get that far, lol. I wonder if the 3-level demo is still out there.
  12. To be determined, really. I have a list of skins I like, but I was focused on getting the menus up and running again. His skins are at the top of the list, I just have to get permissions all set up. His is basically free use, but there are some others I was looking at on my other PC. But as far as Boba Fett, Jan, etc skins guys --- I'm not even remotely interested in them right now. That being said if you all want to take charge on seeing the get done or doing them yourself I'll gladly include them. But would it be okay if we keep old screenshots and skin/model requests out of this thread? It makes it harder to scan for stuff I need to address right away that people have posted. Thanks!
  13. So much Kyle! Yeah, the customization menu is working again. Just needs a few tweaks and proper icons. That's up next.
  14. There are very few left to do. Honestly I'd wait until we're sure we need a given texture. Thus far what I currently have is way more than sufficient.
  15. This one? http://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi%20Academy/Maps/Duel/90649/
  16. Yeah, it's just more me not handling this sort of paradigm shift well. As far as getting around I'm comfortable now, but it just feels so very much slower than any other level editing I've done. Still, like I said before, the ability to create worlds without having to use tons of prefabs is really nice. I suppose the other issue I have is the ghost-in-the-machine set of bugs it exhibits. Four times now I've had to just randomly remove my info_player_start, my first trigger_once, target_scriptrunner and target_print, then rebuild and relink all of them to get it to work, without ever having had changed a thing on them. I've had a lot of backtracking like that. It's frustrating!
  17. Fair enough. Still on that point caulking is more work than doing it in a modeling suite, and the leak path is of no help when the leak is tiny. In principle it's very easy, but when you have to jump between lots of different snap settings you're bound to have trouble.
  18. That's a really easy thing to say, but if that's the case why are there so few mappers in comparison to everything else in the JKA community? I'm not wanting to start a fight, but the whole BSP concept, while great at runtime, is a chore to do right.
  19. For me its the entire need to seal leaks in BSP engines in general. No other game I've edited has such a need, and I find myself just making a giant caulk box around every map just so I don't have to go hunting for a leak that in the end I can never see in-game. It's maddening, and 99% of the time the leaks are so small that I can't even find them. Then there's VIS, which, in concept, is great. But given that JA's PC specs don't even reach the 1Ghz CPU level I typically through VIS out the window as it's also maddening to constantly make sure your map is efficient enough to make great VIS portals in the end. Radiant does have some high points, though. It's nice that it's almost a psuedo-modeling program, allowing you to create structure items on the fly. Doors are also ridiculously easy to put in. And then there's... ... no, that's really all I can think of.
  20. Lol. I'm not offended or anything. I just realize we're too small to realistically do this all from scratch.
  21. Jeff, if you're able, here's the Phase II Dark Trooper from Empire At War/Forces of Corruption. It's far better than the Star Wars Galaxies version and would fit in really well with the theme of the mod. I exported it to Wavefront .obj and dropped the textures in. Dunno how easy it'd be to rig, so if it's tough just let me know. https://www.mediafire.com/?ca5aownwo4xh49k
  22. Does it actually change anything in-game? I thought the only difference was in the amount of shields you get. I only played it on one difficulty, but according to old documentation they hadn't implemented difficulties yet. Maybe the docs are older than what was completed. If they are I should make a note of that.
  23. No, Pandemic's engine is terrain-based. There's no such thing as a leak there. Basically if you want a modeled/indoor map you make the meshes in a modeling program, then import them as objects. It's so much easier to use, but admittedly doesn't fit this kind of game all that well.
  24. I'm not at all involved with this besides being a cheering section, but I wanted to let the JK community to know about this. Since it's been discovered that the EULAs were updated to allow porting between Star Wars games, the community is porting what they can from Free Radical's Battlefront III. Some info Pretty much every texture has a specular map. SWBF2 supports specular, so it makes the models look that much better.Coruscant is the only map being ported right now. It's been recreated from the collision models that also happened to have UV mapping.Other maps have collision files we could use, but Coruscant was the only one that had all the models origins relative to where they should be. Other maps have them all centered at 0, 0, 0 apparently. If I weren't working on the Dark Forces mod, this is mod is where I'd be as I have a lot more experience with Zero, the Battlefront engine. If you're a fan of the Battlefront games or just want to give some love to such a project drop on over to the topic below at Gametoast. We're a great community like JKHub, but we're dedicated to Battlefront. http://gametoast.com/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=32209 Incidentally let me self-plug some of my old projects: The Battlefront Conversion Pack, which converts over every SWBF1 map, adds additional maps, a KotOR era, new heroes, modes, etc: http://gametoast.com/viewforum.php?f=39 The Xbox mod, which does almost the same thing on a console http://gametoast.com/viewforum.php?f=75
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