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Posts posted by Tempust85

  1. I think Archangel35757 have the best idea on this. Creating entire gla with cape bones and create new anims would be time consuming and animations would be half of the process. - remwmber you will need to weigh all new models and make capes.

    The best thing would be to create the gla file for cape only and later parent (bolt) it to the models tag. It would be hard to make it use anims. Some lightsaber animations would use the same cape animations.


    Also this method would work great with other reasons. It would be simply added to other models and also animations and gla file would be there - so it would be possible to create many styles of capes.


    While it's a good idea, it also requires code work to allow bolted on ghoul2 models to animate.

  2. To be perfectly honest, I prefer to scale models directly in the program. At least doing experiments with large terrains (mostly ASE), it seems like the compilation process is way longer if a model is scaled a lot in Radiant, instead it's much faster if it's already scaled in the program. Not sure why.


    So do I, but you can't properly export extremely large models as MD3.

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