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Posts posted by RAILBACK

  1. Open your .map file in notepad. Look for anything unusual. Copy the entire map and save it as (another name). Open up your new map in notepad and start deleting suspect errors. If you have a huge file that you would rather not redo from scratch....

    Sometimes brush clean up helps.

  2. I'm messin around in Radiant again. Fixing some old files, learning and RElearning again. I havn't really mapped in years, since mapcraft at least. So I wanted to look at some old default levels as well as make some Radiant files into models. So I had some old batch files as well as programs to make conversions. But for the life of me I just couldn't understand WHY I couldn't get anything to convert. How strange.... Q3map tools...Radiant reinstalls...batch files....NOTHING worked. It just kept giving me the same error no matter what I did. No directory found: Incorrect directory: No files found. Frustration = 9/10. I moved files around and triple checked my files for errors. Nothing. My last ditch effort was to start opening up new and old .ase and .map files in notepad to try and compare and see what or why it wasn't working. The problem? As soon as q3map2 started to run, it got lost trying to find this little blurb: common/caulk. I don't have any common/caulk available for Radiant to access. So as soon as it tried looking for it, it quit. So I went and opened up all my maps and ase files in notepad that referenced that direct file and replaced them all with system/caulk. Voila. Fixed.

  3. I never thought this topic would go on after my comments in the last thread. I feel pretty strong about this subject as well. And I agree we should abide by the site rules no matter what. They are there for a reason. I'm NOT concerned about any company taking some sort of silly legal action against the public for porting. Reason? Far as I'm aware, no one is making money off of porting. That's really the bottom line isn't it? Or are we worried we're offending people by porting? As far as my files go, even though I put days/weeks/months of work into my material, port away sir. Or is that Starboard?


    My other thought is: The origins of Star Wars come from G.L. So if I make a file from scratch and made my own Star Wars sounds and music so that absolutely nothing is borrowed from anyone or anything then I guess I have no worries. YES, I know this is about porting something specific. I'm talking about expanding on already great ideas. If we couldn't get ahold of Star Wars sounds and music we would have to make our own. Its already a time consuming task to mod in itself. Someone originally had an idea and that idea has been expanded upon. The only ones making money are the companies that have permission to do so.


    Have I made a point or am I way off here?

    Link likes this
  4. Well heres an example. The creator George started it all, correct? So now RAVEN (or whomever is making STAR WARS themed game Product etc.) is now plagiarizing? We take ideas and improve on them. There are no eggshells. Just points of view. Yes? Because the last thing we want to do is offend or be offended. So we talk about it and work it out with more clear explanations. Maybe we should revise the actual word or idea? Because if someone made an idea or product and put VERY little work into it and tried to pass it off as their own, or even make money on it: That's unethical.

  5.  Its dam amazing that I'm watching full HD 2D animations of my favorite game. I looked at all their work so far. It makes any JA modding look very cartoonish. And BTW, using existing work is definitely the way to go. Its Star Wars: check. Its the original game: check. It's much easier to port over: check. Can they possibly POLISH up some other popular mods made by other players? : why not?

  6. I like S/P and M/P. The best part about SP is adding so much interactivity. I would like to see more things like is it : merchant rescue?? Where you repair a downed ship by retrieving parts for it. Those red ghost images looked like I was solving a childs block game, putting a square piece in the round hole. I think a water level with better swimming animations would look cool.


    Which actually now sparks an idea. I have some old water textures. I would have to change the gravity during play and then you wouldn't have that crazy default fog you see everytime  your head enters a liquid. And then change some animations. I want to see actual swimming, not just treading water. And then shaders. Fun with shaders.

    Onysfx and Circa like this
  7. I like the ideas. How about participation? I was following: Star Wars the new era, it died. I know it's from scratch but what you have here already is quite a lot of assets. I would LOVE to see a JK4 or something close to it. Engine is old but who cares?

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