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Files posted by JKHub

  1. Bespin Christmas

    Author: Rhiom

    It's Bespin during Christmas!
    What more is there to say?


       (9 reviews)



  2. Lugormod

    This is the original version of Lugormod, added before RoboPhredDev site went down.


       (5 reviews)



  3. Galactic Flame Saber

    This model design is the sword of my comics character, it is a mechanical flame sword.
    When it fights, a flame is made to occur from the sword.
    But, there is no change of the performance.
    New sound, attack effect are attached additionally.
    Use cheat code to use this weapon with Single Player.
    -Saber Cheat Code-


       (1 review)



  4. Episode 2 Obi Wan

    Original Author: Maestro Obi
    Credits: Credits go to Aaron Smith for his model and Steve Brown for his Obi-Wan Hilt
    Description: We ve made a complete reskin of Aaron Smith s Episode 2 Obi-Wan that includes reskined or new: face, hair, torso, hips, boots, robe, eyes, team skins and sounds. Apart from this we ve made new Botfiles, new NPC s and a SP menu. The sounds were fixed by niveling the volume of all the files and deleting some of them. As a bonus we've added MB2 Support (included in the pk3) and Steve Browns Obi-Wan Hilt, so you don't have to download anything else.
    We hope you like our skin


       (1 review)



  5. Stargate Academy

    Original Author: [uSS] Industriesô
    Beta 2 of the map, it includes the CMS, a room with raptors connected to CMS through a door of stars and finally a room with a sniping war bunker and a ruined castle.
    Uploader's Comments:
    This map was not completely done but the best stargate map (aside from Sith-J-Culley's) that i've ever seen or downloaded. It has the stargate complex, and offworld. The offworld is where you spawn when you load the map and it is a jungle world with raptors and ruined temple.
    Note: I attempted to contact the author before but he didn't respond.
    Attempted Author Contact can be found here.

    Uploaded by:


    Original author may contact the staff
    here if they wish this file to be removed.


       (3 reviews)

    1 comment


  6. Electric Saber Mod

    Author: Thunder
    This is a saber mod that gives your lightsaber an electric trail and look!


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    1 comment


  7. Peril in the Core

    Patrick Haslow
    Brush Count : 2754
    Entity Count : 589
    Base info : original map
    Software used : Radiant 1.4, Adobe Photoshop, Goldwave
    Known Bugs : none
    Perilous Free-for-All battles or duels in the cavernous power core of the Merr Sonn Corporation's space station.
    This map is unusually small for FFA matches, and is best played with 2-4 players. Bot support is provided, but they would do well to develop a fear of heights.
    For dueling purposes, those wanting a larger dueling area should activate the force field to create a larger arena. For quick escapes or rapid transit, explore the boost pads and airjet tubes. Also, beware the energy beam projector and power conduits!


       (4 reviews)



  8. Gmax MD3 Exporter

    Improved Pop'N'Fresh MD3 Exporter
    beta version 1.0 for gmax
    This is an improved version of Pop'N'Fresh's MD3 exporter plugin for
    gmax. The following major fixes and features have been implemented:
    * Correct normal export, taking into account smoothing groups
    * Bounding box calculation for each frame
    * Improved error checking
    This plugin has not been extensively tested - therefore use at your own
    To install, just drop ExportMD3.dle into your gmax plugins directory
    and run gmax.
    To use, select Export from the File menu, select "Quake 3 MD3" as the
    file type, and enter the range of frames in the dialog that appears.
    All bugs, suggestions, comments to: cjcookson@hotmail.com
    - Chris Cookson
    Original code : Pop'N'Fresh
    Additional fixes: Chris Cookson
    Some changes to the original code were made by TiCaL but have since
    been removed or rewritten.


       (0 reviews)



  9. Vapthes

    Original Author: Phonock
    This is a reskin of reborn. Not much to say here...Well, this is my new villain character and his name is Vapthes.
    Million thanks to Buffy The Sith Slayer for taking really good looking screenshots.


       (1 review)



  10. Wookiee

    Major Clod
    A completely new Wookiee player model for JK2. The fur effects were created using alpha channels and shaders.The default skin is Chewbacca, CTF skins are based on the wookiee bounty hunter Snoova. Bot support is included.
    Other Info : LOD support is not included yet. The mesh has been giving me some trouble, and I need time to get it right. I plan to have LOD support in future releases.


