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Everything posted by ChalklYne

  1. It is going to be so hilarious to see him move like an agile jedi with that peg leg XD Or first time he gets his hook hand dismembered I'm going to lose it lol I am mostly excited to see some reskins of him I think he will turn out pretty decent with a good texture artist. I laid the uv out pretty decent, and set a good base for the textures to go from, so it shouldn't be too difficult to reskin, He has 3 textures, the body, the head, and the feathers
  2. Forgive me, but I had to do it XD He now has interchangeable accessories. You can peg leg either leg, hook either hand, patch either eye, and take his hat off if you please XD So full of win I'll be setting the scene up today and making caps, texturing his bandana, eye patch, guns, hook, peg leg, and studying tags and such I also need to adjust the size of his guns. Just noticed that. He's got lil pea shooters XD
  3. Thank you! I will do just that. I just wasnt sure how intense this model would be, but now that its about done, I can afford a few edge loops. I like the practice of linking the heirarchy for now. Maybe once I get the hang of it enough I will resort to easier methods. i just want to know the stuff. Thanks again
  4. So this is all the Zbrushing I'm going to do with this guy, Ill go take care of the guns and the rest in Photoshop today and get all my caps and tags and heirarchy setup which is mosyt likely going to take me the majority of the day since I need to go back and comb through Psyk0's tutorials about tags
  5. This made me laugh harder than the bone shuffle XD Backround pic vote rigging?!?!? OMG I HAVE to know who was gangster enough to do this. It had to be a joke XD rofl im dying over here. That is simply brilliant. Overnight #6 gets 24 votes lmao goooood times You will tell us or we will witch hunt XD
  6. No. You will do no such thing. You can reskin it once I release it, but I am not going to release it with some photosourced hair and stuff XD And I'm not sure what you were getting at with the gun belt comment earlier either?
  7. So I still have his beard, hair, hat, bandana, hands, guns, gun belt to texture.. coming along though. Could definitely use a reskin, but I will leave that to you all.
  8. ill finish texturing it tonight and rig it tomorrow. its already very nicely fit to the skele so i will have no worries. might snag up riggin the shoulders and cape but nothing too serious. very soon. heres a progress shot for u showing that I am trying to give you some really nice work for your good sportsmanship I will upload as soon as possible and try to give you the best work I can do to show that Mod Requests are still alive if you are cool about it. Just some patience truffle you will have a decent model. I'm no the best at texturing so he might be needing a reskin once he's done, but I will try my hardest for u bro
  9. rofl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dude... will finish as much of this model as i can this evening you have my word you're now one of my favorite people truffle... good sport
  10. XD then change your name to truffle shuffle for three days until i release it lmao@ skeletal thats brilliant
  11. got all drunk and unwrapped it last night fo rthe hell of it. i hope youre practicing the truffle still learning this site so everything looks all jacked. only the robe and face have been textured. im not gunna go too crazy with it you all can reskin it whenever u want https://sketchfab.com/show/adb47570a0b9464bb2072efa9e26d1ba segway go get your truffle shuffle on so i can release this blackbeard
  12. Horizontally, correct? Also, can't I just rig the legs and gator it over as long as I try to follow the same placement of edge loops on the skirt as the legs? would that give me best results?
  13. Final geometry I think. I'll now either unwrap this tonight, or toss it aside to be forgotten in the abyss of my model folder XD Final count is around 3200 tris 1900 verts @ Post a video of yourself doing the truffle shuffle and I will release this in 3 days time.. If not, to Davey Jones' locker with him That is your punishment for posting 3 times PLUS, you made Ashura swear, and he is a saint. The combination of my payment and your crimes seem to fit the punishment
  14. 2800 tris 1600 verts I'll most likely play around with it some other time
  15. Oh I really have no plans on taking up this request. I spent about an hour on this just screwing around with a base mesh I made the other day. I really don't think I'll get around to working on this for a whiiiiile lol. I dislike A.C. but Blackbeard is pretty fresh so I just wanted to have a go at it
  16. If someone else wants to finish this you can have it. if not, give me many moons to complete it
  17. im speechless, and that is particularly rare amazing dude
  18. @@Circa @@AshuraDX @@Barricade24 @@therfiles I have a decent version of the script done so we can start picking it apart and making it a bit funnier and cooler. I will PM you all with the script as I have so far.
  19. Well I would need a script for the droids first then. I'd say we could get that going, I need to start a very detailed storyboard. I would LOVE some help on the dialogue for the droids
  20. @@Circa charging for push and repulse are done separate, mainly because if you spam the repulse button you do tons of them and cant stop it, so i run a cfg unbinding the button for a few, then rebinding it when the anim is complete
  21. I'll read for it. Would be cool to get someone to start animating a few decent anims for it.
  22. I am open to any suggestions as to how everyone would like this cut to make it easier for reskinning. maybe just a quick overdraw on this pic with a few red lines as to where you would like it cut. Mainly the armor and stuff. i am pretty decent at unwrapping, but tend to not really take reskinning into account =/ Just something showing where you would like the seams on the armor for the most part. Also, a few questions. Is the breather tube on his chest supposed to be asymmetrical like in the ref pics? I also just noticed the little armor band on the bottom of his right leg, I will add that in soon as well as the ammo packs on the hips. Also, the straight lines on the front of the thigh armor, should I model those in? or leave it like the tfu model to be textured in later? @@Barricade24 you're my trooper guy what do you say?
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