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Everything posted by ChalklYne

  1. Different texturing approach https://imgur.com/a/5Bajuz7
  2. 492 verts lol ill try out a few different texturing ideas and we can debate which ones work better https://imgur.com/a/KJYXXG7
  3. Low Poly Mesh https://imgur.com/a/sgjVnbq Now that it has decent topology I'll go sculpt... then export out a new modified low poly mesh... unwrap it... and project the sculpt details onto it. Ill just keep posting WIP's.
  4. Retopo process before the sculpt https://imgur.com/a/MxeTadJ Around 300 points right now
  5. Thats really the golden question isnt it? I've never gotten an eact answer from it... but... from what I remember you can only have 32 parts per model... also... the uvmapping process adds a few duplicated vertexes you have to take into account. If you wanted to avoid all errors (and keep ample space for uv points)... id say keep each part under 475 or so. 475 times 32 pieces = 15,000 or so the thing is... have you ever really looked at a correctly made model of 15,000 polies? you can do a LOT with that much in jka. entire maps. I think the thing about jka is to get as much bang for your buck as possible... and 15,000 is so much bucks the bang has to be just... breathtaking... to even bother. Long story short my opinion is and has always been if you want it in jka then model it for jka. The answer to your question however is around 15,000 is my guess.
  6. Perspective on Ill await crits for the night, and if there arent any ill retopo this mesh and post WIP's of it https://skfb.ly/6yPQ9 I started off with a sphere and did a basic zremesher once i got the skull shaped... so theres a weird crease down the back of his head and a few other glitches from the remeshing process... but ill be able to fi those easily when retopo I just need the basic shape for now to retopo... then i can add finer details Also... @@AshuraDX how do I embed images and sketchfabs again?
  7. Ive learned quite a bit about remeshing and sculpting and would like to attempt this guy again. Started this mesh last night. Crit away and Ill retopo when its fully completed. The end goal being I need a model that looks like witwer and i am going to keep it under 500 polies
  8. Yeah im not sure i could do a decent character in a day. Hell if i know, ill just wait til the @staff figures out how to do it all... My glaive was awesome too =/
  9. ok ill start. Infinity War. see u guys in 24 hours
  10. I now know Coroutines were sent to destroy me.

  11. Have you ever thought about life like JKA and realized how many map_objects there are?

    1. Ramikad


      I don't know. I think they disappear when I'm not looking at them, so I think they're really just NPCs with BS_REMOVE. If you think about it, it would explain paranormal powers: /control door, /npc kill monitor, and to make everything look weird, /npc showbounds.

    2. the_raven


      @Ramikad, if you look behind your back fast enough, you'll catch the world rendering itself.

      @ChalklYne I'm more concerned with how much the assets files weight

  12. @@Circa I'm just pumped man. I'm jacked and titolated by the idea of starting this lets rough draft some rules? I propose a system something like @@Noodle yeah i dont think i can participate every day either... maybe we pick a day a week and go from there? i can definitely do a day a week.
  13. I feel an elitist stonewalling of unprecedented proportions. I'm going to apply for that staff position one day and all of my suggestions will rain down like fire upon them. Just like they hushed Bob_Bergen. Wwbbd. I vote we instantiate a hub oversight committee in which I will spearhead a vigorous investigation into why and how this thread was oppressed and why I cannot use @Staff to summon our leaders in times of duress.
  14. Can you set different textures to different LOD versions of the model.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. ChalklYne
    3. AshuraDX


      afaik this is not supported.

    4. Rooxon


      well technically speaking, it should be possible. Each LOD is a model on it's own after all, you'd just assign other (downsized?) textures to it... but not sure how efficient that would be.

  15. I'm ready whenever you guys are. I say first staff member to type in a random word we got 24 hours to submit the model game ready for jka. Maybe do a poll at the end. @Staff
  16. @@katanamaru yeah i got that far... Its the other ones... The anims that start with lk and s and r and t youll see them in modview near the end. Long time no see
  17. Can someone please decipher the different things in animations.cfg for me. What are the LK_ and R_ and S_ and T_??

    1. minilogoguy18


      Well there are a lot to go though, playing some of them can kinda help. For instance, BOTH_A3_BL_TR means both upper and lower body, attack with 3rd style (red), swing from bottom left to top right.

  18. yessir... well... from memory at least.
  19. Please have a look at my animation list request in the Mod Requests and Suggestions section and contribute where you can

  20. Hello. I would like to request an indepth saber combat animation list pertaining to which directions are calling which animations in which stance. i.e. Saber Stance 1 ("Blue Stance") Up + Attack = Both_A1_TB Up + Left + Attack = Both_A1_TLBR Up + Right + Attack = Both A1_TRBL Up + Attack = Both_A1_TB Left + Attack = Both_A1_LR Right + Attack = Both_A1_LR Down+ Attack = Down + Left + Attack = Both_A1_BLTR Down + Right + Attack = Both A1_BRTL Saber Stance 2 ("Yellow Stance") Up + Attack = Both_A2_TB Up + Left + Attack = Both_A2_TLBR Up + Right + Attack = Both A2_TRBL Up + Attack = Both_A2_TB Left + Attack = Both_A2_LR Right + Attack = Both_A2_LR Down+ Attack = Down + Left + Attack = Both_A2_BLTR Down + Right + Attack = Both A2_BRTL Saber Stance 3 ("Red Stance") Up + Attack = Both_A3_TB Up + Left + Attack = Both_A3_TLBR Up + Right + Attack = Both A3_TRBL Up + Attack = Both_A3_TB Left + Attack = Both_A3_LR Right + Attack = Both_A3_LR Down+ Attack = Down + Left + Attack = Both_A3_BLTR Down + Right + Attack = Both A3_BRTL etc etc Mainly struggling with how A7 works with controls but I need them all really to make sure I have this right Thank You. also, i'm assuming all I wrote to be accurate but did it from memory and missed some things so feel free to correct those as well and throw in any other saber combat animation I may be forgetting. Excluding throws or saber locks. Please include stances as well. I'm sure most of you can probably just do this from memory but I need to make sure I get it right
  21. Well... however you guys work this out, make sure you tag me when it starts.
  22. @@Langerd yeah that's about how I was thinking. @@Circa says 24 hours. I'm fine with either. Maybe not so specific items u know? Like... Instead of saying e-11 blaster just say rifle. That way we can see people getting creative.
  23. Well... I was thinking just random objects... but... Some star wars themed stuff I guess. Maybe weapons and items and weird odds and ends that we don't already have @@Circa yeah let's just get it going. Start one. The first few may bomb out but it will catch on. Maybe figure out a time of day that it starts and ends andcwe c will know what time ti check in for a new challenge every day
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