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The Punisher

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Posts posted by The Punisher

  1. About the sith assassin , i was wondering if u could use "the torso" alone from this




    Tried but doesn't match too well with the rest of the body. Might try again and see what can be done. This is so far:







    Here is another attempt cutting down the robes a little bit and adding some straps but I am not sure about it.






    Off topic, I am also playing with








    But at the moment, after reading some comments criticizing "frankensteining", "kitbashing" and porting, I don't know if I want to continue.

    Smoo likes this
  2. 15 days later and still silence lol


    I am no expert but seems you have left-over parts from another model. Try zooming out and rotating and see of there are parts floating around. Also look at the hierarchy structure for unassigned parts. Normally you should have 


    |- scene_root

    |-- model_root_0

    |-- skeleton_root


    If you have more than that, then you have left over or unassigned parts.


    That's really easy, it can be done in a minute or two, but per comments by @@Xeby:


    Any modifications on this costume is not allowed without My and @@RevanKnight permission.


    You might need to ask @@Xeby first if is OK (or if he can update the head from his model).

  4. You're lucky man, even with the best tutorials, step-by-step stuff, I'm still failing at kitbashing.


    Glad you're getting good at it though :)


    This tutorial is great. I forgot about it. This tutorial along with the small tutorial found here https://jkhub.org/topic/4905-frankensteining-with-blender/ got me started Frankensteining (you can see some of it in the WIPs section under "Diary of a mad man"), which I am using as a learning experience (the glm structure, the skeleton, the vertex, etc.) towards actually been able to mod something form scratch one day. 


    Now with some great instructions by the awesome @@Kualan here, I am learning a little bit more.




    I would like to see more small tutorials like these aimed towards specific small tasks for JKA models that we can learn and master and in the end, all pay off and we can be more productive to the community.

  5. TBH, you influenced me, along with @@dark_apprentice and @@Seven, to go out and actually learn how to kitbash, to which I'm having GREAT success with. While I would say that kitbashing is good, it should mainly be a stepping stone to making your own model in of itself. So my advice to those people who have been giving headaches to others would simply be this: Watch this video by Mae Miraado and learn how to do it.  It's really NOT THAT HARD. I was literally ASTONISHED on how easy it is to kitbash models.

    Thanks a lot for pointing is to the video. I will go through it ASAP. Always want to learn more. Hope one day I can do at least 1% of what Jeff, Kualan, Seven, Circa and other amazing artists do.

    TheWhitePhoenix likes this
  6. Here is the correct shader file. I tested it and it works fines.you




    cull twosided


            map models/players/galen_lord_stalker/lord_stalker_accessories

            rgbGen lightingDiffuse

            //alphaFunc GE128



            map models/players/galen_lord_stalker/lord_stalker_accessories_spec

            blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE

            alphaGen lightingSpecular







    cull disable


            map models/players/galen_lord_stalker/lord_stalker_body1

            alphaFunc GE192


            rgbGen lightingDiffuse






    cull twosided


            map models/players/galen_lord_stalker/lord_stalker_body2

            blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ZERO

            rgbGen lightingDiffuse



            map models/players/galen_lord_stalker/lord_stalker_body2_spec

            blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_SRC_COLOR

            tcGen environment

            blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE


            alphaGen lightingSpecular






    cull twosided


            map models/players/galen_lord_stalker/lord_stalker_head

            blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ZERO

            rgbGen lightingDiffuse



            map models/players/galen_lord_stalker/lord_stalker_head_spec

            blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_SRC_COLOR

            tcGen environment

            blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE


            alphaGen lightingSpecular







    Darn! Still no power to try it.



    Thanks a lot Jeff!


    Just one question since I can't appreciate it in the screenshot from my phone, is the armor is still shiny?

  7. Sorry guys, I apologize if I upset anyone, it wasn't my intention. I respect (and admire) you very much. I am no expert, I was just trying to illustrate what the issue was from a user's perspective.


    I am willing (and trying to learn) so I can contribute more to the community. If there is an easy way how to fix these kind of issues, it would be greatly appreciated if someone could show us how so we can also learn and be able to contribute more.

    TheWhitePhoenix likes this
  8. Well actually these are just higher quality versions of the hilts already on the costume. The person who originally ported the model just reduced the vert count so much on them they were just broken faces.

    I always wondered why the hilts on the back looked like a mess, barely looked like a hilt.


    But the new ones thanks to you look really great. I had to laugh when I zoomed it and finally saw the burn marks on Maul's hilt.


  9. Been busy with work lately so not much too show






    Outstanding job...as always! That's a problem with you man (and other great artists here at The Hub), you do such an amazing job, people get too used to it and don't expect anything less from you. I personally only expect great quality from you, but just because I know you will always do your best, not because I take it for granted.


    ZanderNao likes this
  10. I think your version on screens is looking very good. I was asking about it, if it will be released on Hub :)


    BTW, I modified the torso textures a little bit to look more like the original (like it has a black shirt under the robes and the ropes come all the way from the shoulder armor). I posted a screenshot in my other tread. 





    Still have to find some time and try to work on the arms textures.

    Tompa9 likes this
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