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Files posted by Inyri

  1. Rodian (No Vest)

    This replaces the default Rodian model in multiplayer with a version with no vest (without having the big gaping hole in his back, for those of you who have tried this). It makes use of a .SURF file to surf the back mesh back on to avoid this error. This is *really* more of a modder's resource than a skin, but you can naturally use it as a skin if you want. You may want to change the pathways and such so it doesn't *actually* overwrite the rodian, unless you don't care...


       (0 reviews)



  2. Medieval Times: Melee Redux

    After seeing a couple of crusader type skins on JK3Files, and modelling a few model packs on my own, I decided to make a medieval-inspired weapons pack for Jedi Academy. I'm more into swords than lightsabers or guns, so it was right up my alley.
    This contains (at last count, which I think should be accurate) 13 weapons, 11 shields, and 4 player skins, all of which are accessibly through the single-player menus. It also contains Slice, Dice & Mince's blood mod (mostly unaltered). It was really that mod, the Melee Mod (http://jediknight2.f...Melee_Mod;20913) that inspired me to make this.
    13 new weapons
    11 shields
    4 player skins
    Slice, Dice & Mince's awesome blood mod
    Full single-player skin/weapon support
    Different stance animations
    New menus
    New menu video

    Please bare in mind that all shields were designed to work only in dual saber mode, and many of the swords were designed with the same set-up in mind. Shields won't do much damage, and are set to only parry. Many of the swords are designed as one-handed swords, so if you use them alone one hand will float beneath the hilt.
    To use any of these as dual, use the following command with the saber names in section III:
    /saber saber1 saber2


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  3. Thermal Clip

    This is a very simple mod to replace the energy cell (or blaster pack) ammunition model with a model of several thermal clips instead from Mass Effect. This is designed to be used with my Mass Effect gun models, however if you want I see no reason you couldn't use it without them.
    Try it with any or all of the following Mass Effect themed mods for the full effect:









       (8 reviews)



  4. FM-22 'Archon' Heavy Assault Gun

    This pack contains a BFG which will replace the concussion rifle. It's got green glowy parts and a nice little touchpad up top that ought to keep y'all amused for short periods of time. Contains custom icons and an edited strings file so it has its name instead of just being labeled as the conc rifle.


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  5. N7 Valiant

    This is a custom model of the N7 Valiant sniper rifle from Mass Effect 3, which was originally released with the Collector's Edition of the game and then later added to multiplayer for everyone as a possible reward for the game's weekend operations.
    This gun took an extensive amount of modeling and, more importantly, texture work to complete. Construction began on June 12th 2012 and completed on February 7th 2013 for an insane build time of almost 7 months. I am easily distracted, which is the only reason it took this long. In other news, I've almost hit 1000 multiplayer games in Mass Effect 3...
    This weapon utilizes the same effects files from my Widow/Black Widow model. Keep in mind you may only use ONE of these, as they both replace the disruptor.
    My Other Mass Effect Mods:







       (7 reviews)



  6. Geth Trooper

    We are geth.
    This model is a completely custom made replica of the geth trooper from the Mass Effect series. It is particularly modeled off of the geth engineer variant found most easily in the Mass Effect 3 multiplayer game. All content is completely custom. This means the mesh was 100% made from scratch, the textures were fully painted by hand by myself with no photosourcing at all, and even the soundset is completely custom made with no sounds sourced directly from the game.
    This model took me about two weeks to sculpt, two weeks to paint, and two weeks to do all the retexturing and packaging for Jedi Academy. I began work on July 31st and am officially calling it done today, on September 12th. This is the most challenging, most rewarding, and most successful project I have completed to date. I'm very happy with the results and I'm hoping the Mass Effect fans out there -- and maybe even some folks who aren't into Mass Effect -- will enjoy playing with this model as much as I've enjoyed creating it.
    There are seventeen (yes, you read that right) skins included with this package. Ten of them are made by me, one is made by @Veilor, one is made by @Cloud Senatu, and five are made by @Ruxith. Skins mimicking real Mass Effect NPC's are as follows (some are loosely based on their in-game counterparts in cases where a new mesh would be required):
    geth trooper
    geth rocket trooper (ME3)
    geth prime (red team skin)
    geth hunter (ME3)
    geth pyro (loose interpretation)
    geth destroyer (Veilor's skin)
    Legion (pre-gaping hole)