       (3 reviews)



  11. Antioch

    Antioch was one of the cities that was fought over between the Muslims and the Christians during the medieval crusades. The inspiration for this map came from Assassin's Creed, although at the construction of the map, I have not played it. I used screenshots from the game's website as reference points. There is a wooden button near the main large door to spawn some npc's which are supposed to add to the ambience.


       (2 reviews)



  12. Gamorrean

    Author : HapSlash
    Description: Gamorrean Guard... pretty much speaks for itself.


       (3 reviews)



  13. Jedi Academy Reloaded Script

    Original Author: cHoSeN oNe
    Welcome to the Jedi Academy Reloaded Script! This script is intended for use with the Official Jedi Academy Reloaded.( In Production )
    - Easy interactive menues for JA players
    - Supports admin commands for up to 20 + 1 Clients.
    - Shows Trial info for all Ranks.
    - Rules for Jedi Academy are listed.
    - Demo recording made easy.
    - Access to hidden features in JK:JA.
    - Tools for easy CTF communication.
    - New RolePlaying Script
    - And much, much more...
    Installation Steps:
    1) Extract all files out of the JAR_Script.zip to the base folder.
    2) Open the file ja_defaults.cfg in Notepad. Make sure you set up EVERY KEY to your personal default settings.(ja_defaults.cfg is activated using the DEL key, I suggest you dont edit that. )
    3) Next, edit the ja_info.cfg, again in Notepad, with your name.
    Running the Script:
    1) When you log into the server, type \exec autoexec.cfg in the console.
    2) Hit the DEL(delete) key and that will load the script.
    3) Use the default keys for the menues:
    Jedi Academy Main Menu - f11
    4) Some of the functions of the script are loaded silently. These functions are:
    Chat Selector
    Saber Color Changer
    Emote Selector
    Music Changer
    Chat Selector:
    Binds the U key to toggle through chat mode, Y key to select and start the chat mode.
    Saber Color Changer:
    Binds N to change the color of your right hand saber on the fly.
    Binds M to change the color of your left hand saber on the fly.
    Emote Selector:
    Use the Keypad keys END and PGDN to toggle through emotes, and Keypad DOWNARROW to execute them.
    Music Changer:
    Use keys LEFTARROW, RIGHTARROW to toggle through music, Use DOWNARROW to play track.
    Visit the Jedi Academy Website at:


       (0 reviews)



  14. Catch A Wave

    Author: ook

    Have a nice, quiet duel along the beach, or take it to the waves for a deadly surf-off! It's just like that one Batman episode!


       (3 reviews)



  15. Harmony Temple

    Author: Magnus D'Kana
    Contact: magnusdkana@hotmail.com OR Magnus D'Kana#9312
    Website: http://valleyofthejedi.boards.net/
    File Name and Version: harmony_temple.bsp, boss_battle_all.bsp and others such as models/textures/scripts/sounds etc.
    (Original) Release Date: 15/11/2019
    Build Time: 1 year and 9/10 months (not actual work time)
    Filesize: 107,119 KB
    ***I found out that this map's npc scripts do not properly work on ja+, therefore if you want the full experience, play on base.***

