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Everything posted by Futuza

  1. You could probably entity hack the map to make the chair solid if you don't want to install a mod.
  2. This is one of my favorite smaller maps for team fights. Also it has such sad music!
  3. These are pretty cool. I wonder how many of them are legal to use? Some of them seem to be custom made, rather then just game rips.
  4. While I too would love to release those, they are still incomplete and very clunky and unfortunately not likely to be finished soon.
  5. The basic set of JKG maps is now available here. Enjoy!
  6. Version v1.03


    This is the first map bundle released for Jedi Knight Galaxies, you will need JKG installed first in order to play. The bundle contains four maps: jkg_coruscant_lower - A Pande map, lower city district of the streets of coruscant. Designed for larger amounts of players. jkg_nightfall - A SzicoVII map, a small village during the onset of winter. Designed for an average amount of players. jkg_spaceport - A Pande map, a small portion of the streets of Mos Eisley. Designed for an average amount of players. jkg_taris - A MaceMadunusus map, The upper city street and buildings of modern day Taris. Designed for larger amounts of players.
  7. You have to change it in the code itself. Take a look at this tutorial: http://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/131-how-to-create-a-new-weapon-mp/ The steps for singleplayer are relatively similar, you just have to look at slightly different files eg: g_weapon.cpp
  8. Clarification difference between char[] and string? (Or just don't use std::string ?)
  9. That's textures not verts/tris. Textures are just flat images, we're talking about a 3d system of points that define a model.
  10. Wait what's the difference between this and the one on the Star Wars Episode IV OST?
  11. ^^Basically, because it affects your fps, the quake3 engine isn't designed to handle high quality models and gets bogged down.
  12. Go put it up on the Unity or Unreal4 store or something, I'm sure they won't mind the extra tris.
  13. Not quite finished with the next build, should be done by Monday though I think, unless eez runs into a problem somewhere.
  14. This is nightmare fuel, but I think that's intentional no? If so, excellent work (I don't know how accurate it is to bib fortuna himself, but damn who cares he can be bub fortuna terrifying twilek suffering from brain tumors!)
  15. This is probably going to be postponed a bit, kind of wondering if Martin Luther King day works for people I know it's a federal holiday in the US. We'll probably also try to do something Sunday at least with a twitch stream if the next version isn't quite ready by then.
  16. I think it's pretty close, the problem now is that your voice is now too distinguish-ably different from his.
  17. Yeah, but it certainly rubs everyone else in this community the wrong way when someone refuses to make their source code available when it is legally required to do so. And I don't think any of us want that.
  18. @, see section 3, quoted below for your convenience.
  19. I'm at work at the moment and will be for another 6 hours, but I can participate passively on the twitch/teamspeak/irc at least until then. Maybe do a match on my lunch break.
  20. Doing a quick stream right now, just some boring code. EDIT: Stream is now over. See y'all tomorrow! Stream in which I fix things I didn't mean to fix and discover more jka cvars and get confused about const char * and char arrays, available here (and discover I was right all along about the const char pointers).
  21. It's very nice, sounds like it's missing something still...not sure what. Maybe it's just because of all the noise.
  22. The trouble with the information on that site Onysfx is that it deals with the functioning Jedi order before Sidious ripped it to shreds. The few remaining and scattered Jedi don't have much order to begin with and the supposed secret underground Jedi organization is said to have changed a lot in order to survive and make due with what it can.
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