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Posts posted by Mandalorian

  1. 35 minutes ago, Tompa9 said:

    Hi mate. Have u improved your Boba model? Also can you do The Mandalorian skin version pls ? 🙂

    Yeah I have. New textures and a lot of work on the model to clean it up. It uses it's own unique _humanoid and animations for my mod but I could likely upload one to replace the vanilla Boba Fett. I have PBR and vanilla shaders. I also Have a Jango Fett model in the works, I still have to create Vanilla textures for. I might make a version with his appearance from The Mandalorian. Maybe I'll do ESB, ROTJ and Mandalorian, both damaged and new. Will take awhile.


    Circa, Jeff, Omega and 1 other like this
  2. I thought I'd share some of the stuff I have been doing in JKA with PBR renderer allowing me to make more modern graphics.
     I have been working on a Boba Fett Total conversion for awhile and I picked it up again so I will share progress here.









    Mainly been working on this scene for Jabba's Palace, All the aliens here are md3's and they have been animated so it feels more alive.


    A small video of the palace




    diogocs195, Jolly, ZelZel and 16 others like this
  3. @@Lord Of Hate This has nothing to do with criticism,  you and I discussed the hands on Scourge not being weighed in a PM, in which I said "As far as the hands they take a long time to weigh, and to be honest it never bothered me, so I don't think I'll be touching that up." I only got bothered because I gave you an answer, but you're still bringing it up in this thread. 

    have you tried to use the auto weighting tools in the data transfer tab options? It is a good way to do it. I usually use that and then use the weight paint tool and then the vertex weighting manually.

    TheWhitePhoenix likes this
  4. @@MagSul  Television films. There was two. They may have a bad wrap, but they are not bad for kids at all. The second movie is the better of the two. I'd count them because they are movies, even if only for TV and VHS. Droids was a tv series and I don't think they had a movie. I saw a bit of it as a kid. 

  5. Yeah I apologize for that. Maybe Scerendo will make these models? They seem to make some top quality models in this era. Ask them if they are doing anything like that. If so they will be some of the best quality models for this game.

  6. 22 days, anyone think they will deliver anything good with this film? So far there cast for Solo is really not got me excited, he not only looks and sounds nothing like Han, he doesn't appear to have the swagger. Hate the new Falcon personally. It is way too new looking all just so when Lando asks Han what hes done to his ship in ESB people can read into it differently than the story intends, Prequel style.

    I think the film will be a good film. It won't do Han justice and won't explore the underworld in anyway or have Jabba or Boba in it, but it will be a solid enough film. Lando will steal the show and I hope Emilia Clarke's role is limited.

  7. Got to be clear here, I used star wars galaxies animations here  as a bases for some of the poses I made and they are not mine,Frame 23523 up are mine.
    I should of been clearer and I don't want to claim others work as my own. I apologise for that. Any way this has derailed poor IG-100's thread so if you have any more questions or comments pm me :)

  8. Well I get that, It is more that some hack could abuse it or some producer could do a reboot using it.The hope is it isn't used again in anyway that violates the closed loop version of time travel.

    It could be fine in comics or books but I just don't want to see it in film or tv. Just my personal opinion on it though. I feel like Ashoka being so heavily apart of the rebellion and knowing Vaders past is a huge issue.They needed to of wrapped up her story.


    I liked the rebels over all. the last few episodes where a bit cheap in my opinion. Cool how they had most the characters in their but the space whales not so much. Sabine was particularily awesome.

    Noodle likes this
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