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Everything posted by ChalklYne

  1. XD Judging by the difference in quality of work, I would say probably not. LMAO Everybody knows I am a spambot created by the robot @@Circa, who is a robot created by Cael. Main reason as to why I am so reluctant to release this beta version, is it is still way weak to me, and there is a lot of people who followed this thread that arent here anymore, and people from FF who remember me trying, and I would just dislike for everyone to see this version on MP somewhere and think "wow, 2 years and thats ther finished product?!" So I will not be too anal retentive with the beta version, but I would like it all at least to flow a bit nicer. Look at @@AshuraDX's texturing on his Starkiller. Very precise, very well thought out and executed. Mine looks like a beta XD I would like to fine tune some things first. I apologize if I came off as dickish, I just really dislike Starkiller atm lol I have had a very serious problem with modeling my whole "career", and am just now fixing it. I rush shit. It shows in my work. If you can see by the sculpting and texturing of the Rodian head I am working on, I am trying to slow down and pay more attention to ref's and detail. I am going through and retexturing most of thre TIE facility right now for just that reason. I am hoping spending more time on each individual piece will make my work seem less cartoony.
  2. Sounds good. I will experiment man thank you. I will have to research how to render a cavity map in Softimage but that should work out very well great idea @@AshuraDX
  3. I apologize for double posting but I wanted this separate. So I am going to make a rendermap for this right? I will render the shadows at a regular lighting with no specular gloss, but, I was wondering, if I did that, then rendered one with say a bit more lighitng to the front, and with a slight specular shine, will it look good ingame with the diffused render as diffuse, and the specular render as specular in the shader? Seems like it should right? Now, to more difficulty,.. If I render the shadows in the diffuse map from lights a bit more on the top of his head, and render the specular from a bit lower, will it show the scales a bit better when you spin around him? Does that make sense? I want to show the scale shadows from one direction in diffuse, and the shadows in another direction in specular so it gives the illusion of normal mapping And here are a few meaningless renders I thought looked cool and wanted to share. No need to crit them just wanted to show them since I thought some of them looked cool
  4. @@Circa thank you! some other adjustments. I will be fixing his eye size and those little spikes on his head once I get it back to Softimage, since I dislike Zbrush's tools when it comes to low poly modeling and resizing and translation and stuff Oh, and his lips will be fixed in Softimage also, I screwed them up 9or didnt finish them I should say) and they need to be adjusted in order for me to get the shape I want. On another note: For all other Zbrush users... Did you know, that you can import a mesh into Zbrush, without UV unwrapping, sculpt it and paint it, then go back and unwrap it later, reimport it into Zbrush and transfer the subdivision data, and all will be applied directly to the new uvmap?! That is insanity. In other words, make a box, dont unwrap it, just import it into Zbrush and start sculpting and painting it, then later on when you get it unwrapped, reimport the obj into the Zbrush scene and it will prompt you if you wish to transfer the high resolution data, if you say yes, it will transfer the sculpting normals and polypaint directly to your new UV coordinates. this comes in handy, especially in times like this where I screwed his lips up but found out about it too late, I can go back and remodel his lips, re-unwrap it, and it will still look the same in Zbrush without having to repaint and resclupt anything. Cool stuff.
  5. A better start? I've only really messed with his face so leave his hair and ears and the back of his head out of it until later on today when I post new pics
  6. I'm taking a break from it so I don't get burned out. I can assure you though, once I have it complete... I will let it sit on my desktop for 3 days before I upload it here if you keep asking =) I am getting close with it releasing a beta version, I just need to get the scene set up and stuff, and am finishing up this Rodian head for someone first. Then you can haz all the Starkiller beta you wants
  7. ChalklYne


    Yeah welcome to the Hub! I am excited to see some of your work and appreciate that you have become a jack of all trades in modding over the time. Very cool.
