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Files posted by JKHub

  1. Episode 3 Anakin

    Original Author: Maestro Obi
    Description: This is a reskin from DT s Anakin. There s also included a robed and hooded versión, but these versions are a reskin from Voodoo s Anakin. I basically reskinned the torso and the face. In this new version I added NPC support, SP menu, Botfiles and Team colors.
    I hope you like my skin .
    Credits: Credits go to Darth Tempust and Voodoo for their models.
    /npc spawn Anakin
    /npc spawn AnakinRobed
    /npc spawn AnakinHooded
    /npc spawn AnakinSith


       (2 reviews)



  2. Episode 3 Anakin

    Original Author: Maestro Obi
    Instructions: Put the "Epsode3AnakinFinal.pk3" in your base folder. If you've Moviebattles 2, put "zzzAnakinEp3.pk3" (it's inside the zip called "MB2_Anakin.zip") in your MBII folder. If you want to use my blades mod fillow the instructions that are inside the zip-file called "NewBladesV4.zip".
    Description: This is a skin based in DT s Anakin model. In this new version I added a completely new torso and face. I also reskinned the arms and the hair. NPC support, SP menu, Botfiles and Team Colors are supported. As a bonus I added my blades mod and a MB2-Conversion to play with my skin istead of playing with KC-Epidode 2 Anakin. Finally I added HS-anakin episode 3 blade, all credit goes to him .
    I hope you like my skin .
    Credits: Credits go to Darth Tempust for his model and Hapslash for his anakin saber.


       (4 reviews)

    1 comment


  3. Episode I and II Saber Mod

    Original Author: BoBnoGG!n
    How should i say this.......i like it, you should like it and then were all happy..... this mod makes the ight saber good...and correct looking....like in da movies...... studied heaps of pics, rewatched the ovie sequences a few hundred times over (no....i really did) and even had no sleep for 4 days traight just rewatching segments of starwars episode 1 and 2 to get the saber perfect...............i now it sounds anal and stuff but this was something i wanted to achieve and i hpe you appreciate it aswell...........cheers guys, say hello to batman for me


       (2 reviews)



  4. Episode III Jedi Starfighter

    Created by Gregory A. Birmingham (Manquesa)
    All modeling, skinning (except for the 3 new skins), effects (except for the engine exhaust and primary weapon fire which were made by Ravensoft), animations, shaders, .veh files, and gfx were created by Manquesa.
    This file includes 6 variants of the Star Wars Episode 3 Jedi Starfighter.
    Anakin's Yellow Jedi Interceptor -- made by Manquesa
    Obi-Wan's Red Jedi Interceptor -- made by Manquesa
    Anakins (or Darth Vader's) Green Jedi Interceptor -- made by Manquesa
    Yoda's Green Jedi Interceptor -- made by Dark_Cuillere
    Hot Rod Jedi Interceptor concept -- made by Dark_Cuillere
    Plo Koon's Blue? Jedi Interceptor -- made by Jadendecar (this version is Jadencar's concept of the Plo Koon version had Plo Koon used an Ep. 3 Jedi Interceptor instead of a the Ep. 2 stle JSF that he actually used in the movie.)
    All versions are equipped with an astromech droid. The astromechs used were created by Ravensoft. The skin on the astromech droid on the Obi Wan version is an edited version of the R2D2 skin created by Ravensoft, Edited by Manquesa. The skin on the astromech droid on the Plo Koon version is and edited version of the R2D2 skin created by Ravensoft, Edited by Jadendecar and Manquesa.
    Also fixed a problem with the original mesh in which the maingun mount support was in the wrong position, it was pushed back into the cockpit. I doubt anyone noticed though, I didn't until very recently.
    And lastly I also changed the secondary missile effect to better match what I originally intended it to look like. I used the ATST missile effect and placed my missile model on it.
    I am currently working on yet another version of this ship for a future release. One that will include a fully modeled cockpit interior as well as a few other changes to better match the way they looked in the movie. So be on the lookout out for version 2.0 to be released hopefully sometime in the not too distant future.
    Multiple versions including an Anakins, Obi-Wan's, Vader's, Plo Koons, Yoda's, and a Hot Rod design.
    Animated wing foils -- can be flown with wing foils in the open or closed position.
    To fly with the wing foils open, simply perform a normal take off allowing the animation to be initiated.
    To fly with the wing foil closed, begin a normal take off, then press forward soon after take off making sure to do so before the animation can begin.
    Primary weapon fire -- green imperial lasers
    Secondary weapon fire -- missile's
    Barrel Roll -- using the "Step Left" and "Step Right" buttons (which I strongly suggest you reverse) will allow you to barrel roll and control the vehicle in a manner very much like the way they were flown in the movie.
    To spawn the vehicle, type:
    Anakins Jedi Interceptor -- /npc spawn vehicle manq-jsf
    Obi Wan's Jedi Interceptor -- /npc spawn vehicle manq-jsf-obi
    Anakins/Vader's Jedi Interceptor -- /npc spawn vehicle manq-jsf-vader
    Yoda's Jedi Interceptor -- /npc spawn vehicle manq-jsf-yoda
    Hot Rod concept Jedi Interceptor -- /npc spawn vehicle manq-jsf-hotrod
    Plo Koon's Jedi Interceptor -- /npc spawn vehicle manq-jsf-plo
    Please feel free to use this vehicle in any manner which you see fit with or without permission, I could care less. I'm releasing it so people will hopefully use it. I only ask that you credit me for my work.
    Thank you,


