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The Punisher

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Posts posted by The Punisher

  1. assets1.pk3 (ext_data/npcs) I extract the kyle file from there opened with notepad and make the name change and replace it on (ext_data/npcs) I don't have packscape, but a question: my new model needs a .npc file? it seems that the obi wan model doesn't have one I don't know if that's the case, Im using winrar, what mod and what npc file?


    Hope you made a backup of the assets1.pk3 file before doing any changes. You should *** never *** modify the "assets" files. The changes should always be made to the custom pk3 you are trying to use (that's why I always refer to "your model"...your model's pk3 file).


    Also, sometimes JKA doesn't likes when mods are modified with Winrar or winzip. Always use packscape to save your files. You can find it at https://jkhub.org/files/file/89-pakscape/.

  2. OK, I looked at the model. You need to:

    • open the model with packscape.
    • Expand all the folders (at least expand "ext_data\npcs")
    • drag and drop your new NPC file into the npcs folder - your npc should point to either "Kylo-Ren" or "Kylo-Ren2"
    • save the file.


    I didn't tested the model but for what I can see, for the "Kylo-Ren" version, the default model will have the hood up. If you want to use it with the hood down, you will need to add the "customskin" line and point it to "hooddwn" (yes, it has a missing"o").

  3. This is what I did: Extract the kyle file on npc folder,  Replace name of the kyle file in the notepad with the new model name (kyle and kyle_boss inside the notepad) save it and place it on the npcs folder (already did a backup of kyle folder) and thats it, did I miss something?



    From which folder? From your model PK3 folder? Can you open your mod in packscape and take a screenshot with all the folders expanded? Also, paste the contents of your NPC file?

  4. Kyle is an stormtrooper, question: do I need to replace the kyle model_Default.skin file with the new model that I want?



    When you call an NPC and the NPC fails to load (for whatever reason), it always shows a stormtrooper.


    You shouldn't be replacing anything.....You should only modify the NPC of your model (or create a new NPC file if it didn't had one). If you upload your file somewhere and  send me the link, I can try to look at it.

  5. So in this case I only need to change the name? and replace it on the npcs folder


    I guess so. That depends on your model and how you want it to load. If you want it to load with the default skin, then yes.


    Here is a screenshot of Kota replacement for Kyle




    and here is the NP. You can see "playermodel" points to "kota" which is the name of the folder of the model and since I am not using any custom skins, there is no "customskin" line below the model name.


    If I wanted to sue the "model_blind.skin instead of the default one, I could add the "customskin" and point it to "blind"

    	playerModel		kota
    	rank			commander
    	health			1000
    	weapon	WP_SABER
    	saberStyle		1
    	saberStyle		3
    	saberStyle		2
    	FP_HEAL			3
    	FP_SPEED		3
    	FP_PUSH			3
    	FP_PULL			3
    	FP_GRIP			3
    	FP_RAGE			0
    	FP_PROTECT		3
    	FP_ABSORB		3
    	FP_DRAIN		0
    	FP_SEE			3
    	forcePowerMax		200
    	reactions		4
    	aim			5
    	move			3
    	aggression		5
    	evasion			5
    	intelligence		5
    	playerTeam		TEAM_PLAYER
    	class			CLASS_KYLE
    	snd			kyle
    	sndcombat		kyle
    	sndjedi			kyle
    	dismemberProbHead	0
    	dismemberProbArms	0
    	dismemberProbHands	0
    	dismemberProbLegs	0
    	dismemberProbWaist	0
  6. Inside the pk3 of your model, there should be a folder "models\player\YourModel". The NPC should point to that mode, not the name of the pk3 file. By default, it will use the "model_default.skin" file for the model skin. If your model has multiple skins and you want to use a skin that is not the default, you will need to add another to the NPC.


    For example:


    your model has the following skin files:

    • model_default.skin
    • model_damaged.skin
    • model_blue.skin


    and you want to your model to load with the "damaged" skin instead of the default skin you will need:

    	playerModel		YourModelNameHere
    	customSkin		damaged

    (noticed that the skin name in the NPC does not includes the word "model_", just whatever name it has after that)

  7. I bet it will be deleted:



    + not everything is stolen
    You are accepting SOME is stolen
    + I have permission for some models
    You are accepting you DON'T have permission for every model
    + Some authors say you can modify the mod without permission
    That DOESN'T means you can take credit for them
    + Some models more than 5+ years old
    a) The mods have the owners information in the read me files, you can at least try to contact them.
    b) most mods you are showing ARE RECENT, not more than a few months old. 



    Ramikad, Jeff and TheWhitePhoenix like this
  8. i think i and eezstreet claimed a victory@@Jeff, that MKDiablo guy, that (please pardon the slur Admins of this hub, but the moddb thieves have made me that damn pist that i cant contain it any longer) faggot mcdicksucker who stole your bb-8 model and claimed it as his own on moddb, has seemingly removed the bb-8 model from the addons, pretty sure its because i just exposed him in some comments

    Love your comments on the TFU mod page.

    Smoo likes this
  9. Thanks, the saber clash and flesh impact effects were what ultimately gave me the most problems with screenshots, i put in some much time and detail work trying to replicate every type of spark from each effect as seen in the movie (including the gravity and velocity of each spark type) that i wanted to get the perfect shot of someone getting cut with a saber. Due to how the flesh impact in JKA repeats so quickly it's ridiculously hard to get..The saber clash just has to many stages to show what it really looks like when it goes off in-game so i suppose i'll just have to compromise heh.


    Oh yeah about JK enhanced/open i know in enhanced the sabers are setup differently due to the rgb system so like with any other of my blades the detail from the individual blade line coloration and variations in core glow/brightness etc wouldn't be able to work in it. Would just have to have one white blade line for all the sabers. As for the pulsing TFA regular saber animation i have no idea if that would be possible but i don't see why the effects wouldn't work in other mods. Something i'd have to look into later on or just have other people try after i release it etc.

    Can't wait for the blades!


  10. I finally have a chance to put together the updated version.



    • Light saber (belt) details by @@Seven
    • "Transparent gaps" fixed via shader by @@Jeff
    • made the costume a little bit darker to match the pictures above (me)


    I just put both changes together. All thanks go to @@Seven and @@Jeff





    to play with standard anims:

    • select the model from the character selection menu
    • via npc by using "playermodel galen_hoth_stalker"


    to play with backhand animations

    • via npc by using "playermodel galen_hoth_stalker_sbh"
  11. Hy, Dark_Apprentice!


    Your models are amazing too! I downloaded your pack now (Starkiller "Galen Marek" Outfit Pack for JKA 2.0) but this Starkiller_Training model crash the game too by Ghoul2 error :/

    Please fix this :)

    Thank you very much!


    Ohh and I play in single player!

    Are you using plain/vanilla JA? I only play only SP and I have no issues. I used to have goul errors with another mod but a friend recommended using openjk and now I can't play without it.

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