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Everything posted by ChalklYne

  1. There @@AshuraDX. Thanks for that quad on the back. Got his eyes looking better now too. Good looking out. Im really liking how his tail and hands turned out. Good advice @@minilogoguy18 Top of his head a bit too sharp So Ill go fix that as well
  2. @@AshuraDX sounds good, ill get on those now
  3. Wow all those crits and refs are what will make this a decent model i really appreciate it all. Remodeled hands flat bulged bottom fatter wrists transitions lets see how this looks. I wouldve done this earlier but instead spent hours on the weird side of youtube and now know obama made hitler and chem trails turn the frogs gay. hows this looking? those refs @@Psyk0Sith posted have me wanting to remodel so much... but i think maybe some adjustments in zbrush might help... we'll see... mainly the neck fat
  4. @@minilogoguy18 yeah about 20 minutes ago i decided to remodel it. I just couldnt tweak it to look right, and decided that even if i did, it wouldnt work right. noob issue to forget a whole finger too lol so ill remodel the hands today at some point what about the roundness of his underside? shouldnt i make that a bit more flat?
  5. Also... how in the blue flames of fuck did i forget a finger? XD fixed it now.... just... still. wtf
  6. I dont know why i didnt mention that... I didnt do his arms i was just trying to rough draft his tail and how he propelled himself... The arms arent even rigged. Good eye though
  7. Rough drafting a walk cycle. while waiting on final model crits https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xDgEQB2Wcw&feature=youtu.be
  8. Thats all very helpful info im sure we could all use, thank you for the insight. I'll adjust the lower half and check out the silhouette next. Yeah I try to use quads everywhere but it is quite a headache. Ill also tweak the arm angles that makes a lot of sense. Thanks for everything!
  9. @@Psyk0Sith I will do just that. I try to be so frugal with verts but end up never making spherical spheres. Ill give him some more love around all joints and stomache.Thank you! Would you recommend when making a mesh to start out rather high res then reduce, or start with as few verts as possible then add to it where it needs it? Just so I don't keep getting into the same predicament. Edit: Changes Psyk0Sith pointed out. Hopefully its rounder and the mouth and chin are more accurate. Also added in a few edge loops for joints. Round enough or should i add a few more to the bottom area?
  10. Tweaking the mesh. Disregard the sculpt it was just to help me get my forms correct. The next sculpt will be a bit more detailed and I'll fix his derpy mouth in a sec. tweaking that adjusted my mesh to look more like he's ready for crits before i unwrap. ill give it a few hours, if nothing important comes in then ill unwrap and sculpt and paint Also, thank you @@AshuraDX, for the sketchfab embedding knowledge...dont know why i didnt try that
  11. @@AshuraDX dude will you embed this? I cant figger her out
  12. Here's a final mesh ready for a resculpt
  13. No worries. I've allocated extra space in my threads for your own personal balderdash. Everyone knows the best place for a train is utterly derailed. I'm also aware that there was no better purpose to be served with your time than to meticulously cut and paste other people's art and display as your own... my personal favorite modding attribute. I as well must apologize for my lack of apology towards your demeanor and understand that the evolutionary bus took a few detours en route. However.... are you aware young padawan that I'm just busting your balls and that insignia looks spot on? XD Top shelf.
  14. Just a rough draft on a hutt i just cranked out. I also have the beginnings of a kowakian monkey lizard but ill deal with that after the happabores anims and this hutt model. I was just kinda eyeballing him but needed a base to start from and had some extra time between whatever it is i do, and now. 1800 or so tri's right now.
  15. Thank you! I will make sure to at least crank out the model and a fresh skeleton. I've been kind of burnt out on animating lately and went back to work on a map but yeah I think I can work something out for a hutt. I liked his swiveling little purple cousin or whatever
  16. Might you have a screen shot or link to said file? I'd like to see where we stand currently
  17. Yeah. Chick's like guys who have great skills.Just happy to see fellow modelers. Is there not a good hutt? Seems like one of the easiest characters.
  18. Ok that helps narrow it down. I dont mess with maps in gtkradiant or id lend a hand.
  19. @thepunisher @@TheWhitePhoenix is probably using a modified base. OpenJK or something
  20. Ok Im ready to unwrap. Hands will be remodeled though.
  21. Smaller details and fixing things that looked off to me.
  22. Just grouping and fine tuning everything before the unwrap
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