       (9 reviews)



  5. Episode III LEGO Spaceships

    Model by DarthViper107
    This is a small pack of three Vehicles that I did a while back in Lego form for Jedi Academy.
    Jedi Starfighter (ep3_njs)
    Droid Tri-Fighter (ep3_tri)
    Vulture Droid (ep3_vul)
    They all have their own animations and textures, including some new ship damage screens. They are in individual packs but I think the Vulture Droid one needs explosion files from the Droid Trifighter pack.
    All of these were modeled and made by me, neither the models or the texures were taken from the Lego Star Wars game. I actually modeled the ships and scanned the Lego pieces to make the models.
    To use, start a level in Cheat Mode and then go to the console (Shift+~) and type: npc spawn vehicle <vehiclename>
    For <vehiclename> replace it with ep3_njs for the Jedi Starfighter, ep3_tri for the Droid Tri-Fighter, and ep3_vul for the Vulture Droid.
    The models are a bit large in polygon count, so if you have a slow computer then you might have trouble. But I don't think that should be an issue for anyone anymore. It has had problems with how many weapons are in the system, if you spawn all of them then one of them might not have any weapons working so don't try to install all of them at the same time.


       (1 review)



  6. Eric Lassard

    Original Author: Jora Custov
    Eric Lassard from Police Academy franchise
    NPC Command - /npc spawn lassard


       (3 reviews)



  7. Escape: Yavin IV

    This is a new single player mission for Jedi Academy. It utilizes models, skins,
    and saber models that I found interested from the jk3files.com over the past
    year or so. The bits posted by other authors have been stripped down to their
    bare minimum, to keep the size of this mod down as much as possible.

    Some highlights:
    - New and different opponents / challenges in each level of the game
    - Custom SP maps (13 in all including 2 bonus and 1 cinematic level)
    - Custom missions with helper NPC's
    - Custom menus including saber descriptions
    - Custom saber models
    - Custom saber abilities
    - Custom sounds and sound effects
    - Custom music
    - Custom visual effects
    - Custom weapon effects
    - Custom skins
    - Custom cinematics (almost an hours worth throughout the game)
    - Custom HUD
    - Custom objectives (43 in all)
    - Secret areas included in nearly all the maps
    - Powerful sabers and force abilities from the beginning
    - Several opportunities to upgrade / replace your sabers
    - Over 20 new opponents with varying levels of difficulty
    - Approximately 10-14 hours of challenging game play

    A walkthrough is provided in GameData/escape when you install the mod.

