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Everything posted by ChalklYne

  1. No nonsense forums. I'm known to post nonsensical status updates though.... just fyi. Plus, I dislike shaped chocolate

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ChalklYne


      Stars aren't far, we are... The stars are right there, we're way the hell over here. Barricade... I just don't know

    3. RJA


      why stars are so there

    4. ChalklYne


      Because people are here? duh. If people were there, stars would be out here. It's a catch 23

  2. Here is a video I made showing where I think your skills should already be to be able to continue along with me. If not... Here are some great resources to get you there not by me. After this I'll just jump right into finishing proxy on camera.
  3. Yeah no worries man, I grew up in the south, I got a southern draw to me. White, ginger, 5'11, 215 lbs, mohawk, tattoos, built like a brick shithouse lol
  4. @@Barricade24 lol my bad, i guess... whats going on man??? damn good to see u
  5. Posted a test video of how Im going to finish my mod live. Check it out and let me know where I can improve to make it work for you guys.

  6. Alright, Im going to start today with recording all my modeling and stuff and hopefully that is a little better than just a few pics every once in a while. Just my first attempt right now so lets get some suggestions going as to where I can make this something beneficial to the community. Heres a few quick words to get us started, then, Ill record a few episodes at a time, maybe a half hour each, and post them in their respective sections. Throw a bunch of feedback at me because I want people to learn from this and hopefully birth some modelers. Also, if anyone knows a good program that records my keystrokes on screen so you guys can follow along with my keyboard and mouse presses, and you think it would help, let me know and Ill use it so everyone can follow along. I wont be doing modeling basics i.e. face extrusion, rotate scale and translate, simple things like that can be learned already through youtube, Im focusing more on this particular engine and this particular mod in general. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ErYs8jWEGLY&feature=youtu.be
  7. Holy wow. I have questions... DO all the meshes have to be merged in order for this to work? Normally .qc files allow the option of having multiple texture files and meshes. Also, how does the tag system there work? Can I have multiple tags? I had no idea md3's had LOD's... but omg would that help with the way Im mapping. Do the LOD's have to be separate models? Unlike the glm's LOD's which are all in the same model technically. I guess Ill just have to play around with it and reinstall the old 7.5, im running 2011 This is a life saver, but more importantly... you can have LOD's on md3's??? I had no idea. Literally my entire maps are md3's and I was worried about boggin her down, hasnt happened to me yet, but I was worried nonetheless Brilliant stuff here.
  8. Thanks to a handy link , I just found out that this forum is still available. Anyone wants to discuss anything else concerning TFU content, lets do it here. To sum up what we were discussing, TFU ported content might play the part on a small scale, but you wont be able to make any large TFU mods with those models because they are inefficient for this engine. Thanks @@Circa =*
  9. @@Ramikad i see where youre head is... try this next time, its kinda similar, but more hellspawn
  10. That would be appreciated because Im using your playlist to model for a while and would love to see future installments. How about everyone else? What do you model to? Throw me a playlist.
  11. @@Bek I jammed your playlist last night... vigorously. I found it very appeasing to model to and would classify it as somewhere between porno music and a zoloft commercial, which is right up my alley. Good job sir mind=blown.
  12. Jesus H. Krennic @@Bek How do you have an entire playlist of songs Ive never heard, by people Ive never heard of?? I can appreciate your sense of culture man. Ill jam your playlist on random after work today and see where it takes me. Spiritually
  13. Here's my modeling playlist. I challenge anyone to defeat it https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIHoI8ecfTfPIFB2wQMJpMoOw-z5wTSSV
  14. Hi, Im Chalk. Anyone free to help on a TFU conversion mod of sorts? 70% of its already modeled

    1. Show previous comments  41 more
    2. ChalklYne


      lol oh youuuuu

      I appreciate the link too lmfao


    3. ChalklYne


      I see no reason to continue the convo anyways I think the point was made.

    4. minilogoguy18
  15. Welcome... to the fields of Evermore.
  16. Really? Seems a bit far fetched for all that.
  17. Thats actually good advice. To approach your mod with reachable goals. Only thing I can say is, Ive been working on my mod for 6 years, if I was going to get burned out on development, it wouldve been in my earlier less knowledgeable, more negatively criticized days. Now its just a habit and I literally work on it daily, at least three times a day. Whether it be unwrapping a throwable, texturing, sculpting normals... it seems like its not being worked on because of my lack of updates, but thats mainly because everything is in pieces atm. I always appreciate the advice though. I want this mod to add as much original content that I can muster. Especially Starkiller related stuff
  18. I wont be sticking to the base anims Ill release a regular humanoid one simultaneously To me, thats like saying make a Grievous with just two arms. Or a Kazdan with no backpack. Or texturing a base rancor or mutant rancor to look like the bull rancor... its just sloppy in my eyes
  19. Just extra bones. Its not impossible in Dragon, if you feel like animating the cloth bones by hand
  20. With @@minilogoguy18's new animation rig for Softimage, anyone can be good at animations. If someone hasnt tackled it by the time I get there, ill just do that too. @@katanamaru has been back recently, but im not sure if he uses softimage for animating yet or is still on dragon, as this anim set would take eons less time to do in Softimage with mini's rig. Also... i would like to add in the cloth simulation and just do his entire anim stack from scratch. So id rather not have someone trying to do this unless they know how to do it this way, or else ill just have to redo it anyway. Maybe if we can get mini to do a simple walk cycle with the cloth bones, i can take it from there
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