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Everything posted by Kualan

  1. Just a head's up, they won't look very much like the actors with just a texture on the default Spanki head - I mean, you might be able to get together a passable JDM, but Peter Capaldi's facial structure is too distinct from the Spanki head.
  2. New issue of Tales From The Clone Wars - Issue Seven: Lifting The Veil - is now uploaded to http://talesfromtheclonewars.net/

  3. New issue of Tales From The Clone Wars now uploaded to Issue Seven - Lifting The Veil - is now uploaded to http://talesfromtheclonewars.net/

    1. TheWhitePhoenix


      Nice to see you still working on these, Kualan. :)

  4. Issue Seven - Lifting The Veil - is now uploaded to http://talesfromtheclonewars.net/ Imgur link also available here: http://imgur.com/a/EC8DT As always - thoughts, reviews and feedback are always welcome.
  5. Aye but you need set a .gla override and point it to the JK2 skeleton and/or use the 'Append' feature. Hm. Silly question, but does the version of Blender you're using match the version of the plugin?
  6. What exactly are you trying to import? A vehicle? JK2 model? Anything that doesn't use the vanilla JKA skeleton?
  7. There are different kinds of .fbx. You need to use the converter to change it into one that will work with Blender (such as FBX 2013).
  8. You need to use this: http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/pc/item?siteID=123112&id=22694909 To either convert it into a .fbx format that Blender will recognise, or convert into a more universal format like .obj
  9. That's what I thought too, but no luck so far.
  10. I voted Revenant, but I'd prefer a prequel-era option personally.
  11. What model are you attempting to use? For /playermodel to work in SP, there needs to be a .npc file created for that character. If it is one downloaded from the Hub it might not have that.
  12. What exactly is in the _humanoid folder?
  13. Nice! Just did the Y-Wing too, have you got the different skin variations? EDIT: Ah yes, can see they're included in the folder. Nice work!
  14. Could you elaborate on this a little?
  15. Hullo folks, So I've just started dipping my toe in the world of entity modding and I have what I hope is a fairly straightforward query. I have successfully set up the .ent file and it compiles correctly into the .bsp, however now I'm just trying to figure out which part of the entity file to edit to change which NPCs are spawned for which marker. In particular, I'm looking at academy1.bsp as an example. What I want to do is replace all those Jedi Master clones that appear in the crowd with individual NPCs to give the academy more variety. I can find the 'teacher1', 'teacher2' etc entities but I can't find what affects the model they use - for example, the one master that uses the Jedi Trainer model instead of the Jedi Master model has nothing in the entity list to identify this difference. Which part of the entity value do I need to edit, and how do I specify which model/NPC to use instead for each individual spawn?
  16. Aye, I know you haven't replaced the random Jedis yet, I was just wondering if in the course of your modding you have uncovered a way to do so for individual spawns. Ah well!
  17. I'm impressed with how you're able to change where so many vanilla cutscenes take place. Is there a way to fundamentally change the spawners other than replacing the NPC files? For example, most of the background Jedi are spawned from jedi_random.npc, but is there a way to make each spawner point to a specific .npc file?
  18. For the best result you will want to import the .ase (not the .md3) version of the model you're replacing into Blender and ensure the model you're replacing it with matches it in terms of scale and rotation before exporting.
  19. One bit of feedback on the Tiplee Twins - I've noticed some clipping/deforming at the back of the neck during the idle animations (BOTH_STAND1IDLE1 in Modview for an example).
  20. The exact same way - replace the Z-95 md3 and it will replace the static landed version that Jaden disembarks in.
  21. Wedge's X-Wing runs off the x-wingnogear.md3 in models/map_objects/ships/ rather than the vehicle .npc file, so you just replace that with a different md3 given the same name and voila.
  22. Fantastic work @Scerendo . You exceed yourself with every new release.
  23. If it used to be on JK3Files, you should be able to find it here: http://mrwonko.de/jk3files/
  24. Those Tiplar twins turned out really well, given the limitations of the base game - and Cassian looks sweet!
  25. I've submitted an update for Plo Koon which will feature model adjustments, higher-res textures, full dismemberment and roleplaying support. I've also been playing around with modding the wider game, building on @@Circa 's old prequel mod as an inspiration:
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