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  1. Sounds pretty awesome! You better have the quidditch field in there
  2. Got nothing better to do, so I can beta test the map for you.
  3. So been trying it out now a bit, would it be possible to release a version with smaller fontsize? It's really taking up a lot of space for me (playing in windowed mode, don't judge me! x) ). Also I had to delete the HUD from the JA+ clientplugin to get this to work, just a note to everyone.
  4. I am too, I've even read all the books ME ftw<3 and yes that HUD is awesome, I will use it all the time!
  5. @@Inyri I like your added coloring to it . Looks nicer ingame!
  6. Created a skin for the geth. very very simple coloring, but looks ok to me Here's the zipfile with PSD & jpg: http://www.2shared.c...Q7/Veigeth.html also skinfile text.
  7. Legion fits into this http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110131161255/masseffect/images/7/7e/Legionstanding_pc.jpg Also great looking shots! Maybe some more color variants? Legion Assassin is blue and Geth Juggernaut is Red (team colors!). There's a bunch of different Geth color variants http://masseffect.wikia.com/wiki/Geth#Subtypes
  8. Don't even think that Dragon Age 2 and Mass Effect is anything alike. I know DA2 was a disappointment too many, but Mass Effect is way way better. Also, different dev teams. @@Inyri: awesome! Don't forget the N7 logo.
  9. You are missing out on a great trilogy of games. I really think you should play them.
  10. Awesome! I'm trying it out atm. Feels great jumping around as Altair.
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