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  1. Knights of the Force and Knights of the Fallen Empire are definitely different things. Anyway, to the model itself: This is slick. Needs work still, but it's looking nice so far. I can't wait to ram a blaster barrel down this guy's throat in SWTOR. If/when you decide to finish it, you should see about making Thexan as well. Great job dude!
  2. 10/10 would sack the Jedi Praxeum as Scorpius again. <3 u
  3. Are those legit DC17's?? Where and how??!!
  4. This looks amazing in game. I have the hooded/masked model replacing my Reborn Masters. Unf. Thank you.
  5. This looks awesome as balls.
  6. I can definitely see mp turning into a blockfest with a manual block.
  7. And here I was just gonna baddly paint parts of the e-11 white. Thank you so much for this.
  8. This is amazing. You are amazing. I use a fair share of model and texture .pk3s and edit the .npc/.sab files manually to use the new assets, such as TFA stormtroopers or Reborn Masters using the hooded Malgus model, but other then that I don't use anything game altering. I'm still wetting my feet with JK modding, but I think I have a decent handle on the basics. KOTF was the first total conversion that I tried when I bought JKA, but it felt.. poorly made.. and wasn't really my cup of coffee.
  9. I like this idea. Best of luck on your venture dude. I have thought about finding and editing Tavion's voice files to make her sound more masculine and robotic so I can use some of the male models to replace her, like Malgus or Kylo.
  10. Yeah I learned that after some trial and error yesterday. Thanks eez.
  11. Would you be able to elaborate on this @? Or point me to where I might learn such a thing?
  12. These look incredible. Great work dudes.
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