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Posts posted by Omicron

  1. Pendulum does pretty sweet covers:




    kinda surprised that this hasn't been posted yet


    Was hoping Pendulum would've done some more of their older stuff, but I guess they have to appeal to the more mainstream audiences at UMF. Was still terrific nonetheless, their transition to Slam was class. Also thought I heard Ransom at the start of SITW.

  2. Reminds me of these things:


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    I like this comparison more:




    Bek likes this
  3. You misinterpret my words. 


    I'm implying that unless you're really competitive, you will not need that much time or work in order to get better. Especially, since the population has dwindled and the use recycled tactics is more obvious.


    Once you learn basics, the game is rather straight forward and you will learn as you fight. 

    I see your point here. I agree with you in the first/last sentence, however that doesn't mean it doesn't take a lot of work to become as good as the top players (also doesn't make a it a bad thing either imo). "Use of recycled tactics", eh. I guess so, but it's all about perfecting said tactics and being better than your opponents, which takes time and becomes harder the further up the ladder you go.

  4. So it takes a lot of skill because one guy managed to get over 300? 100-130 should be enough and requires very little skill.

    Consistency of damage dealt, doing it while hitting moving players (with good movement), that's where it gets hard. You could use this exact logic in most fps games: Headshots are easy, it gets hard and requires skill when you take into account player movement, tactics, their experience, etc. You're no longer the only person with this 'ability' to deal high amounts of damage, so other factors are put on the table. The headshots is just the final execution.


    If I can do it, then everyone can do it.

    No. As someone who has played on and off for a few years now, I can 'poke' but when I'm up against better players it becomes far more difficult for me to execute it well. See above point & analogy to get what I mean here (as an example).


    Perfecting it to the level that which you are explaining to me takes too much time and work that I feel is not truely necessary in these times.

    "These times". So you think getting good (and implying to reach the top level?) shouldn't require a lot of time and work? I'm sorry but that's just stupid. 

    Futuza likes this
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