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Everything posted by CaptainChar

  1. actually nothing vanished ironicly, and good your gunna make it work, the map crashed my radient on compile once, lol cause the Q2map process exceed 2gigs of ram usage
  2. after compiling the source map again (which took about an hour) with only change being distancecull set to 10000, all fps issues were solved, however some minor broken brushes I noticed in the cave section of the map, that and the source files do not match the bsp version, as in some textures havent been placed as nicely in the source, but rather then that, its purely cosmetic to fix
  3. eh Give me a few mins with the source i'll see if I can get er goin smoothly
  4. Fixing a map isnt that bad, usually involves some brush tweaking to either lighten lag specific areas, or as Scizo says, Caulk the shit out of everything but I agree with MoonDog, it should be finished by someone Edit: only one area of that map dips in the FPS, everywhere else is a smooth 50-60+ fps but i beleive its cause the map is rendoing a long draw distance for the size and angle i was looking, basicly looking accross the entire map, and since its so open, Im guessing its drawing everything at once, I could suggest distance cull tweaking if it has been changed for this map already, but im no pro here, Vis is a complete foreign thing to me
  5. I think I'll finish the Death Egg map, dispite its Robot stuck in digital limbo for the time being, thats what V2 is for :P

  6. To map, or not to map, that is the question

    1. CaptainChar


      I should I have so much on my metaphorical plate

  7. I step away, addicted to borderlands 2, and Inyri makes progress, hmph
  8. Im all in favour for chapels, churches and gothic castles and Ironiclly, the Haunted Graveyard Map I made, was originally designed to be a zombie survival map, it was designed in a way for mobs to spawn out of player sight, so it seemed like an endless horde (I took notes from the directors commentary in left 4 Dead)
  9. I wonder if theres a Video Game Anon, Cause im dam addicted to playing them more then i am building them :P

  10. insomonia, yay...however its spelt >.>

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Astral Serpent
    3. eezstreet


      you should take a look at Cael's posts sometimes, he mentions that word a lot

    4. CaptainChar


      maybe if i laid off the video games a bit

  11. So THQ went bankrupt, and Ubisoft wants to buy em now

    1. Inyri


      Maybe they could finally make another good Red Faction game, then.

    2. CaptainChar


      "good" emphasis :P usually whenever a company restructures itself, it goes to the shitter anyways, good example is in the recent years when capcom got a new president, everything became marvel VS BS 5 :P

  12. it will be a little late on release, but I do have a WIP winter map

  13. cheeseburgers while sick dont mix

    1. CaptainChar


      yeah I caught something over the holiday, since if one person gets it, everyone does

  14. huzzah, I got sick this year... dammit

    1. CaptainChar


      and apparently its a good cold, since it hurts to breath

  15. Spior, you living under a rock? almost everyone has played a Zelda game or a clone of it
  16. It started off as a white christmas, now the sun came out, and that spell was canceled out

  17. I never looked hard enough on the xbox to see the geth I just shoot stuff that moves, it usualyl keeps me alive >.>
  18. isnt that the model from the actual game?
  19. I couldnt leave it, at how it was >.> and See @@Szico VII its caulk, if you say to caulk it, im gunna be confused
  20. So its christmas, and ive been too busy playing games to actually do any mapping >.<

  21. hmm no compressed air, kirby to the rescue in blower mode to clean out the dust in my pc :P

  22. there comes a time in everyones life, when they need to purchase a new bed, >.<

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