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Status Replies posted by Tempust85

  1. Almost have a 100% working GLM using Noesis. Still working with Rich to iron out all the issues.

  2. So, school is kind of weird...I have 5 classes with a "person of interest" so that's pretty cool

  3. No jitter present in a GLA from Noesis, compared to a GLA from carcass. Awesome :D

  4. Still waiting on Assimilate to get approved. :)

  5. Still waiting on Assimilate to get approved. :)

  6. Still waiting on Assimilate to get approved. :)

  7. Still waiting on Assimilate to get approved. :)

  8. Still waiting on Assimilate to get approved. :)

  9. Can't find a tutorial how to attach new blaster into game (instead of existing one).

  10. Can't find a tutorial how to attach new blaster into game (instead of existing one).

  11. So glad I started using layers.

  12. J.J. Abrams, Disney? Really??! You couldn't find anyone more experienced to direct the next sequel of the epic saga? Leaving such an incredibly challenging task to a newbie… *shakes head*

  13. Is there any shameless way to say that today is your birthday?

  14. Just ordered an Xbox One because I'm depressed, and why not.

  15. Totally not copying Caelum and Circa...

  16. http://i.imgur.com/dinr36z.png , I think I should finally set up a portfolio
  17. Here's a question: Would an improved model of Rosh make him less hated? :P

  18. Could I make a lightsaber in Autodesk pro and import to jka format? If so how do I do that?

  19. Anyone know how to fix a problem which makes certain parts (the rebel's torso augment for example) seem to appear so off and separate from the rest of the model?

  20. Can't seem to get a working saber MD3 from Noesis. It renames everything to surf0 etc...

  21. Which subdivison level should I go with for a JKA npc/vehicle? https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/ze9syltzs57i0ff/Screenshot 2014-07-03 21.21.40.png

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