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Everything posted by ChalklYne

  1. Maybe rig his little hand to fit the skele so he can hold one of those weapons and let the other one just kinda be stuck there swinging around with the rest of the forearm.
  2. Something I did last night but fell asleep before I could post the pics XD A decent start so far im at 1730 tris 917 verts I plan on doing plenty more to it, and having a few different variants. im digging my new topo skills. This whole mod goes to show what you can do with just some google and some patience He will look decent once I get some torn alpha map loin cloths and extra alpha mapped dread locks going. Once I get those "antlers" on him, he should look more accurate as well. I will be adjusting his head size and body shapes to the refs better when I get home, Im just a lil busy atm I can't wait to sculpt this guy. I am really going to play off the pasel colors of Felucia liek the ref pics and play off the shadows and shadow maps as much as pssible to get the details to really stand out since this engine might kinda blur some of that together a bit otherwise
  3. I seeee.. will get on that and report back with changes Thank you gentlemen
  4. These screenies are Zbrush but I can break it down into a much lower res .obj with a texture
  5. Hey @@CrimsonStrife, how bout I send you the high poly mesh and the texture and you peek at it from all angles and maybe get a better idea for whats going on?
  6. A really low poly model of a felucian head. Will be cool once I get it sculpted Here is what I have so Far with the head I am still working on body. Some other time perhaps
  7. I am liking the way this one is coming along So what is throwing it off? Front of the jaw too thin u think?
  8. I got Arkham Origins and really want to give it a spin, but swore I would wrap up some things here first =( I am my own slave driver XD

    1. Bacon


      you aren't missing anything even if you don't play it. I was hoping for someone else to take the stage as "main" villain...but yet again always the same.

    2. ChalklYne


      I see... Well, I just like the Batman storyline in general. that does blow though

    3. Bacon


      Good story on how he started out and became Batman since this is based on his first year I believed it stated. Seeing Killer Croc and compare to Asylum. 0-o

  9. I would just like to kick around a few ideas to the coders of the site and see what we end up with by the time this thing is done. Here is a wishlist of coding requests. I understand that none of the coders really like to try and implement new dynamics like this into the engine, but I'd at least like to start throwing ideas around. I will try to keep most of it as "simple" as possible, even though I know it is all daunting. 1. Gripping I would like to be able to grip more than one person at a time depending if they are within a certain map units of the person being aimed at. If i aim at one stormie, and there are 3 within say 64 map units, grip them all. 2. Joystick support I would like the ability to configure an xbox 360 controller to the game and bind cfgs to the buttons. It works a little already, except the triggers wont work and im not sure what syntax to bind like... bind js11 exec poop.cfg 3. Fake stress mapping I would like to be able to swap .skin files once an anim is executed. Like how animevents.cfg works with executing an efx file once an anim is played, instead each anim can call its own skin file mainly for fake stress mapping, but can also be used for a few other things. Mainly the fake stress mapping for facial anims though. 4. Double jump A way to incorporate double jumping instead of holding down the jump button and reaching ridiculous heights. Just a single tap of jump gets u up to about a force jump level 2, and the double goes up to about where force jump level 3 would take you. Eliminating those huge jumps you see as you won't really need them in this mod. Thanks for your time guys
  10. Theres no staff members online! Commence Project Pandemonium! Really though, I need to ask staff a favor so first one online message me plees

  11. I got the idea from an old sub zero brawl model, thanks man something liek this might work. Nonetheless I shouldn't even be showing pics of this guy yet I have so much other characters to finish first.
  12. I wanted to give him a chestplate kind of like war machine (without the arc reactor circle), but with really bright white lights on it, possible some lights up the back of the helmet and up the legs and arms and possibly do something like "flash trooper" giving off the impression that it is meant to run in a room and stun everyone with kind of a built in flashbang. i dunno. still kickin around ideas i also have a rough draft of an elite trooper i was working on of my own. built in flame throwers, blades, possibly nightmare trooper or something,,, heres an example but like i said still kicking around ideas for my custom trooper(s)
  13. Damn you @@Barricade24 24 and @@DT85... damn you all. After reading your crits and staring at my models over and fucking over I have come to realize that I need to do it exactly like the ref pics, and save my version of the "sleeker" armor for my own custom trooper. Damnitt. So there will be some significant changes here and there to the jump and evo. Know why? Because the jump and evotrooper, look cool =P Mine does as well, but in a different way and they should be kept seperate. lame but I agree with you both now 100% and will focus more closely on the refs for these 2 fml
  14. Him, Ashura, Inyri, and mini are the reasons I got into modeling rather than animating or mapping. So they all have earned a place deep in the sub-cockles of my heart. I think this thread has served it's purpose and anything else might be derailing at this point. I dunno. I'm just terrified of derailing the don't derail thread
  15. I think I shall leave it like this today wait for some crits and go back to it later with a fresh eye
  16. After stalking around the Hub for a while I have realized that I was modding this game when some of you were 5 0_0. I feel olllld

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. katanamaru


      Wouldn't it have been funny if you did come to Texas this summer and found out I was 13 or something. Man you'd be a creeper.

    3. ChalklYne


      lmao hey man that idea for mocapping the anims, would need a lot of help from mini for me to get the finger controls correct because it wont really capture the fingers nicely, and i'd need a universal finger control. I know how to set it up, but it would honestly take SOOOO much time out of what I'm doing right now to get it going. Still, I plan on setting it up, and getting it all ready so anyone on the Hub who has a kinect eye can download the settings and the program and customized...

    4. ChalklYne


      Nah I think we already discussed going out for some drinks XD Now if we discussed going out for drinks, and u turned out to be 13, yeah id be creepy lol. Ah hell who am I kidding I am particularly creepy anyways

  17. Seems like my 45 degree angle is the one thats taking the biggest boat to fuckoffity land right now. I will use some of Ashura's advice that he gave me yesterday and see if I can't fix that today. Along with continuing to texture the Rodian I am also going to setup the scene for his body, get that all capped and do the heirarchy so I will just be waiting on the head
  18. Ahhh I see.. so you weren't a douche, you were a necessary situational douche XD Tomato Potatoe You should see all the crap I give the staff XD And let's not bring up the ransom note to the White Elephant, Nor my mass emails to all the staff members about granting me Powah lmao! Good times. Point I'm making is that as long as it's all in good taste stepping a bit outta line is no worries. I still love you @@CrimsonStrife. Truly madly deeply
  19. http://jkhub.org/topic/2267-my-attempt-on-starkiller/ Check that out as well. Killer work there
  20. Sweet =) Because I do try to keep things on track but I am just a little short bussed And i agree that thread went haywire
  21. yeah, and @@CrimsonStrife, sounds like u were a bit of a douche. XD I haven't seen inyri in forever and it sucks. Or Corto. And that fills my heart with shame. where is corto? I used to PM eezstrret. and now that is all wrecked! That will be all. Sorry to derail the "dont derail" thread
  22. Sorry XD I'm like Ricky from trailer park boys. Once I get my grade 10 I'll be able to think my thinks better and talk my thinks with... fuck... XD
  23. @@Jango40 Huh? lol Did I miss a hyphen or something?
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