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Everything posted by Teancum

  1. Still, his version is assuredly better. (it's level 7, actually ) If I get his files I want to move the Zuckuss/4-LOM fight to Nar Shaddaa
  2. Nope -- just .map files. DarthLinux and I are Facebook friends now, and he's trying to get me in touch with DarkStarMojo, who has already agreed to send me what he has. Now hopefully he still has his completed Ramsees Hed. If he does I'll trash mine and not feel bad about it. If he also has his Icarus scripts that'll make Nar Shaddaa much further along as well. Really the only textures I'm missing now are some Treeboy used on the Executor. I've already replaced some of those with existing textures, but I kept the untouched .map file in case those textures turn up. All of this would be so much less frustrating if I didn't have to mess with maps lol. If those were done but none of the code was I'd be happy as could be, but I'll settle for finishing level 8 and hoping his level 7 is done. Then I could release an 81/2 level demo (Nar Shaddaa would still be unfinished I think). I also thought I could "warp" players to level 13 since that's pretty much done too. Basically at this point I'm waiting to see what DarkStarMojo has for me.
  3. Already have been in contact. Everything I now have is the most recent ... that is of the files that still exist. He's put me in touch with others from the team, but the useful stuff actually came from hhunter6. Everything else was older.
  4. I don't see why I would. Nobody wanted to help with mapping while I was working on it. I'll let @@Jeff know he can release Jan and the updated Phase II.
  5. Fair enough, but let me throw out a few counterpoints. The customization never has to be used by a player, and the original look is the default. As far as the robotics facility, I do what little I know how to with the tools. Most of the interior had already been done and was so to a very high quality. As I played through the original I see how it follows the spirit of the original, much like the other maps. For the exterior I'm doing what I can but in all honesty mapping using Radiant is an incredibly infuriating process. I try to keep the spirit of things, but when I try to stay true to things I get criticized for it not looking high-def enough, and when I go for something higher def I get criticized for it not staying true enough. Regardless I start my new career job a week from Monday and it so at that point I'll probably stop the mod. I hadn't planned on announcing it yet, but it's just too huge and undertaking and expectations are such that it's assumed that I'll finish most of the levels. That's just beyond my capabilities.
  6. I don't really have any plans for difficulties. There are still eight maps to do, so stuff like that is on the to-do list, but is very near the bottom. As far as characters moving around, that's easy to do with waypoints.
  7. Fair enough point. We'll have to see if someone can right the Phase II and Phase III to the Jet Trooper skeleton. ***EDIT*** Small fix, but the ammo counter will no longer display for melee. I'm working on knocking out the last of the code requirements. I got that job I wanted and I start a week from Monday, so I want to get that out of the way. Since I'll have less time I'm not going to make totally separate entries for the new weapons, they'll replace the existing ones for the mod, but I'll make the source code available if someone wants to use it in their mod. ***EDIT #2*** Since we're going single barrel with the updated Fusion Cutter I went back to the DEMP-2 as my stand-in model. Now the alt fire will shoot a beam like the disruptor. Mortar Gun damage has been increased to 95, which is just 5 less than the rocket launcher.
  8. That's not at all what he meant, actually. He meant rig it in 3DSMax/Softimage XSI to the original Rocket Trooper skeleton (hex editing won't help). But again, it's not necessary. They look great with the default skeleton. The Phase III might need torso animations that are wider so the arms don't clip, but the Phase II is fine. I haven't really looked much into the Phase III other than playing a round of multiplayer with @@Jeff's converted model. Since it'll be literally the last thing the player encounters and we may not get that far I don't want to spend a lot of energy on it.
  9. The Dark Troopers work fine using normal animations aside from their terrible aim. There are default animations for flying and landing. I'm not sure if they're just jump animations being use, but it looks fine.
  10. Wow. I've been playing the game for almost 20 years and never noticed that could be a mustache. I always saw it as shading. I see the possibility now though.
  11. But on the other hand the number of amazing modelers is low, and each has their own project. The less skillful have a chance to contribute by kitbashing as most people don't have the patience to 'git gud'. Plus the community here is really critical (in a good way) further limiting that patience.
  12. Totally. This would make an amazing player model. Shame though about 1313. I followed it before they changed the lead character to Boba Fett. Sounded so much better with a generic lead.
  13. I wouldn't do EA Battlefront stuff. The new games don't have the same EULA section the pre-EA games do, so they could bring trouble.
  14. Sorta. Rax has a "too many twinkies" kind of face, but this guy has the lines on his face from a rough life.
  15. Started optimizations on Ramsees Hed. Made the leap to a consistent 75+FPS. Cool. More optimizations to do before calling it good, but man, that's awesome.