    So I started this map, Harmony Temple (previously named Hidden Vale), a looooong time ago. In fact I started my process of learning to
    map alongside starting this map after only around a month of starting JKA (January 2018 specifically). I’ve come a long way since then 
    and I kept my old .map files which I look back on with horror lol. I have also kept a lot of the map true to how it started, most 
    notably the spawn area which was the first area I started on the map and has been heavily revamped many times as I have progressed 
    in my ability to map. Along the way of progress, I have had to learn many things about modding in JKA such as lighting theory, scripting, 
    advanced entity work, architecture, game design, modelling, sound editing, skinning, texture editing, texture creation, shader creation 
    and a lot more! Although I didn’t work on the map the ENTIRE  time between January 2018 and now, I still hope that the amount of time and 
    effort I put into this map and improving my knowledge shows in this final product and you enjoy it as much as I loved creating and testing it
    I will put in a disclaimer here...the boss battle map is fairly challenging-it is meant to test your limits as a player and as such the average 
    player will likely fail at the challenges... a lot. I just wanted to say that this is entirely what I intended. I based the challenges around 
    trial maps I have completed and most of those were super challenging and even frustrating but I always felt like I had improved by the end of 
    them (I even think my map is much easier than the trial maps I've played on xD). So my idea for these challenges was basically so that they 
    would challenge even the best of players and allow them to adapt to the challenge and grow as a player. Soooo yeah don't be disheartened if you 
    fail at them (if it makes you feel better I died to the crushers around 49/50 times back when they were almost double the speed they are now :P.
    The Harmony Temple map features:
    -A spawn area, with combo training pads (from Virtue’s academy maps). It also has two portals-one to the combat area and one to the “pit”.
    -A med bay, with health and shield pickups to bring you up to 200hp and bacta tanks. It also features KOTOR kolto tanks and medical beds, allowing 
    - A mess hall, which offers ability to RP (watch for the chimney coming from the fire pit blowing out smoke on the roof!)
    -An outside “hang-out” area, with gardens inspired by Skyrim’s College of Winterhold’s glowlight garden in the arch mage’s quarters. It also 
    features a crystal cave and several places to RP.
    -An entrance which leads to the pit, the combat area and the stairs.
    -A combat area, complete with two duelling rooms; a room for training various theories (theories used by The Valley of the Jedi community in 
    regards to duelling and movement) and also a drone room for practising aerials.
    -A “pit”, heavily inspired by Virtue’s pit on the academy maps and also Zach’s pit on The Valley of the Jedi. This pit uses rotating central 
    platforms, HP stepping stones and a central mini duelling platform.
    -A library, which features two side meditation rooms; an orb with a story (I call it the Eye of Magnus after Skyrim’s Eye of Magnus :P); 
    opportunity to meditate on different paths of the force and gain force boons and also a hidden armoury (try to find a hidden button somewhere...
    unless you want to cheat-then just use /noclip!)
    -Dorm room hallway, which contains unique master bedrooms on the right and more boring (...except one) student bedrooms on the left.
    -An entrance to a trial map I am working on (this will be useless to most seen as though I won’t be releasing to the public).
    -A council room, which has a strong theme of nature. It is said that the masters who gathered on the chairs had to use telepathy with the force 
    so they could hear each other over the loud waterfalls <_<.
    -The map also features a treasure hunt (using holocrons) and also a hidden password-locked door. There will be more info on this further down.
    The Boss Battle map features:
    -A lava challenge room, which features a laser obstacle course, booby traps and hidden doors.
    -A “precision jump” challenge room, which features moving small platforms.
    -A crusher challenge room, which features fast crushers and another challenge (no spoilers).
    - A strafe challenge room, which features strafe jumps which probably range from around 3-8/10 for difficulty (10 being near impossible) 
    -A boss battle room, which features a scripted boss battle.
    Information and Help:
    -These maps are quite big together and they contain .NPC files. If you are using the base MP client, it is likely you will have to remove other
    .pk3s which contain .NPC files (otherwise you'll get an error when trying to play). I personally never had this issue when I was using either 
    the openjk or the eternaljk client. I assume because they extend the limit of .NPC files.
    -Note that the boss battle map is really designed for a single player however, to make sure everyone has something to do, 4 players is the 
    recommended maximum. This is because there are 4 challenges and each challenge is quite hard to do with multiple people. To make sure everyone 
