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Posts posted by Minoda

  1. Haven't posted in a while so thought I'd share some pics of a smaller map I made for a "lesson" in my RP Community. 

    The lesson itself was "moral dilemmas" where they Jedi students would watch a scene unfolding and then discuss whether or not they thought the people involved in the scenes acted in a "morally good" or "morally bad" light.

    The Grid like texture is what we use to indicate that it's a "simulation" since the students enter a room full of this texture on our temple server and are then "transported" by means of the Simulator, as it phases out and they are sent to the new map.

    This could also be used as a small duel map.



    DarthValeria, krkarr and Smoo like this
  2. I'm absolutely loving how you've nailed the aesthetic of Dantooine here! My RP community could really do with a new Dantooine Temple to use, I'd love to use some of these textures, any ideas where I could get them or if you'd be willing to share? @NumberWan 


    Feel free to DM 🙂

    NumberWan likes this
  3. On 7/1/2023 at 10:40 PM, Cor said:

    In regards to "The Wayward Star", I hope "personal ship map" doesn't mean you won't be releasing it 😛 .

    Wood in a spaceship is a nice surprise. And I especially like the conference room.

    It'll be released at some point. I'm not precious about others using it, If the community can benefit from it and have fun using it then, the more the merrier! 


    Thanks for your kind words 😄 

    Cor, Circa, GamerRedNeck and 2 others like this
  4. White Bantha Shipping Company

    A map I created quite a while back for a story arc in my RP Community. The headquarters of a crime syndicate based out of the Instrop Sector, using an organisation called 'The White Bantha Shipping Company' as a front for smuggling spice and other nefarious activities.

    The map saw the culmination of the arc as three of our Jedi formed a strike team to capture their leader and disrupt their operations for good.


    I'll be releasing this guy soon :)!

    - Minoda



    Landing Platform




    Entrance Hallwayimage.jpeg.19e202a0f1e5a49304c9e50e1c182205.jpeg



    Audience Chamber, Force field and Pit Trap (Activated by console behind ledge)



    Rancor Pit (Because ... Star Wars), Vent leading to Hanger






    krkarr, Cor, Sirius and 4 others like this
  5. 1 hour ago, NumberWan said:

    I like the way it gives away some Quake 3 and old Jedi Academy vibes. Really nice job!

    I also missed the screens with the city – Coruscant, right? The noodle shop 😍 Did you use Netradiant here?


    Nah this is an "upper city" on the planet Bacrana 🙂



    Equally there's no reason someone couldn't pretend it's Coruscant for RP purposes 😄


    I exclusively use NetRadiant Custom 🙂 It's the tool I've had the most luck with in terms of stability. GTK just crashes on my machine sadly.

  6. 3 hours ago, Circa said:

    These maps are so good. "Mediocre" is definitely inaccurate for this thread title! You should be proud. Can't wait to see this new one released!

    As the saying goes, it takes a village! I have great friends in my RP community who help me with these kinds of creative works with making beautiful models to help the places I create come to life! 

    I truly appreciate your kind comments!


    2 hours ago, ZelZel said:

    Agreed! The map looks great.

    Thank you so much! 

    Circa, SomaZ, ZelZel and 2 others like this
  7. Some sneak peaks at a new urban market district I'm creating. Kind of a nar shaddaa type feel to it. I'm still not feeling too confident in my own textures but I have done a few neon signs for it. 

    Most textures are from neotokyo and mb2_cmp_nar_shaddaa 🙂 Quite happy with how its turning out. This is a going to be a setting with my RP Community ::JEDI::











  8. A new map I've created for RP to be used as a 'trial' or 'lesson' for Force Sense. 

    - Start chamber

    - Pitch black labyrinth with multiple different passageways to the end

    - End chamber


    I haven't quite figured out how to get surfaceparm forcesight to work yet so the glyphs won't appear in MP but I'll get there eventually. For the time being, we need to spawn in NPC's throughout the labyrinth.

    Went for an old temple type feeling to it with atmospheric lighting from torches and crystal lamps.






  9. Hah, thank you!

    The dome is actually just a solid sphere brush chopped in half. I am really struggling with creating hollow domes at the moment. I'm quite confident with bevels, cylinders and arches but it's where to put them is what I'm having the issue with. I get to a point where I just sit and stare at the map until I think to add something to 'flesh it out' a bit more.

    As for the mountains, I believe they are vjun cliffs. I tried hoth mountains_a and mountains_b but for some reason they weren't rendering properly. 

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