  16. @@eezstreet -- thanks much! If you get a chance please send an updated model my way via PM. No rush. In fact if you're swamped I can always do the work myself later on. @@Psyk0Sith -- I think this guy (remove the tattoos, add hair) is a great model for Moff Rebus. He's the right build, the right age, and he's wearing the right shirt. His face feels very "I make weapons for a living." As far as pants, something brown-ish with black boots and some sort of work-based belt. Welding goggles like this might work well for his head. They'd fit in universe and the forehead position would let us see Rebus' eyes. I've included the original sprite reference on the right.
  17. Thought I'd give a general update on where we are. It's kind of hard to see what stage we're at when I'm always bouncing around with different things. So listed below is basically everything needed after the last release. MODELS Jeron Fusion Cutter - 30%Using the cancelled Battlefront III model. Model is obviously complete, but has not been convertedMortar Gun - 90%Original model is complete. Some users have suggested using JK Galaxies' weapon. Since I haven't checked with the JK Galaxies staff to even see if that's possible, we'll call this 90%Assault Cannon - 0%The DF team's model is giant and clunky, and clips weird in widescreen ratios. This one will need a full remodel.Phase II Dark Trooper - 100%@@Jeff converted the Empire at War: Forces of Corruption model, then added the Jet Trooper's legs. He then adjusted the texture color. Model-wise it's perfect!Phase III Dark Trooper - 100%Converted from the cancelled Battlefront III game by @@Jeff. Looks great!Kyle model(s) - 90%Need the DF Kyle kitbashed as an alternate head for the JO model, and vice versaGeneral Mohc - 30%HapSlash's original model was found, but it needs rigging, caps, and whatever else people who rig models might think it needs. Technically speaking it's a cutscene-only model, but others might want to use the model in multiplayer, thus the 30%. As far as "official" mod status it only needs rigged, so I'll call it 75% as far as that's concerned.Jan Ors (Dark Forces) - 100%Completed by the amazing @@JeffMoff Rebus - 30%A decent placeholder is used in a reskinned Rax Joris, but something unique would be coolCrix Madine (prisoner) - 50%The regular prisoner model would be fine aside from the head. For the head Luke's head model could be flipped on the X axis, making the hair flow in the opposite direction. From there we just add a bearded face that isn't Luke's and we've got a decent Crix analog. Although Crix would not have facial hair as a recently jailed Imperial officer, so maybe clean shaven? That's how they depict him in Dark Forces.MAPS Level 7 - Ramsees Hed - 65%Needs scripting, AI waypoints, detail work and optimizationsLevel 8 - Robotics Facility - 60%Needs exterior details, AI wapoints and optimizationsLevel 9 - Nar Shaddaa - 60%Level needs finished, but what's there is 100% complete (AI, scripting, etc)Level 10 - Jabba's Ship - 50%Level needs finished, but what's there is mostly complete (AI, scripting, etc)Level 11 - Imperial City - 5%Nothing is there except the initial landing zoneLevel 12 - Fueling Station - 15%About 25% of the geometry is done, but the center "wheel" of the station is askew, so much of this will have to be remodeled.Level 13 - The Executor - 75%95% of the level is complete. Only a few optimizations are needed. But there are no enemies, and no scripting has been doneLevel 14 - The Arc Hammer - 2% We have a single room, the pod that you ride over in from the Executor, so not even 10% completeCODE AND SCRIPTING Engine - 80%Weapons need to be coded as separate from JO/JA weapons the player uses. The Fusion Cutter will be WP_JAWA, the Mortar Gun WP_RAPID_CONCUSSION, and the Assault Cannon as a new WP_AI code for Dark Troopers needs updated and improvedInterface - 80%Improvements needed for Kyle customization Also here are some Executor screenshots, because why not?
  18. Thanks. I don't understand why people can't learn to go through the proper channels. Even when people throw out the "It's all property of Disney anyway" line they're just using it as an excuse. It's about respect for the fact that others worked really hard on their content. We all realize we hold no copyright claim, but we put hours and hours into our work and don't want our thunder stolen from us. There's more to it than that, obviously, but I like your policies. We run similar policies at Gametoast.
  19. Teancum

    Qui-Gon Jinn

    Great stuff. Like @minilogoguy18 -- I wanna know whether the face is rigged. It'd be awesome to watch Qui-Gon talk.
  20. So to clarify -- as a small part of a much larger whole. Makes sense as that basically is the same as US Fair Use Copyright Law.
  21. @@DEVISS -- unfortunately like at Gametoast this is from a newer game without the EULA that allows porting. They won't allow this file here, either.
  22. Teancum

    Demo mission?

    It's funny that JO's menus were great on consoles, because JA's Xbox menus looked like a 12 year old did them. They were very lazy ports of the menu structures with just stars behind it. #sorryForThreadDerailing
  23. I might be misunderstanding whether the updated EULAs play into this. I have a Phase II Dark Trooper from Empire At War and a Phase III from the cancelled Battlefront III. Both are part of the Dark Forces mod, and both have been properly credited to the original developers/Disney Interactive. Should I refrain from uploading here?
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