    This mod is hard -- much more difficult than JA -- but very playable. So if
    you pick this up, expect something more challenging than what you're used to.

    To install this map, extract the contents of the ZIP file into the 'GameData'
    folder of your Jedi Academy install directory. Double-click the batch file in
    the GameData folder and you're on your way.


    To un-install, simply remove the 'escape' folder and the .bat file from your
    GameData folder in your JA install directory.

    This starts out pretty much where Jedi Academy left off. It assumes you chose
    'the dark side', stole the scepter, and went on your way of domination. Because
    of your dark ways, what was left of the imperial and rebel forces were destroyed
    by bands of cultists and other dark jedi.

    A powerful Sith gathered followers (called loyalists) and made a deal with you.
    Hand over the scepter, or die. Your life was spared, but the scepter is now in
    the hands of the Sith. He threw you in prison cell buried in the rugged mountains
    on the planet moon of Yavin to rot. Your force powers faded as the sith
    dominated planet after planet. You home is the last to be overthrown.

    In a deperate attempt to contact you, the queen from your home planet used her
    telepathic ability to send you a message. Your force powers have faded to the
    point where you can't receive the distress call.

    After years of meditation, you realize the error in your ways and wish to seek
    revenge on the Sith. An accident gives you a chance to escape. And this is
    where story begins...

    In all, there are 13 levels (1 is a cinematic level only and two are 'bonus'
    levels that give you a chance to upgrade sabers). Each of the levels have
    anywhere from 3-8 objectives that must be fullfilled before proceeding. To
    estimate the length of the mod, from start to finish is probably somewhere
    between 10 and 14 hours. This entire mod is one very long mission broken up
    into 13 maps. The opponents get progressively more difficult (although your
    force powers and your opportunity for saber upgrades keeps the playing field
    somewhat fair) throughout the game.

    One hint: keep a close eye on your cursor for things to push or break -- it
    is sometimes required to continue on with the level. You may want to turn on
    force hint in your config (cg_crosshairForceHint) if you can't work things out.

    Enough said -- you can figure out the rest.

    There really aren't too many issues. I found a few bugs with JA itself. The
    noticable issues include:

    - JA crashes during simultaneous thermal detonator and saber throw effects
    - Saber properties sometimes ignored on restart of JA and loading saved game
    - JA leaks memory (I watched it). These maps are very large, and playing across
    several of the levels (like most of them) for an extended perior of time will
    lead to a decreased frame rate. Restarting JA corrects the problem.
    - Some of the cut scenes and cinematics are a little unstable. Some of the
    sound cuts out part way through and sometimes the NPC don't go to their
    specified navgoals. I don't know, maybe my problem, but they work sometimes,
    sometimes not.
    - There are a couple of brushes with issues. One causes a HoM effect (tiny
    little sliver of a brush in a massive area -- but you have to walk over
    it). A few brushes have some vertex problems, so there are gaps. I didn't
    bother to go back and fix them -- they are hardly noticeable and don't
    impact gameplay. There's close to 85000 brushes in this entire game and
    probably less that 10 with noticable issues.

    That's about all worth noting.

    The following lists the skins, saber models, mods, etc. that were all put
    together to create this mod:

    Abbaddon ............................. El Cuko
    Asajj Ventress ....................... Monsoontide and Psyk0Sith
    BPPloKoon ............................ [BP]Plokoon
    Bain Elite v2 ........................ -=SOTG=-Bain_Elite
    Boba Fett ............................ Brian Jones (Bones)
    Darth Maul ........................... mrdefender
    Death ................................ +]Nekroscop[+
    Egor ................................. Unknown
    Howler ............................... Light Ninja
    Knight ............................... Unknown
    Lamasu ............................... Crying Gods Germany
    Maddog JKA ........................... Maddog
    Neo Reborn ........................... Drakkan
    Razchrome ............................ Unknown
    Sabergirl ............................ v2 by Sabergirl
    Samus ................................ Kurtis 'KMan' Smith
    Shinobira ............................ Crying Gods Germany
    Sithress ............................. DarthVengeant
    Soulseeker ........................... Unknown
    Swoop Racer .......................... Nick Aikenhead (Kahn)
    Witchblade ........................... {EJA}DarthVengeant{S}
    Xian ................................. Unknown

