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Everything posted by Omicron

  1. I thankyou for giving me permission to do so, but I have no experience whatsoever with Radiant, mapping or editing bsps. :|
  2. Ahh, that kinda blows :/ The extra areas looked really awesome when I tried to grapple to them.
  3. Does z3n still run your ffa3 map plugin Moon? I have it installed as a client, but i would love to explore the extra areas.
  4. Audacity is good, it's what i always use for this sort of thing.
  5. Oh, and Jazzy could probably contribute in some way as well. I would like to help with this on the musicians side, (I play tuba and bass guitar, read notation), but I don't have a mic or any means to record...
  6. Inyri hasn't been on here since 18th of July, so it's unlikely you'll get a response.
  7. Do you know what specifically the song is? that video looks like a scene from a film.
  8. What's the name of the track from your Expedition 1.06 map? I really like it.
  9. What's the error message? I could try re-uploading it to see if that helps.
  10. He says he prefers the ported one, but appreciates Shiftee's one more, as it was made from scratch by a modder
  11. http://jkhub.org/topic/2332-lord-starkiller/
  12. http://jkhub.org/topic/2916-jk2-done-quick/?do=findComment&comment=38564 Razor posted some of his speedruns there.
  13. It's better than what it looked like originally... http://jediknight3.filefront.com/screenshots/File/107655/7
  14. Well, SW Soudnboard has Lobot sounds, but they're just random computer sounds and beeps really. http://starwars.com/play/online-activities/soundboards/#/?theme=41
  15. If it's just the Darth Pren skin (judging from what you said) then look at it's shader, as it's probably something wrong with that.
  16. Aye, a poll would be best. And should I re-upload my skin @@AshuraDX which I submitted a few days ago?
  17. Coding, texturing, modeling, and shaders.
  18. Ok, so it isn't possible to make it not full bright with my current shader :/ Thanks for that response, I'll probably either make a new texture for it, or just give it the normal rgb shader, and let the game make it red/blue for team skins itself.
  19. Omicron

    New Background

    Can there be people/characters/npcs in them?
  20. I never claimed the Maul was CWA's, I don't even know who that is.
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