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Everything posted by Inyri

  1. Doesn't seem worth worrying about, to me.
  2. I will be adding more smoother into all my future mod releases, in addition to the standard amounts of smoother already included.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Inyri


      Do I have to model Garrus to get you to shut up about calibrations?

    3. CaptainChar


      well that would be nice, but I like to tinker with things in RL... hmm how badly would a turian clip?

    4. CaptainChar


      yeah umm no further comments commander *goes back to mapping*

  3. Haha I have one custom player model in my base folder - my own. And don't worry, @@eezstreet, I find a lot of things Raven did/didn't do to be retarded.
  4. Yep. I'll eventually release another update for it, but it's already on JKHub. https://jkhub.org/files/file/94-m-8-avenger-assault-rifle/
  5. Hm, haven't gotten that error myself with the M8. I wish the community had done more research in the past few years to determine what causes that error and why (and why some people get it and some don't).
  6. For user acceptance all the lights should have SOME kind of source (example a blob of light shouldn't appear by itself, but a blob of light coming from a torch or lightbulb would make sense). As for HOW to technically do it, I'm not a mapper so I have no clue. We do have a lot of good mappers here that I'm sure can give more insight. Being able to do good lighting would be an invaluable skill and can take a map from good to astounding.
  7. The lighting needs a lot of improvement (although it's by far not even remotely close to the worst that I've seen) but I really like the fundamental look of it. Looks very nice and with some really nice environmental lighting I think you'll have a real winner on your hands.
  8. Inyri

    Geth Trooper

    SEE HOW I GET YOU CONFUSED, CLOUD!? I should've just put Thing 2. I'll fix it
  9. Geth is released! Yay!

    1. CaptainChar


      I blame you, the SSV Normandy 1 will be present in the near future

  10. Closing this thread in favor of the release thread. Continue conversation there! http://jkhub.org/top...d-geth-trooper/
  11. The Geth Trooper is now released! https://jkhub.org/files/file/1296-geth-trooper/ Please feel free to discuss the release. I appreciate all feedback as well as suggestions or bug fixes for the next version. Currently LOD support is planned for v2. To review the progress during the build of this mod please feel free to take a look at the WIP thread.
  12. 1,631 downloads

    We are geth. This model is a completely custom made replica of the geth trooper from the Mass Effect series. It is particularly modeled off of the geth engineer variant found most easily in the Mass Effect 3 multiplayer game. All content is completely custom. This means the mesh was 100% made from scratch, the textures were fully painted by hand by myself with no photosourcing at all, and even the soundset is completely custom made with no sounds sourced directly from the game. This model took me about two weeks to sculpt, two weeks to paint, and two weeks to do all the retexturing and packaging for Jedi Academy. I began work on July 31st and am officially calling it done today, on September 12th. This is the most challenging, most rewarding, and most successful project I have completed to date. I'm very happy with the results and I'm hoping the Mass Effect fans out there -- and maybe even some folks who aren't into Mass Effect -- will enjoy playing with this model as much as I've enjoyed creating it. There are seventeen (yes, you read that right) skins included with this package. Ten of them are made by me, one is made by @Veilor, one is made by @Cloud Senatu, and five are made by @Ruxith. Skins mimicking real Mass Effect NPC's are as follows (some are loosely based on their in-game counterparts in cases where a new mesh would be required): geth trooper geth rocket trooper (ME3) geth prime (red team skin) geth hunter (ME3) geth pyro (loose interpretation) geth destroyer (Veilor's skin) Legion (pre-gaping hole) NPC's for these skins are also available. They can be spawned with the following commands: npc spawn: geth geth-hunter geth-pyro geth-rocket geth-prime geth-destroyer geth-legion This model is fairly high poly for a game this old. During testing several testers experienced some very significant FPS loss - myself included - when spawning multiple geth. Nobody reported any crashes in multiplayer, but having five geth on screen took my FPS from 90 to 30. This is going to be unavoidable at close range. There are plans to add a future version with LOD's (which hopefully won't fall through) so once that happens it should mitigate some of the performance loss when geth models are at a greater distance. I'd also like to take this moment to mention that the geth is segmented to achieve two things: If you like dismemberment, the geth comes apart at all the right places and has caps. Chop him up. All meshes are fewer than 500 polies, meaning dynamic shadows are supported (if that's your thing). Please see the read-me for additional information on crediting & known bugs. My Other Mass Effect Mods: https://jkhub.org/files/file/1286-%7B%3F%7D/ https://jkhub.org/files/file/1128-%7B%3F%7D/ https://jkhub.org/files/file/94-%7B%3F%7D/ https://jkhub.org/files/file/95-%7B%3F%7D/ https://jkhub.org/files/file/1336-%7B%3F%7D/ https://jkhub.org/files/file/1463-%7B%3F%7D/
  13. Yeah pretty sure I'm going to go ahead and release tonight. I've been having a rough week so I really don't know when I'll have the motivation to make those LOD's and you guys have all been waiting so patiently. Look for it within the next hour or so, most likely.
  14. Technically I didn't buy it til this year. I inherited my brother's copy years ago when he decided he was bored of it -- understandably so. After playing Jedi Outcast I probably wouldn't have bought it when it was new. Didn't like Jedi Outcast's multiplayer, and the Jedi Academy single-player definitely left a lot to be desired. But I did buy it when it was on sale for like $2.50 on Steam so I didn't have to keep track of the discs when I wanted to start modding again.
  15. Yeah we don't want to go the route of PotD's, honestly. All I learned about them from managing JKFiles for years was that the staff hated picking them, and the only thing the community liked to do was complain about them.
  16. Learn to model and you can make whatever models you want.
  17. Ok so serious question people. I need to prep LOD's for this thing but I'm severely lacking motivation to do it. Would you rather me wait til I find the motivation and release once I'm done, or release v1 without the LOD's and release v2 with? (That'd also give me time to add any suggestions/bug fixes/etc to v2)? I have no personal motivation to do one or the other - I'm just curious how you all feel. If you'd prefer I release w/o the LOD's I could probably release tonight. Probably. Maybe.
  18. With you around? Quite a bit, I'm guessing.
  19. Ha, as if any of us want to have to moderate a shoutbox.
  20. Can I just point out real quick that people who play video games tend not to post on forums because they're busy playing video games? Food for thought.
  21. I think I'm going to start giving people random avatars if they don't set one and they post something... 8)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nihilus




    3. CaptainChar


      Inyri's avatar doesnt need "calibrations"

    4. MagSul


      I voted to have the Kyle and Jan default icons for such users, but Cael said no. >_>

  22. Tonight's artistic challenge - UV mapping the Valiant. Because I want screens of the geth holding it, dammit.
  23. Ported models just discourage modders from making content, to be honest. Why would I make something when someone's already ported the original? Ports stifle creativity.
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