    gets a chance to play all of the challenges, you can simply restart the map with /rcon map boss_battle_all.
    -The holocrons around the map all contribute to make up one password-the numbers represent what order the letters are. The letters stand for 
    their respective colour so O=Orange for example.
    -It is possible the holocrons are very hard to find. As such, I will give some help. Comb every inch of the map, check shadowed areas, underwater, 
    try to break objects/walls with your saber and remember you can use your saber as a torch to search shadowy areas for hidden buttons!
    -The same advice as above goes for finding the hidden password-locked door. Once you reach the password door, I should tell you: the sequence resets 
    every time you get the order wrong. If you get the right colour, you will hear a confirmation sound; if you get the wrong colour....well you’ll 
    know-trust me >:D.
    -Once you have unlocked the door, press use inside the portal to change map to the boss battle map. This may or may not cause your game to crash. 
    If it does cause a crash, just do /rcon map boss_battle_all (you can also use this command if you want to cheat but I recommend doing the full 
    experience the correct way).
    -When you have spawned in the boss battle map, you will see two force fields. At the end of each challenge room, there will be a lever. 
    This lever will deactivate a force field when used. Also in the left room from spawn, you have to press all 3 buttons at the end of each trial, 
    and the centre “apparatus” will reveal the lever you need.
    -For some advice, the challenges are meant to test your patience and ability to think; along with testing game mechanical knowledge and skills. 
    Some rooms might feel a bit like cat mario but if you observe and use your own intuition, you can work out how to avoid the traps. Also...
    -The boss battle consists of 3 stages. If you defeat the 1st boss "aspect" and the forcefields do not turn off-do /devmap boss_battle_all and
    use /noclip to restart the boss battle.
    -After the boss battle has completed, you will receive a message. This glitches a bit for some reason and the messages might repeat 
    it's not too bad, just wait until the portal is on, and then press use on it to return to Harmony Temple. Like before, this may or may not 
    crash you/your server (for some reason, the boss battle portal always crashed the server I tested the map on, but not when I was in a solo 
    game-therefore I would reccomend doing /rcon map harmony_temple regardless, if you are on a server). If it does, restart and do /rcon map 
    harmony_temple (if it is a base server).
    -Recommended settings for boss battle map: /_dynamiclight 1, force jump 3, no force speed (makes it ez :P), /g_forceregentime 200 
    (it causes more frustration but force management makes the challenges more rewarding to complete), /com_maxfps 125, for ja+ servers-please
    allow base wall grabs (I think it's something like g_debugmelee but not sure) and also for ja+ servers-disable grapple. You also NEED force 
    push/pull level 3.
    Thanks to:
    - Zachry D'Kana for letting me use prefabs and textures from his map (The Valley of the Jedi) and also for his HUGE help with a lot of things 
    including: help setting up my radiant for the first time; shaders; scripts; lighting advice; entity advice and help; teaching me how to make 
    area portals;  ideas; building a lot of the library for me and inspiring me to begin mapping with his own awesome maps!
    -Rhendo D'Kana for teaching me most of what I know about scripting; insisting I use clipping instead of arbitrary rotation (seriously thanks a 
    lot for that xD) ; advice; spotting bugs and introducing me to entities for the first time.
    -Reep D’Kana for always answering questions I had whilst making my map; advice; spotting z-fighting; amazing ideas and teaching me many things 
    I always wondered about such as how to make light flares.
    -Jaina D’Kana for letting me know how bad it was that she couldn’t splash in the fountain water (it’s been fixed now lol) and also spotting bugs 
    in my map.
    -Helena Revan for helping me fix a rotating script and giving advice for one of my challenge rooms.
    -Rich Diesal for his awesome tutorial series which helped me immensely when first learning mapping and I even continued to check back on certain 
    lessons even later on, down the line.
    -AshuraDX for helping me to fix a bad .map file my portal shader.
    -Asgarath83 for giving help on some NPC scripting.
    -Szico for his tutorial on rotating doors with area portals.
    -NAB622 for his tutorial on botrouting.
    -These are just a handful of people who have been SO helpful to me whilst I was learning every skill I needed to make my map. Because I have a 
    bad memory, I can’t possibly list everyone who has helped me-so I just wanted to thank anyone who has supported me through enthusiasm, teaching, 
    fixing etc. And even all the tutorials and forums posts I found to help me. I couldn’t have made nearly as awesome of a map without you all so a 
    big thanks to all of you!! ?
    -Jaina, Prospero, Reep, Rhendo, Zachry and Zhan-Thanks for all the advice for improvements and extra ideas...the map wouldn't be as awesome without
    all of you :).