    Sound Effects:
    Enhanced Saber Sounds ................ Aryyn

    Saber Models:
    Light Disc ........................... Wolrajh/Xantcha
    Eclipse Saber ........................ +POO+Sigma
    Dual Lightstaff Sabers ............... Red Sith
    X-Saber .............................. Jon Hill
    Desann Saber ......................... CHoSeN ONe
    Skywalker Saber ...................... CHoSeN ONe
    Reborn Saber ......................... CHoSeN ONe
    Majestic Sai Staff ................... Tiri
    Punisher ............................. Darth Khan & Lord G-Spot
    Imales ............................... IMALES (Damir Berkovic)
    Darth Maul ........................... Unknown

    Rocket Effects ....................... Rhinen
    Concussion Effects ................... Spector
    Disruptor Effects .................... Spector

    Menu Tutorial ........................ Red Sith
    Startup Screen Images ................ http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Lair
    HUD .................................. Chewy²/Uber Noober²

    duel_valley (modified and extended) .. Raven
    t3_rift_sample (excerpts only) ....... Raven
    t2_rancor_sample (exceprts only) ..... Raven


       (0 reviews)



  8. Escape: Yavin IV - The Lost Maps

    Date Created : February 22, 2006
    Ahhhhh...  Finally done.  35 levels, 150000 brushes, 25000 lines of script,
    40000 entities and 3000 hours of blood and sweat.  EY:4 - The Lost Maps.
    Let's get this out of the way first.  I know the download is big.  Sorry.
    I've made every effort to keep the mod as small as possible.  There are
    20-30 hours of gameplay here, so it will be worth the download, I hope.
    If you played my first conversion, Escape: Yavin IV, then hold on to your
    hats.  This is an extension of the first conversion, but includes 25
    additional levels, a new story, vehicle levels, space levels, additional
    duels and puzzles, and customized interface (including a 'Chapters' menu
    that enables you to play any game level), on-the-fly saber upgrades, and
    three endings (that's right 'THREE' endings).  Your choices during the game
    decide your fate.
    Given the length of the game, I have eased up on the difficultly of the
    game a bit (just a bit).
    Nuff said.
    1. Remove *all* custom pk3s and mods from your base / GameData folder
    2. Remove *all* custom pk3s and mods from your base / GameData folder
    3. Remove *ALL* custom pk3s and mods from your base / GameData folder
    Failure to do so will likely result in the game failing to even start.  So
    please don't ask me why the game won't start if you haven't done this.
    To install this map, extract the contents of the ZIP file into the
    'GameData' folder of your Jedi Academy install directory. Double-click the
    batch file in the GameData folder and you're on your way.
    I've been running with the 1.1 patch.  If you don't have it, play at
    your own risk.
    Basically, the Sith have dominated the galaxy.  The good guys (called the
    Alliance) are threatened.  The game will feed you some hints that explain
    the reason for the Sith control.  Of course, you have to come to the
    rescue to save the universe from total Sith control (oh, unless you choose
    to become a Sith).  The rest of the story pretty much tells itself.
    Please note that if you choose to jump around the levels using the chapters
    menu, you will not get the entire story.  Just keep that in mind.  It is
    recommended you play through in normal game mode before jumping around.
    In all, there are 38 levels (12 cinematic levels and 26 playable levels).
    Unlike the traditional game (JKIII), your saber upgrades occur as you
    defeat your opponents.  Each level also offers your a chance to 'trade'
    your saber for one encountered up to that point in the game.
    Like the cool saber disc your opponent has?  Defeat him, and take it!
    It's that simple.
    There are two really big issues:
    1. level2_saber_shipment always hangs for me when it is *not* loaded as the
       first level in the game.
       ** If this occurs, you can use the Chapters menu to start a new game
          from this point in the game.
    2. After some time of playing, the game seems to 'hang' after about 90
       seconds from a save point.  It does not happen in the same level or
       in the same place in the level.  The problem only occurs after playing
       and saving for SEVERAL HOURS continuously (essentially the same game).
       Restarting and loading the saved game does not correct the problem.
       ** If this occurs, you can use the Chapters menu to start a new game
          from where you left off.
    3. My hard drive crashed and I lost *everything* associated with this game
       just a couple weeks ago.  Fortunately, I had already posted a V4 Beta, so
       really what you are playing is Beta V4+ here.  Everything pretty much
       works fine, but I lost all of the .map and script files.  So...  If you
       use the Chapters menu to start the ending levels of the game (Chapters 8
       - 11), you'll need to use the cheats to setup your force powers.
       ** Bring up the console then type:
            > helpusobi 1
            > setforceall 3
    There's other little detailed things, most of which you probably won't
    even notice, so it's not worth mentioning...
    Without these contributors, this game would not be.
