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Status Updates posted by Mog

  1. So some kid who was pissed off at EK for some reason is now DDoS'ing all the major servers. #Cattermoleragecausedenied

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Mysterious Stranger

      Mysterious Stranger

      you would be surprised

    3. Didz


      Used a booter, pointed it at different IPs, man is this kid so cool!

    4. Mog


      Probably used the Low Orbit Ion Cannon.

  2. I'm so glad that the JKA and JK2 community is taking full advantage of the source codes release!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. eezstreet


      @Lord Revian, no. The releases were never leaked, they were officially sanctioned by Activision and Raven, and one of the employees at Raven went to Kotaku to do an article about it. It was pulled by Raven after one of their coders discovered legally questionable content in the code (OpenJK does not have such content)

    3. Merek


      Thanks for clarification @eezstreet.

    4. eezstreet
  3. Man...Im itching to redownload JK3 again

  4. Oh...me, how can I be so silly in doing the European Extreme challenge in MGS3 ;_;

  5. I feel sex'd up for Metal Gear Rising.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mog


      Originally, the plot for Rising was for it to take place during the period between MGS2 and MGS4...now it's going to take place after the events of MGS4, specifically, after the fall of the Patriots.

    3. Mog


      Not true on the last statement.....Metal Gear Acid for one. As for the mechanics...I know that there is some kind of "Blade Mode" where it goes into slow motion and you can just slice and dice an opponent/mech/Ray into little bits.

    4. Mog


      MGS was not the first in the series. There was Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake. Also Portable Ops was actually a good game, and was legitimate to the storyline.

  6. Wow, I keep vanishing from this place.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. z3filus


      Doesn't change after college = Work, 9 to 5 jobs... I feel so old..

    3. z3filus


      but im only 23



    4. Mog
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Circa


      Heh. I knew what it was as soon as I saw the URL.

    3. Agent Jones
    4. Mog


      Dai, it's a station that plays all the tracks from Fallout 3 and NV back to back

  7. A new post on Mog's Blog is now avalible: http://mogblog.jkhub.org/the-many-trolls-of-jka/ . Have a nice laugh.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mog


      You.....I like you.

    3. CaptainChar


      But the best trollin comes at others expense, remember these words well, for it will give you great lulz in the future

    4. MagSul


      It bothers me that I can provide an example for each and every one of those.

  8. So...now that the world is still here...how's everyone doing?

    1. CaptainChar


      still lazy and procasting on finishing maps

    2. MUG
    3. CaptainChar


      thats never good

  9. Great...my JKA died...

    1. Bacon


      Not dead just...in a coma.

    2. spior


      I've learned throughout the years that jka never really stays dead.

    3. Mog


      Ugh, I'll reinstall it on the weekend -_-

  10. Hmm...someone attempted to attack the blog a few minutes ago...no serious damage done, cause security plugins deflected it.

    1. Mog


      But in all seriousness, it's been running slow for the past few days, not sure why.

    2. Mog


      Well, I ditto'd the plugin, but things are still slow....might take an hour or so for it to refresh itself and run properly if said plugin is slowing things up.

    3. Mog


      that cursed plugin ;_;...it be toying with my internal files.

  11. Anyone else waiting for the world to end on the 21st?

    1. CaptainChar


      people are still going on about that?

    2. Mog


      Meh, what can I say?

    3. MaceMadunusus


      It definitely wont end, kinda wish it would though :P

  12. Does anyone know why I seem to be unable to download JA++ from their download page?

    1. Circa


      Might be an issue on our hosting end. Looks like the style is missing from the page anyway.

    2. Circa


      Yep, was on our end. Try now. :)

    3. Mog


      Awesome, now I need to remember how to configure everything without having it explode

  13. Holy shit, I didn't realise the full extent that Humble Bundle caused for the JKA community

    1. Onysfx


      Me neither. And for some reason, I keep pronouncing it Humble Bumble. It sounds nice to say xD.

    2. Sentra


      ^ exactly my problem with Humble's name >.<

    3. Smoo


      lol that was fun

  14. And for my next trick, I'll make myself reappear.

  15. Had an interesting run-in with a Full Force player...what started as a duel of trolling capability turned into a talk about Full Force and my blog.....I still don't know what caused it to change like that.

    1. eezstreet


      Just wait until you meet an ESL player.

    2. Mog


      Already have....and I can say it was more constructive then the talk with the FF player.

    3. afi


      You already met me

  16. Why yes, Master. I do love it when you do that.

    1. CaptainChar


      oddly i could hear that in asokha to anakin >.>

    2. Astral Serpent

      Astral Serpent

      Stop, stop, you're giving me dirty thoughts.

    3. neoxrave
  17. Silly college, I wanna play JKA

    1. Ping


      College is legendary!

    2. Dusty
  18. A new article on Mog's Blog is now available: http://mogblog.jkhub.org/yet-another-ddos-bro-in-action/ . TO BED CHILDREN!

    1. eezstreet


      All they need to do is fix this issue is convert the GUI DDOS tools into command line.

      Kids these days are too stupid to use the command line.

    2. Mog


      Gotta love LOIC....

  19. You can search "pornstar namelist 2013" and somehow, my blog comes up. Nude photo's are on the way :D (joke)

    1. CaptainChar


      well that's interesting, prob just how the crawlbots work though

    2. Mog


      I still find it rather amusing.

  20. I am in a "hate everything" mood right now.....

    1. CaptainChar


      just like L4D Francis

    2. afi


      I'm always in that mood

  21. I'm curious, is there some kind of rainbow lightsaber mod for this game? I'm not talking about that silly colour changing script, but a rainbow decal lightsaber

    1. Onysfx


      ^ Heh, I've been wondering the same thing for years xD.

    2. Bek
  22. Someone should totally modify the mobile version of JKA so it's optimized for the Nvidia Shield Tablet

    1. eezstreet


      Someone should modify it so it is free*

    2. Flynn


      Wait there's a mobile JKA?

  23. Savior Clan: Serious business *snickers*

    1. Ping


      How did you think of that?

    2. Mog


      Oh it was from an exchange me and some Savior member made yesterday, funny shit

  24. Cool to see people apparently being quote on quote "abused" by text.

    1. Daedra
    2. Noodle


      Do yourself a favor and don't pay attention to the drama queens.

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