    NPC's for these skins are also available. They can be spawned with the following commands:
    npc spawn:

    This model is fairly high poly for a game this old. During testing several testers experienced some very significant FPS loss - myself included - when spawning multiple geth. Nobody reported any crashes in multiplayer, but having five geth on screen took my FPS from 90 to 30. This is going to be unavoidable at close range. There are plans to add a future version with LOD's (which hopefully won't fall through) so once that happens it should mitigate some of the performance loss when geth models are at a greater distance.
    I'd also like to take this moment to mention that the geth is segmented to achieve two things:
    If you like dismemberment, the geth comes apart at all the right places and has caps. Chop him up.
    All meshes are fewer than 500 polies, meaning dynamic shadows are supported (if that's your thing).

    Please see the read-me for additional information on crediting & known bugs.
    My Other Mass Effect Mods:








       (13 reviews)



  7. M-98 Widow Anti-Material Rifle

    This gun is a custom replica of the M-98 Widow Anti-Material Rifle first introduced in Mass Effect two. Two versions are available - the standard Widow and the Black Widow. There is no difference between these two guns beyond the look. The weapon features custom sounds, strings, firing and projectile effects, and icons.
    These two files both overwrite the same gun, so obviously you can only use one at a time. Please select the skin you would like (view the screenshots to see the difference) and place that file in your base folder. You can keep the other file in a subfolder if you want to switch back and forth at some time in the future.
    Please note that the Mass Effect Scope mod is included with this file and will not need to be downloaded separately. If you have it already in your base folder you may remove it.
    Below is a short video showcasing the new firing effects. Note: There is also now a recoil animation that is not shown in the video below.
    Other recommended Mass Effect mods:






       (8 reviews)



  8. Mass Effect 3 HUD

    This HUD is designed to mimic the heads up display from the Mass Effect games - particularly Mass Effect 3. Some tweaks had to be made to make it fit Jedi Academy, so it's not 100% perfect.
    The blue section represents your shields. The red portion represents your health. The purple section represents your "biotics" (your Forcee pool, in other words).
    While ammunition in ME3 is on the left, I wasn't really able to get the HUD to work with me on that so it's on the right instead, although it uses the same style as it does in ME3. The left, since I didn't have anything good to put there, features an N7 plate which is purely aesthetic.
    Lastly the saber style indicator is below the force pool and is fairly easy to see. To avoid confusion I kept the same colors Jedi Academy uses now - blue for fast, yellow for medium, and red for strong. Although really, with this HUD why would you be using sabers? Shoot those geth!
    The geth, by the way, is coming soon. Also. The font in the screenshots? Totally included.
    I suggest the following additional Mass Effect mods to compliment your new HUD:






       (12 reviews)



  9. M-6 Carnifex Hand Cannon

    The M-6 Carnifex Hand Cannon is one of the first really powerful weapons you’ll obtain in Mass Effect 2. Just got to kill a horde of vorcha. Ha. In any case, this upgrades the predator pistol that you start with and despite many other weapon options later in the game I found that the hand cannon stayed in my loadout for the most of the game. Its power more than made up for its small amount of ammunition. Saren also sported a slightly different version of the weapon in the original Mass Effect.
    This gun comes with custom sounds, hud images, and strings. It will replace the regular blaster pistol so you’ll have it from the start. Also as a note the two sides of the gun are not simply mirrored so the text will not appear backwards from one side.
    Note: There are two files here - an ME2 version and an ME3 version. These guns are IDENTICAL except for the sounds, since ME2 and ME3 have drastically different firing sounds. Use only ONE of these two files. I don't know what happens if you use both. The world might explode.