    Beta Testers:
    Tester #1 ............................ Theos Burgess
    Tester #2 ............................ Captain Shuttle
    Tester #3 ............................ Mr11
    Tester #4 ............................ Chris Jackson
    Aayla Secura ......................... Mars Marshall & Dark_Cuillere
    Abbaddon ............................. El Cuko
    Asajj Ventress ....................... Monsoontide and Psyk0Sith
    BPPloKoon ............................ [BP]Plokoon
    Bain Elite v2 ........................ -=SOTG=-Bain_Elite
    Boba Fett ............................ Brian Jones (Bones)
    Darth Maul 1 ......................... mrdefender
    Darth Maul 2 ......................... broken_hope & Aaron Smith & Chesire
    Darth Omega .......................... KAZZZ
    Darth Savet .......................... Brejo Savet
    Death ................................ +]Nekroscop[+
    Egor ................................. Unknown
    FemOffee ............................. Mars Marshall
    General Grievous ..................... Mars Marshall
    Howler ............................... Light Ninja
    Knight ............................... Unknown
    Lamasu ............................... Crying Gods Germany
    Lizard Reptile ....................... Tps_sithrouge
    Mace Windu ........................... Aaron Smith
    Maddog JKA ........................... Maddog
    Magna Guard .......................... Mars Marshall
    Mandalorian Sniper ................... Innocent Hawk
    Neo Reborn ........................... Drakkan
    Ninja ................................ Tim & Jimesu_Evil & Shady-D &
                                           Satanmaster & Playingkarrde
    Noghri ............................... RO Agent Smith
    Olts Keldor .......................... OLTS /// Lord Vili ****
    Pit Droid ............................ Matt-Liell & Scouttrooper
    RAB-24 ............................... Chairwalker
    Raptor ............................... Thrawn42689 & Graves & LightNinja
    Razchrome ............................ Unknown
    Rodian ............................... Darth Algar
    Sabergirl ............................ v2 by Sabergirl
    Samus ................................ Kurtis 'KMan' Smith
    Shinobira ............................ Crying Gods Germany
    Sithress ............................. DarthVengeant
    Soulseeker ........................... Unknown
    Spawn ................................ Stingray
    Swoop Racer .......................... Nick Aikenhead (Kahn)
    Witchblade ........................... {EJA}DarthVengeant{S}
    Xian ................................. Unknown
    Yarael Poof .......................... Mars Marshall & PsykOSith & Nomad
    Yoda ................................. Darth Dizzy & Team Yoda
    Younglings ........................... Mars Marshall
    Zabrak Male .......................... Darth Algar
    Sound Effects:
    Enhanced Saber Sounds ................ Aryyn
    Grievous Sounds ...................... Kurt Libengood
    Voice Acting:
    Darth Maul ........................... Mr11
    Jedi ................................. Darrow Linder
    Jedi Master Nadoo .................... Mr11
    Jedi Master Savet .................... Darrow Linder
    Jedi Master Secura ................... The Light Side
    Jedi Master Windu .................... Mr11
    Mirala ............................... The Light Side
    Queen Mothma ......................... The Light Side
    Rosh Penin ........................... Darrow Linder
    Sith Lord ............................ Darrow Linder
    Sithress ............................. The Light Side
    Saber Models:
    Crystal Hilt ......................... {THC}ShovelHead
    CyberNinja ........................... Revan Dark
    Darth Maul ........................... Unknown
    Desann Saber ......................... CHoSeN ONe
    Dual Lightstaff Sabers ............... Red Sith
    Eclipse Saber ........................ +POO+Sigma
    Imales ............................... IMALES (Damir Berkovic)
    Light Disc ........................... Wolrajh/Xantcha
    Majestic Sai Staff ................... Tiri
    Punisher ............................. Darth Khan & Lord G-Spot
    Reborn Saber ......................... CHoSeN ONe
    Skywalker Saber ...................... CHoSeN ONe
    Star Wars Classic Sabers ............. Revan Dark
    TS Custom Sabers ..................... Trauma Sensei
    X-Saber .............................. Jon Hill 
    Custom Textures 1 .................... BerneyBoy
    Custom Textures 2 .................... Shaithis
    Water and Ripples .................... Sith J Cull (Arevas)
    Sith Command Ship .................... Sith J Cull (Ep3 Mappack)
    Rocket Effects ....................... Rhinen
    Concussion Effects ................... Spector
    Disruptor Effects .................... Spector
    Duality .............................. Manquesa, RaSiN_HeCk
    Sith Speeder ......................... Duncan_10158 & Monsoontide
    Speeder Bike ......................... Duncan_10158 & Monsoontide
    STAP ................................. Duncan_10158
    Menu Tutorial ........................ Red Sith
    Startup Screen Images ................ http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Lair
    HUD .................................. Chewy≤/Uber Noober≤
    duel_valley (modified and extended) .. Raven
    (all other maps were done by me)


