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Everything posted by ChalklYne

  1. Making sure all my anims will collide correctly with the floor. Now I'm going to spend the evening having fun on some anims. He should wind up pretty cool. Anyone interested in texturing this so I can finish Blackbeard before I move? @@AshuraDX? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XeMi86BBfmc&feature=youtu.be I'll work on the anims for a while and if nobody else feels like taking it I'll do it
  2. Better UV's and a quick peek in Modview to see where we're at with some basic anims uv Modview http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PC6q636gNaw&feature=youtu.be
  3. Carcass Error: _always bone .glm is parented to a bone that no surface references! XD thats a new one for me wtf

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ChalklYne


      I had "keep motion bone" checked in assimilate I guess thats what did it

    3. Tempust85


      You need to keep the motion bone though.

    4. ChalklYne


      yeah I don't know. It shows up in modview? It's a custom skele obviously

  4. Bob_Bergen's not dead...

  5. @@AshuraDX It's not tilted 0_0 Maybe I should rotate his head back a bit before you have an aneurism Symmetry is on. OMFG! I just realized that the changes I made today, I had symmetry off 0_0 I was working on blackbeard and fucking forgot to swap it when I opened it. Sweet. No worries I save each time I work on it as a different file So I have the changes before I screwed up the symmetry. Also, just so you know, I can export the low res mesh, symmetrize it in Softimage, then reimport the low res to Zbrush and apply the high res sculpt to it, and it will be symmetrized, So besides the symmetry problem do you actually have any crits on the facial structure Ashura or did you just come in here to break muh bawls? XD Help me out with his jaw structure toward the back, and the cheeks
  6. A preview of the new uv layout in action. The humerus mesh is a little wonky and needs to be re-exported because it came out all fucky, but I am really liking how this is turning out
  7. I'm going to leave this here for a while til I gain some decent crits so I can fix it
  8. Thats everything except the face and feathers in one picture yes
  9. touche XD Well played truffle. Im working on him as we sopeak... have been for the majority of the day
  10. Hey @@DT85... how would we export an animated fbx for md3 conversion then if the anims got working on this? Is it something we would just have to change in the fbx export options?
  11. See Truffle? Now I'm a happy lil chalk nugget This should make reskins not so much of a drama I'll be honest, the hardest part is over. Weight painting is not that much stress. I could probably have him weighted in a matter of hours. Seeing that the last texture job was a total of a couple of hours, if I really focus and don't get burned out, I could have this guy ingame today. Doesn't mean he will be done as I will need to be checking dismemberment and deformation problems, but I am hoping to have an ingame pic by tonight. (if I don't get burned out and if my kids don't need too much daddy today). I also plan on repainting his face soon. I thank you for your patience though You should be an ecstatic shufflin truffle here soon bro Since I am using this guy as practice for my tfu characters, I am going to sculpt and paint the diffuse texture in Zbrush and render out a shadow map for the details, then hand paint the specular map in Zbrush as well, and render the shadow map from a slightly different angle or lower lighting to see if I can fake some shadows on the details. Then I will render out the normal and displacement maps from Zbrush, and leave those in the pk3 for future implementation once OpenJK gets to that point. I am hoping that this model will give me the last bit of training I need to make some really nice TFU models. I will do all of my models this way, and maybe by the time I am done, the code will be ready that I can change some shaders around and have some nice normals or possibly even parallax occlusion mapping going for them. Then the streets will flow with the blood of the nonbelievers. XD
  12. if you did a truffle shuffle XD You did a skeletal sad sad sad dance which still burns in my mind. I also wasn't planning on trying to kick this much ass at this model, but thought you deserved a decent model. You are helping me reconsider that generosity though XD Almost there dude you will no die just breathe
  13. To be honest, I just didnt like his uv layout, so i adjusted it, then had to study other models to see how the tags were weighed. I'm kinda learning as I go here XD Ive rigged other models and got them ingame, but they usually wound up all fucky. i now know why. I want to make sure I do this model by the book so I have the complete experience to make my tfu models work. Also, i will be losing internet for a while, so I need to make sure I have acquired all the knowledge to get a few characters done while I wait to get interwebs back @@therfiles dont post like a madman while im gone XD we're neck n neck
  14. have u ever rigged something? its not fun. here let me put it into perspective for you. slowly pull your teeth out and snort them one at a time. now extract them from your nasal cavity and reimplant them in place. do this twice. consider that all your tags and heirarchy and correct subdivisions to reduce deformation issues. now you can START the rigging process of enveloping and weight painting. which is like painting a squirrel ever so precisely while its running.. now go through and test it all and make sure everything deforms correctly (or repeat step 1 I should say). Now do all this while having a life and being bothered XD
  15. In about a week im going to lose internet until i get settled in in Washington. I will try and wrap up Blackbeard and the T3 first though. I will get to Washington and still be working on my mod, just wont post updates until I get interwebs established there

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Onysfx


      @ChalklYne, you're post trailed off. Please continue with another comment :).

    3. Onysfx


      Oops, *your*

    4. ChalklYne


      is nothing but dirt and I would like to show them a change in scenery. Arizona is nothing but dirt and bigger piles of dirt XD but yes, its like 25% because of booty XD

  16. i could, but it would consist of him moving back and forth, and rotating his head. and it would be wonky as hell and need to be completely reanimated
  17. Well... Ashura pointed out to me that you can't even play as r2d2 in MP 0_0 So using his skele was dumb New skele http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUSh5RTN6Wc&feature=youtu.be
  18. Never knew there was one?! Or i wouldn't have gone down that road XD I was just trying to help omicron avoid using a port
  19. Then off to my abyss of incomplete models with him XD
  20. See? lol Only 20 minutes of work on top of a base mesh I created for easy character designing Needs to be worked on sure, but 20 minutes lol. And A quick touch up and unwrap and you will have a non ported model you can skin it while I rig it since I'm already riggin blackbeard and am in the mood Unfortunately for everyone, this will be the last Request I fill for a while as I really need to get back to my mod. I will take another break in a few months maybe and fill a few more and possibly dabble a bit in between but let's not request any more playermodels out of ol chalkbone for a while as I have plenty I need to do XD
  21. I'll make you one if you'll texture it =)
  22. tl;dr? Here's a summary for you It's a port XD
  23. I had an account and just watched you all like a ninja for 3 months before I posted anything on FF
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