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Everything posted by Omicron

  1. I'll check it out at the weekend, busy this week. You should also upload it to here :L And thanks!
  2. Yes, but you can note that in the readme. Can't do much about it except add z's to your pk3 name
  3. In MP, the icon flashes and looks like this, looks fine to me. (This was the first shader you sent, and other icons work fine) the second shader worked fine too, looked same as above for recovery icon
  4. Oh, I thought you just meant the normal rage icon, I didn't test the recovering one. I'll test it again and that one soonish
  5. I was using it in MP, didn't test SP. I only tested drain and rage btw
  6. They refer to the brightness value (ithaik) of the pixels in the layer mask. GT0 = Greater than 0, LT128 = Less than 128, GE128 = Greater or equal to 128 No idea Sure EDIT: Works fine for me
  7. There is no such thing as "alphaFunc GE192" (last stage for rage), the only valid values you can use for alphaFunc are GT0, LT128, and GE128.
  8. Copy and paste your icon shader here. Also, I'm not sure if it IS the gfx shader, or if it actually needs to be it. Try making it as a separate shader with a bunch of z's at the start so one of the base ones doesn't overwrite it
  9. Your icon shader may be need to be added to the gfx.shader (I think it's called that), as some things like icons and console are read from a specific shader
  10. Omicron


    If the rancor model got replaced with this... I would be a very happy person
  11. And that model was already ported to JKA, got removed from this site though as it was a direct port (as well as not crediting the original authors(s))
  12. You could shrink the gold leg texture down to the size of the gold reflection, make a selection around the gold parts of the leg, and on the reflection, apply alpha to anything that isn't in the selection (invert selection>delete), and then do the same for the silver. So you would have your leg texture with both silver and gold on it, plus a reflection texture which is split into gold and silver. That should work unless the leg textures are something like 512x256 and the reflection is 128x128 (height is greater on leg texture, where reflection has it equal). Of course,don't save your leg textures as when they are resized. I think there may also be a way to make masks with shaders, where it only gets applied onto the texture above it depending on the alpha levels of it but I'm not sure about that
  13. Is "c-3po_leg2_silver" and "c-3po_leg2_gold" the "c-3po_leg2" split into two separate textures?
  14. Agree entirely except for the bloom :<
  15. Omicron


    Teapot, so much more British and cool But it is fun to whack people over the head with a suitcase..
  16. I fee like such a noob now, I just found out about ShaderEd...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Omicron


      How ideal that would be, but SED sorta does that, as you get live previews

    3. therfiles


      That would be amazing!

    4. Angel Soul

      Angel Soul

      LOL don't worry man :D It happens

  17. I was just quoting from the readme for the description
  18. The one Shiftee used on his stalker's helmet could work nicely here
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9HA1CUltjQ Claypool <3
  20. I felt like posting one of the star wars themed wallpapers on my cycle, mostly cause @@TheMcFish painted it :L
  21. http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/Playable_Model_Pack;104459 or: http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/Marka_Ragnos;88425
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