       (0 reviews)



  9. Eternal Lair of Ragnos Disciples

    ¡§Eternal lair of Ragnos¡¦ deciples¡¨ is a large scale FFA map for JKA.The concept consists of a place where the spirits of Ragnos¡¦ deciples roam,fight and train eternally,awaiting the resurrection of their master and his army,hoping one day they will rule all again.
    This map has a mystical touch to it,and is quiete challenging.I¡¦ve made this map for all the clans for JKA who do not have a clanmap,for this map is IDEAL for clanmap.
    With 3 training rooms(Balance,fire and ice duel.),a meeting hall,a council which can give up to 10 people a place to sit,a large scale FFA room and 1 secret area(which will satisfy all guys who see it,the deciples get lonely too after some millennia¡K).


       (1 review)



  10. EternalJK

    EternalJK is a fork of OpenJK that focuses on jaPRO integration and Client Engine modifications.
    A simple guide to installing on Windows can be found here.
    If you have any suggestions or would like to submit a bug report, please post them in issues.
    OpenJK is licensed under GPLv2 as free software. You are free to use, modify and redistribute OpenJK following the terms in LICENSE.txt.
    For players
    Installing and running EternalJK:
    Download the latest release. Extract the file into the Jedi Academy GameData folder. For Steam users, this will be in <Steam Folder>/steamapps/common/Jedi Academy/GameData/. Run eternaljk.x86.exe (Rename to jamp.exe for better steam support) For Developers
    Contributing to EternalJK
    Fork the EternalJK project on GitHub Create a new branch on your fork and make your changes Send a pull request to upstream (eternaljk/master) Maintainers
    eternal Contributors
    bucky loda


       (0 reviews)



  11. Eve of Redemption

    Author: Mercenary
    A Reborn is sent into the sewers by an Imperial Commander to find a hiding mercenary who carries the identity of a conspirator who has been trading sensitive data of Imperial operations.


       (12 reviews)



  12. Excalibur Duel Music for JK2 and JKA

    Author : {THC}ShovelHead
    Description : This will replace your duel music in JK2 or JA with the well known and awe inspiring music from the movie Excalibur.


