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The Punisher

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Everything posted by The Punisher

  1. This is a great mod for SP, especially if you use an NPC model that has a lot of force powers set and will prevent you from progressing through the game. Although I am not using the mod at this time, I've used v403 no blood all force version and never had any problems.
  2. Boba Fett looks great! Not a fan of Dr strange but without the amulet can pass for a Jedi. I can easily see the head with HP Jedi robes. Not a fan of yellow jacket either but without the stingers/extra stuff in the back could be used for a shadow trooper (or even better with Starkillers head). Looking at the details I guess they must have a lots of vertices. If so, it might some cause problems, especially when someone hits/shoots you might cause the "ran out of transform space for ghoul2" (or something like that).
  3. "Luke Hoth" is a mess. Parts don't match very well, there is a lot of clipping at the shoulder and hips. I was trying to use the original Hoth torso textures over the current pilot torso but can't get it right, I only have Photofiltre free edition which doesn't has many options.
  4. Outstanding! Forgot to ask you about the pilot version. Glad you are working on it!
  5. Just trying to keep up from my phone and saw Seven has released another Outstanding Luke model. Head over to his WIP page!
  6. Great job Seven. Can't wait to have a chance to try it.
  7. 747 downloads

    SP Support: Yes Team Skins / MP: No Npc Support: Yes Bot Support: No This is a mod based on a concept action figure based on (the now "Legends") Luke from "Invasion: The Siege of Rychel" story, that I put together using parts from different models. The model is also available via NPC (using the “playermodel Luke_Invasion” command from the console). Install: Place the file Luke_Invasion.pk3 in your base folder Uninstall: Remove the file Luke_Invasion.pk3s from your base folder.
  8. Thanks! I am glad you liked it. I will not be available for the next few days but I check from time to time from my phone. If you have a better image of Outcast that the one in the book cover, I (or any of the amazing talented artists here at the Hub) can try.
  9. I think there is always room for staff, but keep in mind no matter how many we have, they are just humans with lives, family, needs and responsibilities like the rest of us and no matter how much they want to work on, they need time too. I just mentioned the mods I submitted because I won't be around (except from my phone) for a while and if they got approved, don't want to give the impression that I lied or that I am back already. No intentions on bashing or criticizing neither the approval process nor the staff. Huge thanks for all they do to keep one of the greatest communities I am honored to be part of.
  10. Thanks man, that's why this is the place I mad my virtual "second home". I really appreciate when we help one another and this community is one of the bests (if not THE BEST). Even with ups and down, people here help each other get better. And I know that extends beyond the gaming experience. Huge thanks to all of you that have inspired, helped, and supported each other, specially me. Special thanks to DA. Thank you very much for all your support.
  11. Sorry guys I am attending to 2 family emergencies at the same time. I won't be able to get to my computer (or for most things for what matters) for the moment. PS: I submitted "invasion Luke" as well as the Jedi hunter and sith Assasin last Sunday but haven't seen them approved yet.
  12. Looks great. I always wondered how it might look similar to that but without the mask (and maybe with the lower body from Vader also but keeping the head and the robes).
  13. Grand Master Luke Released https://jkhub.org/files/file/3132-luke-skywalker-grand-master-legends/
  14. 1,937 downloads

    SP Support: Yes Team Skins / MP: No Npc Support: Yes Bot Support: No This is a mod that I put together using parts from different models based on: Luke as Grand Master of the Jedi Academy stories (now "Legends"), that I put together using parts from different models. Luke from the (now "Legends") Fate of the Jedi: Apocalypse story. Luke same robes using the colors from the TFA teaser (not the same robes as in the teaser but I like the colors). The model is also available via NPC (using the “playermodel” command from the console). playermodel Luke_Grand_Master playermodel Luke_Apocalypse playermodel Luke_TFA Install: Place the file Luke_Grand_Master.pk3 in your base folder If you want to replace in-game Luke for SP: Place either one of the following (just one) zzz_Luke_GM_Rep.pk3 (Grand Master colors) zzz_Luke_Apocalypse_Rep.pke (Apocalypse colors) zzz_Luke_TFA_Rep.pk3 (TFA colors) Uninstall: Remove the file Luke_Grand_Master.pk3 (and any of the above replacement you might be using) from your base folder. SPECIAL CREDITS: Toshi - Toshi's Luke Spanki - Spanki's Jedi Customization Plus
  15. 1,226 downloads

    SP Support: Yes Team Skins / MP: No Npc Support: Yes Bot Support: No Since there are no other mods for TFU Sith Assasin version, I put this Frankenstein version together using parts from different models. I know the costume is not even close to the game, but I like the Jedi/Sith robes better. The model is available from the SP Menu selection and has the normal animations in order for them to work with cutscenes (custom animations don’t show or show as statues in the cutscenes). The model is also available via NPC (using the “playermodel galen_sith_assasin” command from the console) to use with Movie Duel's Backhand animations Install: Place the file Galen_Sith_Assasin.pk3 in your base folder Uninstall: Remove the file Galen_Sith_Assasin.pk3s from your base folder.
  16. 2,623 downloads

    SP Support: Yes Team Skins / MP: No Npc Support: Yes Bot Support: No Since there are no other mods for TFU II Jedi Hunter version, I put this Frankenstein version together using parts from different models. The model is available from the SP Menu selection and has the normal animations in order for them to work with cutscenes (custom animations don’t show or show as statues in the cutscenes). I've included the original version I made with the original (re-textured) robes and another version with "open" (lower) robes made by Seven, which is a more "closer" attempt to the TFU2 version. The model is also available via NPC (using the “playermodel galen_jedi_hunter” command from the console) to use with Katanamaru's backhand animations. IMPORTANT: To use the backhand Animations, you need to download and install AshuraDX TFU2 Light sabers from https://jkhub.org/files/file/680-tfu-2-sabers/ Install: Place the file Galen_Jedi_Hunter.pk3 in your base folder Uninstall: Remove the file Galen_Jedi_Hunter.pk3s from your base folder. I also recommend The Force Unleashed Blades by unleashed_dark_force found at https://jkhub.org/files/file/979-the-force-unleashed-ultimate-sith-edition-lightsaber-blades/
  17. Tired but as I said, it is currently out of my Knowledge, so this is it. You will have to wait until someone comes with a better version.
  18. You could customize the beard with an imaging editing software. The point is, it can be easily done. There is also a KOTOR pack floating around that has some options for customization and has a similar head to the one in your screenshot. Robe textures are not the best but you could easily Frankenstein/Kitbash it with Spanki;s mod.
  19. I wish I could do it, I want it too....but porting is currently out of my knowledge. If you know of any good tutorial, let me know, I would like to learn.
  20. Haven't got time to start working on the character I want (still going in circles in my mind how to make it) but this is a personal skin/character, Tem Draakh
  21. Loos GREAT! A little bit older but GREAT!
  22. some time ago I made a Frankenstein of Spanki's Jedi Customization with Omega1's Journeyman mod but the robes would require some modification on the sleeves to match that.
  23. @@dark_apprentice Thanks! Don't get me wrong, I like the head from your Dark Empire version very much (and I still kept it, I just can choose which one to use, the same with the ESB Pilot version)...but I still can't see it as Luke. Plus, in Dark Empire Luke is supposed to be/look more mature. I guess is a matter of preferences.
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