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    Jack of all Trades
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    Competitive Play
    Capture the Flag
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    Superb mod, really modernizes the feeling of the game.
  1. 29 downloads

    Includes 3 christmas remaps I made a while ago. They are just .ent files so you will need to either run OpenJK/EternalJK server engine or recompile into bsp. Feel free to host these on your server, or to use them as a basis for any of your own projects. Maps Included: mp/ffa2 mp/ffa5 mp/ctf4 Merry Christmas
  2. 90 downloads

    This pack introduces 4 new models, each with a default, red, and blue skin: nmkyle nmjan nmimp nmtav All under 1MB
  3. That is an excellent trailer, hyped
  4. Could also try something like this depending on what result you want: https://trello.com/c/plVDa4VD/355-interpolate-animmap-frames
    Fantastic mod, small details like these help us to forget this fantastic game is so old. These details really bring a fresh breath of life to the game, and not to mention it's just in time for the all of the Summer Days contest shenanigans! As with all of Circas QOL & Improvement mods, I would highly recommend this to anyone looking to improve the feel of the game!
  5. This is cool! I had to make a pk3 with shaders/gfx.shader updated to include the new wake shader code for it to work in EternalJK. And as for the unofficial patch/mod, I think that is a great idea, I have been putting everything I would categorize as a 'rebase' such as this into a single pk3, with some additions of my own. Unfortunately I don't think I could share it since it's more or less a mod pack where I don't have permission from the authors, with many of them now being inactive or just not knowing who the original authors were for some of the things I added over time. I'd love to see an official version of this idea Circa has many great mods that fit this category
  6. 7,027 downloads

    TaystJK is a fork of EternalJK, which in turn is a fork of OpenJK that focuses on adding QoL features, jaPRO integration and Client Engine modifications to Jedi Academy Multiplayer. TaystJK supports Windows, MacOS (Intel & Apple Silicon), and Linux. To install, check out the JKHub OpenJK tutorial and follow the same steps. If you have any suggestions or would like to submit a bug report, please post them in issues. Some features it has over vanilla and OpenJK: Native widescreen support An in-game camera photo mode First person lightsaber RGB lightsabers and blade styles An in-game server browser More options in the menus Native jaPRO support (which is a server mod focused on defrag racing) Optional blood effects Emoji support New HUD options Move and resize the chat Change the chat font and many more License OpenJK is licensed under GPLv2 as free software. You are free to use, modify and redistribute OpenJK following the terms in LICENSE.txt. For players Installing and running TaystJK/EternalJK: Download the latest release. Extract the file into the Jedi Academy GameData folder. For Steam users, this will be in <Steam Folder>/steamapps/common/Jedi Academy/GameData/. Run taystjk.x86.exe For Developers Contributing to TaystJK Fork the TaystJK project on GitHub Create a new branch on your fork and make your changes Send a pull request to upstream (tayst/master) Maintainers Tayst EternalJK Contributors eternal bucky loda
  7. G'day mate Are you an Aussie, Kiwi or Asia Pacific player sick of 200 ping? Tired of getting 1-2 duels with the random that joined an Aus server only for them to vanish without a trace? Well today I'd like to introduce you to the Jedi Knight Oceanic discord server. This is where players from the Oceanic region and beyond come for their Jedi Knight fix. We have sections for Jedi Academy, Jedi Outcast, Movie Battles II and Vertex, running both casual and ranked pickup games. As activity grows, we plan on running more events and tournaments with sick prizes. But we can't do it without you! So join today: https://discord.gg/DS4KbAUJz3
  8. This looks great! Can’t wait to play it, I may even stream my play through
  9. This looks great. I would recommend downloading another HUD mod, opening the .pk3 and using that as a guideline for the required files and their structure.
  10. All good, thanks. I managed to extend the blade in blender, and then used trial and error to match its length to the default saber length. I use the command /cg_forceownsaber Murasama to visually give me the sword, and then /saber single_8 to show single_8 to everyone else, and to use single_8’s length. This way I can use any hilt/sword in hilt I like, without it defaulting time the kyle saber on everyone else’s end. unfortunately adding the hilts to the server isn’t an option for me. Hope that helps explain what I’m trying to achieve and why. Basically I just want the sword to draw to the same length as the saber that I am actually wielding.
  11. Let’s say I have a sword that I want to be the same length as saberlength 40, how would I achieve this? Would I have to recreate the model to be longer?
  12. Thank you so much! You just made this process so much easier. QVM was a big hassle, and finding a free GUI for ffmpeg seemed impossible.
    SanadaSan's reskins give a fresh breath of life to the base textures. Would highly recommend them.
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