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  13. Fantasy Swords Pack

    Author: Lightsource


    Uploaded by: Barricade24

    INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Put all the pk3 files in you gamedata\base folder.
    DESCRIPTION: I started with a sword for Loeb, and I couldn't stop, it's just an small collection of famous swords.
    BUGS: I hope not.
    COMMENTS: not this time.


       (4 reviews)

    1 comment


  14. FF White Magic CURE

    This MOD changes effect of Force Heal like White Magic CURE
    of the video game "Final Fantasy".
    Furthermore, the sound which was suitable for this effect was added.
    Two kinds of new effect's are in this MOD.
    (One is used with JA+MOD.)
    Incidentally, an effect image isn't being made at all.
    I changed only effect data newly.
    I included the sound (It is the same sound.) of Force Team Heal, too.
    But, I have never used Force Team Heal...
    "It can be used with JA+ MOD"
    Tentatively, this MOD can be used for [JA+ MOD 2.3] as well.
    Put z_FF_Cure.pk3 in the japlus folder when you use it with JA+MOD.


       (1 review)



  15. FF8 Lionheart

    This model is a Squall's sword from "Final Fantasy VIII".
    It is the strongest weapon in his weapon.
    New sound and little effects are attached to this model. Furthermore, the version that an edge shines in green is in. (In FF8, it seems to be green when aura of the magic is used.)
    Use cheat code to use this weapon with Single Player.
    -Cheat code-
    saber "saber name"
    -Saber name-
    Blue sword ---- lionheart
    Green sword --- lionheart_aura


       (1 review)



  16. FFA Nowhere

    Author: Cye


    Submitted by Helena Revan

    One of the scariest maps ever released, FFA Nowhere is an abandoned asylum! And not a nice sort of asylum, either. One with rows of cells and locked iron doors, padded cells and operating theatres, and security bars everywhere! People have died here. There's even a graveyard full of them. But are all those who died here in the graveyard? I'm not so sure of that! You visit on a rainy, misty night, and there's just enough power to work the lights in some sections. Wind rushes through the corridors... was that someone moaning? Why are there chains hanging from the ceiling? Is someone there...? Help! You'll be glad you took your lightsaber with you as you explore this creepy place. Better hope you don't dream about it!
    Here's what Cye had to say about his map when he released it on JK3Files back in 2004:
    Build time : 2 or so weeks
    Custom Textures : sortof
    New Music : Yes
    Bot Support : This is my first map cut me some slack punk
    Installation : Simply extract the ffa_nowhere.pk3 file into your JA/GAMEDATA/BASE folder or click and drag it to the folder specified.
    Map info : As said above this is my first map ever, I came up with the idea during playing a game of Jedi Outcast with a few people online and felt that most of the custom maps for the game were all going by the same types of themes so I decided to create something a little new. I created the idea of a creepy or Silent Hill themed map so to speak that night and made the blueprints the next day. But since being my lazy self I never actually made it until JA came out so the idea aswell as the blueprints stuck in my mind for a year or so. It took me less than a week to read up on some great Radiant tutorials and in the same week I started up on FFA_nowhere, so this map was also my tool to learning how to do this and that. And although this map is not perfect considering I had limited resources "texture wise" and other things, it has become bigger and better than my original idea for the map.
    Rich Diesals mapping university, the only place I got my mapping tutorials. http://richdiesal.jedioutcastmaps.com/tutorials/ explained a hellofa lot to me and I cant thank the dude enough.
    Also special thanks goes out to Raven for the great game that is JA and JediOutcast, and also Id and EA games for their great textures.
    Textures by RAVEN: Jedi Academy,
    Id software: Return to castle Wolfenstein, and EA Games: Medal of Honor AA.
    It was reviewed by the JK3Files staff, too:
    What a 'nice' idea for a map and with the sound effects too, nicely done!
    When I first got in the haunting noises were superb, the room was plain but the fact it sounded like a true horror game seriously added to the atmosphere; thank god I have control of my bladder! The next room I went to was an outdoor area, a half destroyed room where it was raining and it felt good; by that I mean it felt like it should, run down house broke apart by age and weather.
    The main bulk of the house is corridors (those are quite large corridors btw) which are very dark and damp with the occasional flickering light (nice touch). The bordered up windows and doors along with the various broken object and sharp corners really do give it that horror feel which helps you forget about the fact that in decor this house is somewhat lacking.
    There was one place that really was cool, I won't go into it fully but put it this way...just because it seems like it's a corridor that you can walk down does not mean you can walk down it....falling however is a much faster method. Oh and if you're scared of small spaces avoid this place! Solidary confinement is not a nice place.
    I suppose I should now point out it is infact more of an asylum and if walking past those torn down doors on cells don't freak you out...you're on a par with George Bush for reaction and intelligence!
    One think that puts me off this map is the fact teleporters move you from place to place through doorways which I don't think there was need for.
    New Sounds: Yes (+Music)
    New Textures: Yes
    Bot Support: No