       (3 reviews)



  16. Mara Jade

    Author: Edward Peretti
    Original download
    This is a re-vamp of the legendary Mara Jade character from the "Mysteries of the Sith" addon pack for Jedi Knight.
    This is for Jedi Outcast. Includes NPC support and Bot support.
    This was a lost JK2 file, but has been re-packed for JKHub.
    NPC names:
    npc spawn jedimara (saber-wielding)
    npc spawn rebelmara (blaster wielding)


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    1 comment


  17. The Dark Alliance

    Author: Steven Brown (Blaster)
    Date Of Release: November 2002
    This is the sequel to my singleplayer map 'The Mainframe 2.0'. If you have not yet played 'The Mainframe 2.0' then I suggest you download and play it before you play this one.
    You can get it from the following websites:
    The Mainframe
    The Dark Alliance II: Vengeance of the Sith
    I hope you enjoy this map just as much as I did making it.... no really I did!
    - Blaster
    A year has passed since the encounter with Darth Vader at the mainframe complex on Kejim. It has remained a mystery to how Darth Vader was somehow brought back to life and the Republic have found no leads to the location of Tavion.
    A smuggler known as Marlow Baruk, brother of Reelo Baruk, has been receiving large quantities of Imperial equipment. Republic spies have found that Tavion, along with her new forces, have been negotiating with the smuggler in a quiet part of Narshaddaa. It is believed that she is giving Imperial equipment to Marlow in order for her to create a secret base underneath Marlow's own hideout and are allying their forces together in an attempt to start a war against the New Republic. If this kind of act is to occur then who knows what will happen.
    An offensive has not been easy and all attempts to inspect Marlow's hideout are at a loss. He refuses to co-operate. The Republic has no choice but to send in someone to investigate.
    Kyle is now a Jedi mercenary agent working for the New Republic and they have called for his skills in dealing with these matters and besides Kyle has some unfinished business with Tavion. The mission is not going to be easy. First Kyle must inspect Marlow's hideout and see if he can find Marlow himself and interrogate him. Then if possible he must apprehend Tavion inside her secret base and send a signal to blue squad, so they can take control of the base and investigate what Tavion has been up to.
    Marlow's hideout will be well guarded and the entrance will surely be hidden.
    Additional Credits:
    I am in no way responsible for the other models and MODS that have been included in this MOD. All credit goes to the authors and you can see who is responsible for these in the closing credits at the very end of the level.
    Here are the credits:
    Black Jedi Reborn Skin - DarkMavis
    Jedi Knight Reborn Skin - Crapse
    Anakin's Saber Hilt - Ryan "Alaris" Hutchings
    Episode II Saber Blades - The RattleSnake
    Stealth Jedi Gear for Kyle - HapSlash
    Darth Maul Model - Adam "Cheshire" Lee
    Red Darth Maul Skin - Kurtis "Kman" Smith
    Yoda Model - Team Yoda
    Dark Yoda Skin - Mars Marshall
    Cinematic Saber and Weapons SFX - Patrick
    Darth Cinerate Skin - Magnetixxx
    Installation Information:
    Simply create your own folder in the jedioutcast/gamedata directory and call it 
    'The Dark Alliance'. Then load up the game and enter the 'Setup' menu and select 'MODS'. 
    Click on 'The Dark Alliance' and then click on load. All you need to do now is start a 
    new game and then select your difficulty.
    Make sure you have the latest patch for the game or it will not show up in the MODS menu!

    Construction Information:
    Known Bugs: In part 2 you may get stuck in the red force fields. Use crouch to get unstuck.
    Secret Areas: There are secrets in the levels so see if you can find them all. There are 2 in part 1, 3 in part 3 and 1 in part 4.

    License Agreement
    * I admit that * 
    (as required by the LEC License Agreement about Addon Levels)
    1. My Level works only with the retail version of the
       Software, and does not work with any demo or OEM versions
       of the Software.  
    2. My Level does not modify any COM, EXE, DLL or other executable files.
    3. My Level does not contain any illegal, scandalous, 
       illicit, defamatory, libelous, or objectionable material
       (as may be determined by LEC in its sole discretion), or
       any material that infringes any trademarks, copyrights,
       protected works, publicity, proprietary, or other rights
       of any third party or of LEC.  
    4. My Level does not include any LEC sound effects or music files or 
       portions thereof.
    5. My Level identifies in every description file, on-
       line description, read-me, and in comments in the New
       Level code: (a) the name, address, and e-mail address of
       the level's creators, and (b) the following disclaimer:
    6. My Level may not be sold, bartered, or distributed with
       any other product for which any charge is made (other than
       incidental charges for time spent on-line), but rather
       must be distributed free of charge. 
    7. By distributing or permitting the distribution of any New
       Levels, all creators or owners of any trademark, 
       copyright, or other right, title or interest therein grant
       to LEC an irrevocable, perpetual, royalty-free, sub-
       licensable right to distribute the New Level by any means
       (whether now known or hereafter invented), and to create
       and distribute by any means (whether now known or here-
       after invented) derivative works thereof, and to charge
       for the distribution of such New Level or such derivative
       work, with no obligation to account to any creators or
       owners of the New Level in any manner.
    Copyright / Permissions
    Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels (just mention the author).  
    You MAY distribute this level, provided you include this file, with
    no modifications.  You may distribute this file in any electronic
    format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file 
    intact, with NO charge (other than incidental charges for time spent on-line).