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  10. M-8 Avenger Assault Rifle

    I was always fascinated by Mass Effect’s weapons. The fact that you could see them on the character at all times was neat, plus they collapse when you store them! Before you ask, no, I did not do that. I wouldn’t be able to figure out that one even if I tried. However I did attempt to recreate the M-8 Avenger assault rifle as seen in Mass Effect 2 (as pictured below -- not to be confused with the similar but slightly altered M-7 seen in the original Mass Effect).
    Due to the limitations with the Quake 3 engine, I made an executive decision to place a higher emphasis on detail than efficiency since the engine lacks the ability to support normal mapping, which most current generation gaming engines not only use, but rely heavily on. As a result this model is fairly high-poly but should provide a level of detail that will make it a pleasure to see the weapon. The model includes first person and third person views and will also include a floating arm in the first person view as requested by the populace.
    Note: There are two files here - an ME2 version and an ME3 version. These guns are IDENTICAL except for the sounds, since ME2 and ME3 have drastically different firing sounds. Use only ONE of these two files. I don't know what happens if you use both. The world might explode.


       (2 reviews)



  11. Dark Lord

    Note: This version in available only at JKHub!
    My impression of what a Dark Lord of the Sith might look like, corrupted with the Dark Side of the Force. I originally created the face textures for KotOR, but decided they would work nicely in Jedi Academy too. There are two versions of this skin - one with hair and one that's bald. I couldn't decide which I liked better so I just included them both. Comes with BOT and NPC support, but alas not enough time for team skins. Maybe later.
    NPC Instructions: This skin has both friendly NPCs and enemy NPCs. The friendly NPCs have the same amount of health as the Kyle NPC does, so rest assured they won't die right away. To spawn an NPC in singleplayer, bring down your console and first type "helpusobi 1" to enable cheats, then type "npc spawn" with the appropriate name. The two NPC names are listed below.
    Friendly NPC:
    Enemy NPC:


       (3 reviews)



  12. Mass Effect Scope Replacement

    This is a replacement graphic for the disruptor scope. It will change your sniper scope to look like that of a variety of sniper rifles from Mass Effect 2 and 3. It's not a seamless replica, but it's very close given what Jedi Academy has to work with.
    This mod will be included with any Mass Effect sniper rifles I release (that replace the disruptor, of course). If you download any of those mods go ahead and delete this PK3, as it'll be redundant.


       (3 reviews)



  13. Galbadian Soldier

    This contains one new model -- the Galbadian Soldier from Final Fantasy VIII. Those who followed it know how old it is, so I really just waned to wrap this puppy up and get it submitted before I lost _all_ interest in it. It contains team skins (red and blue; red is labeled as the 'elite' soldier for the bots) and it also has an additional paratrooper skin (green) with appropriate shoulder decals as seen in the FMV cutscene. Includes the Galbadian sword they were all seen with.


       (1 review)



  14. Ghost

    Well what's Halloween without ghosts? This is the stereotypical "ghost wearing a sheet" variety.


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  15. Save The Queen

    For those of you who have played Final Fantasy 9... you still might not recognize this weapon. In any case, it's Beatrix's Save the Queen sword. Beatrix is awesome... yeah.


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  16. Obsidion

    This skin was once made for the JKFiles April-May skinning contest. It is a reskin of the human merc model to be decked out in a black armor with cyan-colored lighting effects scattered across the suit. All texturing is from scratch EXCEPT: mouth/eye texture, and one itsy bitsy part of the head texture (only because I forgot about it, and by the time I finished it fit, so I left it alone). "From scratch" means I completely painted over the textures. These are not recolored or photosourced by any means.


       (1 review)



  17. Tiger-Stripe Noghri

    Well, jedikiller just recently made a noghri skin with an animal-type theme, and seeing as how I can't resist tiger textures I decided to follow suit. This skin comes with BOT, team, and fuzzy kitty sound support. No NPCs this time, unfortunately.


