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Posts posted by Tempust85

  1. Jedi Knight Galaxies has (or had - it certainly was in the first versions) a Greater Krayt Dragon, made by DT85 if I remember correctly. It was severely bugged though, I remember someone mentioning the collisions of that beast as an issue.








    Nah I think I animated it. It needs support for width and length as separate values for the bounding box. Surely that can be done without issue nowadays.

  2. While that works it is a ridiculous amount of effort :P


    Well duh :lol:





    You'd still be exporting out 1,000+ anims for this, but anyway.


    Afaik, we would need to make sure the bolt-on models have all the animation lengths matching the base GLA. We could also get any bolt-ons to use the base GLA's animation.cfg seeing as they would have to match anyway to avoid visual glitches, etc. I *think* SoF2 does something like this for their viewmodels so they could have different arm meshes.

    Archangel35757 likes this
  3. @@Jedi_Mediator

    I think that, for now, I'll stick to the first Baron's Hed level, but yes I would love to see some of your work with that level, so feel free to send it to me :)


    I took a little break from Baron's Hed and, in the meantime, I started something else:








    Hopefully, this looks familiar to you

    Please check out the map assignments post, for what maps are currently unassigned. I've already started the Jerec level. :P

    minilogoguy18 likes this
  4. Name: Kyle Katarn

    Model Type: Player Model

    Custom Skeleton: No


    Assigned To: @@Psyk0Sith


    Name: 8t88

    Model Type: NPC

    Custom Skeleton: Yes


    Assigned To: @@DT85


    Name: Gorc

    Model Type: NPC

    Custom Skeleton: Yes


    Assigned To: @@Psyk0Sith


    Name: Pic

    Model Type: NPC

    Custom Skeleton: Yes


    Assigned To: @@Psyk0Sith


    Name: Boc

    Model Type: NPC

    Custom Skeleton: No


    Assigned To: @[member=sebcrea]


    Name: Sariss

    Model Type: NPC

    Custom Skeleton: No


    Assigned To: ???


    Name: Yun

    Model Type: NPC

    Custom Skeleton: No


    Assigned To: ???


    Name: Maw

    Model Type: NPC

    Custom Skeleton: No


    Assigned To: ???


    Name: Jerec

    Model Type: NPC

    Custom Skeleton: No


    Assigned To: ???



    Last Edited: 5th May 2018

    Smoo and hhunter6 like this
  5. What we need most of all are map blockouts and all entities set up so it's functional - PBR textures can be sorted out later.


    The barons hed levels (levels 5 & 6) are unassigned right now, so if you'd like to keep going then we'd love the help!


    Don't worry too much about textures or lighting as they will be changed later. Focus on the basic map structure and entities (doors, switches, etc).


    Be sure to caulk your map properly, set detail and structural brushwork properly and mitre as much as possible - there's a tutorial on this site for mitre joints. Now what I've done for nar shadda to save some fps is set up triggers across the map to load npcs as you progress, rather than having all of them loaded upon map load. This also helps reduce the overall entity count.

    Mark_the likes this
  6. Shouldn't require any code change, unless you want to add bone remapping (like jk2 models use in jka) for base jka models to work with the new gla (just wouldn't be able to use the cloth bones without a model re-rig).


    I've done tests in SP and the new gla works fine - no reason why it wouldn't.


    But yeah - I get shit results with clothsim (I use max 2014) and was hand-animating. There are just over 1,000 animations that need to be imported onto a skeleton with cloth bones, then the cloth bones need to be animated. In short, it's a massive task.


    On the subject of physics engine - there's a WIP implementation of bullet in jaownt. Those guys abandoned it but I'd love to see someone pick this up and finish it. Bullet can do both rigid and soft body physics.

    Archangel35757 and RepJunkieJr like this
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