       (1 review)



  18. Jedi Academy: Reloaded

    Original Author: cHoSeN oNe
    This mod is the official mod for the Jedi Academy. A server-side only modification designed to keep the peace and order on the servers. With that in mind, I set out and improved this mod with the way I wanted it to in the past. It's loaded with Admin Commands, Client Commands, Options, and cVars; Extremely modified to meet any clans expectations. This is truly the only mod you will ever need to get that doesn't alter the normal gameplay of Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy® Please visit us at http://www.thejediacademy.net, http://jamod.jk3files.com or on IRC at #jedi-academy, #ja-reloaded @ irc.quakenet.org.
    For a fuller description of this mods features, please view the readme included with the file.


       (0 reviews)



  19. Count Dracula

    Author: James Tragesser


    Submitted by: Barricade24

    This version of Dracula has always been my favorite. Other versions of Dracula have been made in the past decade that I have found to be less flattering of this monster. To often do you see movies that have Dracula depicted as feminine and girly. Especially in Japanese animation! Its like Japan has an obsession with feminine men! Anyways I built this model to represent the Dracula I have always loved. The Dracula people dress up as for Halloween.


       (5 reviews)



  20. Abregado Casino

    Author: Monsoontide
    This casino is modelled after the one in the Heir To The Empire comic book... although much of the interior save for lthe entrance and lower (red light) gambling area has been added by me.
    The map features several distinct areas, such as the main casino, bar & restaurant, dance club, pit fights, theater, hotel, hanger amongst others.
    You CAN score extra points during a FFA match by gambling at the pazak tables, sabbac tables & slot machines (press the 'use' key while standing next to one) - but BE WARNED... you are just as likely to loose points as gain them. Playing at the tables in the 'high-roller' area carries greater stakes than in the lower (red-light) casino.
    Points can also be scored in the 'shooting gallery'.
    ALL elevators are used by pressing the 'use' key - either while standing on one at the bottom of the shaft or while next to the elevator door/switch at the top.
    The monsters in the pit will only attack if you attack them!
    The map supports FFA and CTF


       (2 reviews)



  21. JAFont

    JAFont is a tool that converts .ttf fonts to a usable font format in JA. It was created by JAfont by Wudan, OJP et al, built with help from Bejitt and Fracman.
    usage: JAfont <command> <fontfile> <size> <JAfontname>
    example: jafont -create verdana.ttf 16 anewhope
    Resulting .fontdat and .png images will be placed in the executeable's directory. In the example above, anewhope.fontdat and anewhope.png would be created.
    When packaging the fonts it is important that you do NOT alter the original PK3 files, and place your new fonts in a new PK3 file, this is pretty much standard procedure for "replacing" game assets.


       (4 reviews)



  22. Q3map2 Graphical User Interface

    Author: Darth Arth
    Why did anybody code a new frontend for old Q3 based engine compiler?
    Hmm.., cause i'm still a small active part of german JK-mapping community
    Till today i used q3map2build to compile my maps, but i dreamed about a fronted,
    which can check the logfile "live", during the compilation.
    But the problem was, i couldn't write a working Log-Listener.
    I asked DLB for providing me the q3map2build-quellcode, but received no answer
    many days after, i did it finally...
    ... an working log-listener
    It was the beginning of q3map2GUI.
    Q3map2GUI is simple like q3map2build, but powerfull like q3map2toolz
    The most different featuers of q3map2GUI are:
    - "live" Log - checking for errors ans warnings (You can see them at one click)
    - you can compile and play maps in subfolders! (base/maps/ ...."
    - you can specify SP and MP game executables
    - this app do not add any registry keys, not one
    BSPC is not supported at this time.


       (0 reviews)



  23. New Jedi

    AUTHOR: Darth Ayreon
    Aren't we all bored how every single Jedi in the game looks the same?
    I just thought I'd change it a bit.
    This replacementmod will at least distinct the Jedi from the Master and from the J2.


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    1 comment


  24. FF8 Lionheart

    This model is a Squall's sword from "Final Fantasy VIII".
    It is the strongest weapon in his weapon.
    New sound and little effects are attached to this model. Furthermore, the version that an edge shines in green is in. (In FF8, it seems to be green when aura of the magic is used.)
    Use cheat code to use this weapon with Single Player.
    -Cheat code-
    saber "saber name"
    -Saber name-
    Blue sword ---- lionheart
    Green sword --- lionheart_aura


       (1 review)



  25. Burning Hand Technique

    Author : {THC}ShovelHead
    This mod will put an orb of fire around you hands instead of a saber hilt.


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