    Good Halloween map.


       (5 reviews)



  17. FFA Rooftop

    Author: ZaP
    That is a typical real FFA map. A skycraper city in rooftop style.


       (4 reviews)

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  18. FFA_Village

    This map is made by author -XeTer-DisasteruS, it has been, for the most part, lost to the public but it is being uploaded here so that others may add it to their map collection.


    File Uploaded by @Barricade24


       (3 reviews)



  19. Final Duel MaulSabers

    Author : HapSlash
    Description: This pack contains two versions of Darth Maul's lightsaber as used throughout the final duel in Episode I. First we have a new version of the full saber. And then there is the half saber, the damaged version used durring the final moments of the duel.


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  20. Final Fantasy VII Compilation

    Author: Shinra
    Start up screen, menu screen, console screen, map loading screen, and blue sword trails.
    Mod's blood, weapon sounds, and effects are respectable to the weapons featured in this mod only.
    Dual Hound has staff kata, modified lunge attack, and shock hit effects.
    -Final Fantasy VII weapons from:
    Crisis Core: Buster Sword, Masamune, Loveless, and SOLDIER Sword
    Advent Children: First Tsurugi, Double Sword, 4-Point Shuriken, Dual Hound, and Spear
    Original Game: Guard Stick


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  21. Final Fantasy VII Weapon Pack

    These weapon models are the pack which the model of
    the version 2 and a new model were included in.
    Then, I tried to add shader.
    Shader is added to all the models.
    The models added newly are Ultima Weapon, Guard Stick, Crystal Sword, Boomerang and Light Rod.
    Re-editing and an improved model are Hardedge, Rekka, Murasame and Rod.
    Furthermore, I added some items of Final Fantasy Series.
    These are exchanged for items of the default.
    But, I am sorry.
    Only a single-player works in these item models.
    In case of a multi-player, It was given up for a little complicated editing.
    Incidentally, these item models can use even JK2.


       (0 reviews)



  22. Fire Blades

    Author : {THC}ShovelHead
    Description : This mod will give a mystical fire look to your saber blade.


       (1 review)



  23. Flame Mandalorian

    Author: Forogorn
    There are 3 skins included, 1 gold with black and camo, 1 blue with purple, and 1 red with orange. I made these skins because of the Snow Mandalorian I made. The next Mandalorian skins that I will be releasing will be the Camo Mandalorian with different skins for blue and red instead of changing the color to blue and red. Though it is already finished, I will release it when I feel that it's ready. Maybe then you can remake the scene of the Mandalorian War.


       (2 reviews)



  24. Flame Saber Mod

    Original Author: BoBnoGG!n
    This mod here....is fun...and firey and stuff....if youve always been fascinated by fire......here u can play with it without realling hurtin anyone real....thats y i made this mod....hope u hav fun
    look out for my other fully sikk mod thats called lightning saber.....i think......


       (1 review)



  25. Flamethrower Blaster

    Author: Rhyaan
    This is a mod, which changes the blaster rifle to a flamethrower. The damage is the same, but it fires more faster and there is more ammo.


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