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Posts posted by RAILBACK

  1. Sweet. Reminds me of ALIENS since I love the whole story and continuing saga. I once did a whole ton of textures for the SULACO. Unfortunately, they are lost. ALIENS vs PREDATOR CLASSIC 2000! Alien Isolation I didn't dig too much. I have the trilogy as well as Prometheus. I would love to do another SULACO level, if I had the time... which I don't. :sad face: :(

  2. Thanks everybody for contributing! 


    Day 4 Model:


    Today I wanted to create something that will allow mappers to make their cantinas look less samey by giving a new choice of drink instead of the classical wine bottle from Nar Shadda. This time I used texturing techniques that I had never tried before, so I'm sure there's a lot to improve in the future!






    Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/08jdjlxasp5w216/Daily_Challenge4.rar?dl=0

    Reminds me of the bar_bottles I made eons ago.



    Noodle likes this
  3. Bad news - I couldn't find a job in time, so I'm quiet literally going homeless tomorrow. I don't know how this happened. Any ways I'm going to have to postpone the projects finishing steps until I can get back on my feet. Not sure when that will be, all of the shelters are full up because of the weather here in illinois. 

    Anyone that can create such things should not be homeless. I'm old & experienced enough to understand many things. It's a dam shame you don't live closer to me, you would so NOT be homeless, OR jobless. RB, Vancouver BC.

  4. Project canceled -  I just don't want to work on mapping any more. Too many years spent in fact wasted doing it with little to no pay off. I will be deleting the demo asap. Sorry, I don't belong any where in this community any more so theirs really no need for me to continue working for it. 



    Wish you all the best - AngelModder

    Excuse the requote. I totally understand and that's too bad. I STRONGLY disagree with 'years wasted doing it with little payoff'. Take care.

    Lancelot likes this
  5. A better solution would be to use a larger texture resolution and tile the texture half as much.

    Adding a diagonally moving layer would ruin the illusion of the directional flow.

    Agreed. I LOVE LAVA! I take my kids for walks and pretend the ground is lava and you can only step on rocks and wood. 


    I just looked at it again ingame. Then, I looked at Lava test 1 video which I think is even better! So, forget what I said about more movement, LOL. It's pretty dam awesome dude! I think a heat wave distortion would be really cool if you could add that. You know, like force_push where it slightly distorts your view, only it would be a steady wave as soon as you get close.

  6. Something I was playing with that will make it into a future release of Q3ME, but will be left out for the first release due to the amount of time it will take to finish.



    This allows me to visualise the way the vertex alpha shader looks ingame inside of 3ds max while painting the alpha values in Realtime. which is insanely cool imo.

    If you could simulate more movement without so much repetition. I guess have another alpha move in a diagonal direction?

  7. Yea nice Art. Yes, that's the generator from JK2. You don't have to port it and put something else there. I do notice that some misc_model statics or misc models have textures or shaders missing. Just make the corrections, or put something else in. You either optimized that level or have a better card than I do. 82FPS is real nice.

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