       (1 review)



  18. Mara Jade's Shrike

    I don't expect a lot of people to know what this is or appreciate it, but those of you who *do* know what it is should enjoy it. This is the Shrike, Mara Jade's starfighter as seen in the Jedi Knight expansion Mysteries of the Sith. It's an Alpha-52 starfighter, loaned to her by Talon Karrde.
    I've tried to keep it accurate to the original model (check it out on wookieepedia if you aren't sure what it's supposed to look like) but I did take some slight liberties with the texture where original detail was hard to see and/or my 'accuracy' made it look dumb.


       (6 reviews)



  19. Valley of the Jedi Tower

    Back in the heyday of the JK series, things were better. Nicer. Prettier. Well, this map may not be prettier, but it's a tribute to Dark Forces 2, the granddaddy of Jedi Academy. This map features the multiplayer version of the Valley of the Jedi Tower, where Kyle Katarn faces and destroys Maw during the JK1 SP campaign.
    This map was completely for the Jan-Feb '07 JKFiles Mapping Contest, for the intermediate skill level.


       (4 reviews)



  20. Hoverboard

    Swoops are fun, but I needed something new. So suddenly it occured to me that a hoverboard, as a swoop replacement (or even its own vehicle) would be really cool. And so a little hoverboard was born! It hovers, it glows, it hums, and it sinks in water (for those who were worried!).


       (5 reviews)



  21. Crossbow

    It's a crossbow. It should have most, if not all, of the appropriate parts, as I tried to make it as accurate as possible. It also actually fires bolts (for the uninformed, these are like arrows... except bulkier). This replaces the blaster rifle.


       (1 review)



  22. Roxas

    Those familiar with the games of the Kingdom Hearts series should recognize this as Roxas from Kingdom Hearts 2. Roxas is --------------------------------------------- and there's the entire story! Oops, seems I left something out... Well, I wouldn't want to spoil anything for anybody, so you'll have to find out yourselves who his is and what his role is .
    In addition to the Roxas player model, both of the required keyblades are included (Oathkeeper, new and hopefully improved, and Oblivion -- both contain updated soundsets which, I believe, sound awesome). Both keyblades have backhanded versions, which I'm sure some of you will enjoy. Keep in mind, though, that the blades are also backwards, so whilst they will look cool, they aren't quite as practical. If you have previous versions of either of these two keyblades, you can delete them, burn them in a fire, serve them for dinner, etc.


       (2 reviews)



  23. Peninsula District Prison

    For those of you who have played the original Neverwinter Nights campaign, you may recognize the basic layout of this map. It is loosely based on the Peninsula District Prison in the city of Neverwinter, as seen in the excellent game Neverwinter Nights. It's by no means exact, but it's similar enough that I felt secure in naming it after the facility. It features two levels -- the top level contains six cells plus a main area, and the lower level contains many cells and one central room. The lower level has a very low ceiling, but the main room of the upper level has a pretty high ceiling. Just watch out for the many torches -- they hurt!


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  24. Grand Admiral Thrawn

    So I'm sure you're saying "oh man, not *another* Thrawn skin". And for the most part you're right on the money - it's basically the same skin that's been relased over and over and over. However I like to think I've added a couple of features that you haven't seen before. Feature 1: An authentic Thrawn taunt from LucasArts' TIE Fighter. Feature 2: A new face, so Thrawn is no longer the Chiss bartender wearing a Grand Admiral suit. The face was done completely from scratch, which took the majority of the time. The rest of it's mostly a recolor, as there's really no point in doing it any other way. The rank on the uniform should be accurate, however, which is another thing a lot of Thrawn skins lack.


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  25. R41 Starchaser

    The R41 Starchaser is a starfighter comparable to the Z-95 Headhunter. In fact the R41 was created to directly compete with the Z-95 for king of the low-budget starfighters. It was slightly faster and slightly more powerful, thus making it a popular choice for smugglers, pirate, and criminal organization, such as Black Sun.
    Because of its status as a budget fighter, the R41 is generally "personalized" by whoever is using it. The producers of the R41, Heorsh-Kessel Drive Inc, creates them this way, so everything from the armament to the hyperdrive can be customized by the buyer. As a result almost no two R41 Starchasers are quite the same.


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