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Posts posted by RAILBACK

  1. native .ase export

    Plugins to import/export .md3 models plugins to import/export .glm models plugins to import/export.



    Yea Blender has that too but what I really want is an IMPORT! So I can model meshes I already have from Radiant. Anyhow, I'll just make some from scratch I guess. The reason why ( other issue post?) is because for some reason ingame, this is the first time I see ASE models ingame that wont show alphashadow. It's showing the full face plane instead of just branches. So that's why I'm sticking with MD3 models for now.

  2. There was a guy back on Filefront Forum, before it became Gamefront - he had build Yodas Hut and some of the surrounding area in radiant.


    I was supposed to help him with a few mushroom models and other random clutter before he disappeared.

    It was quite a shame.

    Yes I also started Endor before Monsoontide, just never released anything. Some of my forest textures are very old. Forest, ground and foliage are very disorganized. It's messy and full of planes. I actually have mushrooms ported from quake and re-textured. Yes... I know it's ported but way back then ( 2003 ) all I knew was Radiant.

  3. S3PJUSz.jpgWell... heres the start. Thought I would at least start a WIP. I started doing a patchwork of trees which worked out quite well. I also started Yodas home as well with patchwork which is a ton harder than doing it in Blender. So I'll do my best in Blender as I'm still learning it and then UV and bake as an ASE or MD3 for Yodas pad. The reason is simple, it will look much better than crazy, unmatched vertex patches from Radiant. I wish Radiant wasn't so limited, oh well. Screen of radiant today... stand by....

    Lancelot, k4far, krkarr and 7 others like this
  4. @RAILBACK Okay I got the time to look into this and...... I have no idea what to put as directories lol. Did you mean something like this?

            map $lightmap
            map menu/art/jasp/load.jpg
            blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_ZERO
            map menu/art/jasp/load.jpg
            blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE
            animMap 0.5 menu/art/jasp/load00.jpg menu/art/jasp/load01.jpg menu/art/jasp/load02.jpg menu/art/jasp/load03.jpg menu/art/jasp/load04.jpg menu/art/jasp/load05.jpg

    Cause it didn't do anything.

    map_menu isnt a default quake directory, thats why.

  5.    Well, no one said yous guys can't make two levels, one for the hut itself, and the other for the area around it :rolleyes:

    If anyone does make Yoda's hut, may I request that it be human size? That way, if anyone plays it online using a Yoda skin/ model, it'll feel very organic ^_^

    I was actually thinking that we may be able to do some accommodating when it comes to actually using Yodas home. I think if you crouch that will be good enough. At least then, you can go inside.

    the_raven, Jeff and RebelChum like this
  6. LOL So I am considering also releasing the map in sections on release day as well as the "whole map together". So an updated finished council room/cermony hall/roof top hanger as one, maybe for those who just wanna rp in the temple a map of "just" that and cut out the courtyard and other sections of the map. Might help RP'ers for load time's etc.

    And then the other forementioned area's (hotel section and or hanger/senate hall and room) as seperate bsp's. I dnk if that's overkill but it is easilly doable and would help a lot of folks out. As well in those said sections I can really increase the light map scaling since those will be much smaller compiles. 

    target_level change?

  7. Honestly I wouldn't even be sure where to start with the hut. Obviously it would have to be built massively oversized to fit all the detail in there and then made into an .ase to scale down. But looking at the curves of the windows etc. and and not only doing the rounded edges but also having them angled is just intimidating lol

    Uuhh.. you building this level Chum? Cause that's less work for me then. I'll just hand over some quick textures and you can have at 'er. And NO, make Yodas home, but only as a model you can look into, not go inside.

    RebelChum likes this
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