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Everything posted by ChalklYne

  1. @@Boothand Yeah it would have had to be done before. You know.. not that this is your issue... but even when I did a reset Xforms, it still came out weird on the pieces I duplicated symmetrically. I ended up fixing it by exporting those pieces as obj.s and reimporting them before weighing? Weird right? That's why I asked if it was all one mesh or seperate ones that could have been duplicated. Once again though, probably isn't your problem. But that's how Kazdan looked before I did that.
  2. @@Boothand Various limbs or just one side? its too dark for me to tell Is like, his right side flipped and now on the left? Could be a reset transforms type of thing Is the moose segmented into different parts? Or just one mesh?
  3. Thanks for the advice. I always texture inZbrush which eliminates the seams for me, but will cause them for someone trying to reskin it. I will start healing some of the little islands then thanks again On a side note... I wanted to change up the uv anyways.. this island was making me nervous 0_0 not sure what i was going for there
  4. it can be done without it with his permission and a re-rig
  5. Just refitting the pieces to the r2 skele to make reanimating easier unmodified r2 skele with some new rotation and translation keys I rigged the back legs and the front arm backwards so i couldnt show you how the front arm will move yet. Trial and error. you will be able to decapitate him though New UV https://sketchfab.com/show/ef376cf727a144a79c583ecdaa53dfc3
  6. @@Darth Shiftee Do you still have the source files for your sith stalker? Namely the xsi all rigged that you can possibly add on the few pieces to make this frequently asked for skin a possibility? Then you could even have your sith stalker skin be both models in one? It would simply be adding the backplate of the helmet, some new shoulderguards, and swap the bottom furlows with a robe bottom. Would be way easier than having anyone else start from scratch, and would fill a ton of requests. You wouldn't even necessarily HAVE to change the bottom furlow, just a reskin of it would suffice. Making just adding the shoulderguards, and that back plate of the helmet, and reskinning his arms. pretty easy compared to someone starting from scratch
  7. ROFL I'll take it. False advertisement my blunder
  8. A sticky of a list of already requested models for the lazy ones I guess
  9. Don't make it weird XD I'm at the bottom of the modeling totem pole. Yes, go check out the Blackbeard thread truffle shuffle requested XD
  10. No finish line yet dude.. have u seen that uv map?! lol I am like, almost done rigging it, and so am prolly half way there now XD These textures are gunna SUCK Video anyways because I am defiant @@Circa.. see this is the base r2 skele. NO bone modifications besides new anims. This wont be the final anims ofc XD Just an example that i will not have to modify the skele to get it to work correctly. From what I recall, bone translation keys will work fine (i.e. saber throw) it's the scale key's it doesn't like. So moving that thing up and down is no worries EDIT: Done rigging. I won't texture this until I am done rigging blackbeard though. Damnitt I wanna get back to Starkiller XD
  11. @@Circa I just rigged it and checked it out and it was AWESOME 0_0 What I did was rig his top blaster to his middle leg, and just reanimated it. I can do it this way, export the anims with it, and it will be fine. Only problem I had was the front arm, I rigged to an r2d2 arm that was in the base r2 skele, but it isnt on the base gla?! so I had to actually remove the bones from the source xsi to be able to compile. But it worked. I just will have to reanimate him lifting it up and down, and whatever other anims I want him to have. It will be just fain. I just don't have a lot of experience with assimilate in the aspect of creating a animation.cfg upon compile, so worse case scenario, I can compile him like this, and go old school and slap him in Dragon for the extra anims. The arms will not function correctly on his sides though, theyre disproportionate and backwards to r2's, and will go into the ground unless I go through a bunch of bullshit, so instead, I will rig his body to the middle leg, his head to the cranium, his top laser thing to the middle foot, and his legs to his body bone. That way we can anim him to kinda rotate his body back and forth and keep his legs stationary while moving back and forth to give him something kinda cool to look at while he moves. No worries though I just compiled it and it was ok. I would show u a video, but that means busting open fraps, converting it for Youtube, uploading it, waiting for all that shit, it's cool i'll update it when I get it working correctly. tl;dr? It's fine, just needs to be reanimated either by me upon compile, or later in Dragon to make sure it looks coo If I were only making it for you, I would go ahead and do that. A few people have asked for this though, and I will make it work correctly. If you want the moving brick version it's ready now, but no textures. Want a wireframed M4 shaped brick? XD Probably not. Gotta wait then
  12. Close, but no. Outfit is different TBH it looks skinnable from that model you provided though if he wants to put in any effort
  13. Its from TFU 1 It's been requested 419 times. Good luck. I just PM'ed you the port i found while googling for you Destroy this thread
  14. Any gripe from anyone about the uv map? Just got the r2d2 skele Also... @ how are your texturing skills? hint hint
  15. so far https://sketchfab.com/show/4216566e879a40fd8ea5a45cab36b546 Here it is with the blank uv wireframe applied
  16. Cleaning it up a bit... see? that wasnt brain surgery
  17. No worries. I'm just being a big ol baby about it. it will be cleaned up nicely soon. I still have some disproportionate UV tiling or whatever, but only because I unwrapped the parts seperately and am mashing them into 1 uv map. So it will be fixed by the end of it
  18. Alright screw it I'll start rigging him now. The guns, beard, and gun belt arent textured, but the uv maps are there and I can go ahead and start on it until I finish those I still want to repaint his face, and add some folds to his pants, but it can all be done later I want to get him started to go ingame and get some looks at what I'm dealing with here
  19. I did a quick preliminary unwrap to see what kind of drama I'm going to be looking at, it still needs to be cleaned up Looking at it now I must say...
  20. I don't know how to extract the bones from a .glm via Softimage. Don't think you can actually. in fact, I don't know a single program that does extract the bone data from a .glm.
  21. Modeling/sculpting/texturing. Heres an example of the painting http://youtu.be/DMbSYpCgyZ0?t=6m8s
  22. I'd love to get you into Zbrush man... You would just pwn. Not that you don't already, I'm just saying
  23. Main reason I did not try to include this into my mod is because vehicles suck in JKA
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