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The Punisher

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Posts posted by The Punisher

  1. Found some good textures for the arm and hand armor. Also replaced the head using the unmasked stalker version from @dark_apprentice as it fits better with the neck armor. Still not sure what (or how) to do with the chest armor and the arm textures. I think for the chest armor I will keep the one in the previous post. Still need to find a way to fix the arm textures






  2. Released Models


    Moved the contents of this post to the post above and leaving this one to post released contents. I'll cleanup the other posts ASAP.


    Galen Marek / Starkiller Pack with backhand animations



    The Force Unleashed II Starkiller Jedi Hunter with backhand Animation








    The Force Unleashed Starkiller Sith Assassin with backhand Animations








    Luke Skywalker - Grand Master (Legends)








    Luke Skywalker - Invasion: Siege of Rychel Concept (Legends)






    Luke Skywalker Dark Empire II (Legends) 1.1




    Jeff (Luke’s head from Yavin outfit / Tunic from Lord Kallig)
    Toshi (Darth Vader model / original textures)
    Circa/DT85/Toshi (ROTJ Luke torso & head)
    Dark_Apprentice (original Dark Empire Luke)
    Seven (TFU head), Backflip (belt controls)
    The Force Arena Team (new textures, mixed/modified by Dark_Apprentice)





    Nautolan watchmen





    Neomarz Fisto's head
    Scerendo's Quinlan Vos body
    Toshi's Vader robe
    Jeff's Lord Kallig belt
    Peneke's pack Kota (shirt collar)





    Dooku's Jedi Saber Retextured








    Jedi Master Kit Fisto





    Main Mesh - Hapslash
    Head Mesh - TFU Team
    Hands- JAWSFreelao (Kit Fisto TCW 1.0)






    Princess Leia ANH





    Hapslash: Main model

    Force Arena Team: Head mesh





    Nien Nunb




    Vade Parvis - Imperial Army Troopers pack
    Jeff - Lando Smuggler Outfit
    Jeff - Quarren pilot / Keyan Farlander models
    Force Arena - TFU Team





    Luke Skywalker Yavin Outfit







    diogocs195, Jolly, Sirius and 3 others like this
  3. the force explosion bubble is the force repulse of JAE.


    Thanks. I've tried JAE in the past for the RGB sabers but I made a pack of about 40 saber hilts with SP menu support and the RGB sabers don't work with it. Also, the blade colors were a little "washed out" and a custom animation didn't worked with it. I might give it a try some time just for the force repulse.

  4. No matter what the end version is, it will be awesome. With all due respect, if someome doesn't like the end product, that's fine, everybody has their preferences, we can't all agree all the time and that's part of life. But IMHO, calling lame the hard work and time others are investing on this so we can enjoy it, I find it a little bit disrespectful.


    I am just thankful for the people that make these amazing mods that allows us to enjoy this game in new (or different) ways.

    Darth Sion likes this
  5. I used the low poly eyes, that fixed it.


    I know you guys wanted me to use a different coat, but the other Han coats are all just skins. So I spent a while trying to reskin the Vest and arms



    Looks good! Might be due to lightning, the sleeves looks just a little bit lighter than. Other than that, looks really good.

  6. BTW, it doesn't shows so good in the screenshots but the arms from the "red" textures are kind of "blueish". I tried copying more "normal looking" arms from one of the other textures from the same pack. The textures look fine but the game crashes, not sure what properties/settings or how the tga has to be saved.

  7. For starters, this is very impressive work that you managed to bring alive in JKA @@The Punisher and I am very happy to hear and see from you, that you're one of the people around this community inspired. I am thankful that one of your inspirations is me, so that you start doing such things just keep on the good working and unleash your imagination. Looking forward, to see more updates and models around :)




    WOW!! I don't know what to say, I am speechless. Thanks for those words! Is your fault for introducing me to your Starkiller pack...



    Seriously,thanks so much for those words, you have no idea how much it means to me. I've gotten so much in the short time I've been here, I would like to give something in return and try to learn and work for what I would like to have and ask or bother people as little as possible. I wish I had the experience and talent of people like you, @Seven@Jeff@Kualan,@kalamaray,@Langerd,@Śăļvõö,@AshuraDX, just to name a few.


    In the mean time, I just like to contribute with whatever little I can.

    dark_apprentice likes this
  8. Looks like you forgot that most of the modeled parts come from Darth Shiftee's work not Lizfizz...how about you give him credit instead? :rolleyes:


    Sorry, I apologize for the confusion. I couldn't remember which model I used so I did a quick search and found Lizfizz and thought that was the original model. Thanks for reminding me, I've fixed the credits. 

  9. I tried myself but this is as far as I can get. Needs a lot of work on the textures which I am terrible at, especially the arms and "skirt". Not to mention shaders that no matter how many tutorials I read, can't get my head around them.






    Parts used from:

    model / textures from Sith Stalker 1.1 by @Darth Shiftee

    "arm protectrion pads" from the model shared by Dark_Apprentice on page 2 

    head and hood from @dark_apprentice's Starkiller pak

    Backhand Stance/Animations from @katanamaru

    Lightsaber from @AshuraDX

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