  8. I'd say I post maybe 45% of all the off-topic stuff on this site XD Thing is, I post about 98% of it in the Nonsense section. Yet somehow the site has had more new members and traffic than ever. I've seen tons of people come in here out of nowhere and get good advice to finish thier mods. Advice on advancing in a gaming carer. Information about specifics of Star Wars canon. I'd say the integrity isn't damaged too much when they see us having a bit o fun I literally have no life 0_0 I am here more than damn near anyone. I really don't see this happening too much. There is a few people who take it further than one post, and I am positive that even starting this topic, you have slapped them on the wrist enough for them to know to keep people's threads rather tidy. I dislike my threads being all disorganized and full of insanity, but welcome the occasional pic or gif. Thing is, they usually pertain to the topic. Think about my Starkiller thread. I would say 25% of it, is people posting funny pics about what the newest head reminds them of. It's all in good fun, and kinda sticking to the topic. Yet to someone else, they might consider it being off topic and harassing. It kinda goes inline with learning to take criticism. I agree threads should be tidy, yet I haven't seen them spiral out of control except in the Nonsense. Then again, I don't check too much on the Ads, Coding and Scripting sections, so maybe I missed a few of what you are referring to. Not saying it doesn't exist, just saying I haven't seen it too much. Harassment? If you think of the Starkiller thread, if you think of @ and his stuff, I have seen some people step out of line briefly, but we usually drop it before it gets to the point of harassment. I can't speak for whatever is going on in your PM's, but those people should burn in Hell =P I have seen people on MULTIPLE occasions almost ASK for the harassment the way they talk and things they say, and we have always treated them decent. Deviance has gotten on my nerves a time or two, but i am still working with him personally on my mod, and have had his back on multiple occasions. I see more of a friendly atmosphere than what you are suggesting. Then again, I don't have an all seeing eye so, grain of salt u know? I'll be damned if I don't disagree with you again. XD I've seen staff snap off on people when they deserve it, ban people when they deserve it, and I would say that as Staff, as volunteers, as our peers just stepping up to the plate and doing what they can to keep order here, I'd say they ALL do an outstanding job. A few things might fall through the cracks here or there, I just am not aware of it. The whole not as tough as they should be thing, just kind of starts to take some of the fun out of being here. Now let me try and make a valid point out of all this... If someone gets ribbed a bit for their ridiculous post, or less than par work, I think that is just human nature and it is all in good fun. If someone gets to the point of being harassed, it's not the Staff's fault they are being harassed, it's whoever is doing it. Must we need babysitters? I have seen some people get ribbed a bit too much, and I stepped in and said something positive and tried to get back on topic. I trust us all to treat each other like friends. Also, people like their threads tidy, so just be grown ass people and try to stay on-topic for the most part. Still, this place is a community, and a thriving one at that, let's still have fun with it all. I just don't think it's on the staff's shoulders to make us stay in line, we are responsible for our own actions. I appreciate how seriously you take the site and it's credibility though @@eezstreet very cool to see
  9. I agree and have already restarted them XD it is very easy to do, I just went about it wrong I tested out some different brushes and have found what I need, and now know to sculpt in the eyebrow area first, then make the eye scales out of that
  10. What? The overly apparent scales or the texture or what? the scales will not look as prominent once I reduce the opacity of the shadow layer. I just would rather have more shadows than I need and reduce them, as opposed to not enough shadows and it all be kinda for nothing
  11. @@Circa Well, the problem is, I only did the scales around the head kind of for reference, they arent final, but when they are, they will all be as prominent as the eye scales, to get a good ambient occlusion render and I can mess with the intensity of those shadows in photoshop when I start wrapping up the texture. so actually, the scales around the eyes are "correct", it's the other ones that need to be fixed. Then, the final product should look more like the head scales do now. Also, the eye scales will be split horizontally so its not just one ring, but two, but this is just my second pass at getting a feel for it. Then once I get a really nice rodian texture, I am going to try to paint a reelo texture over this thing looking more like him with his colors and scales, without the hair. so I need to remodel a bit for reelo, but redsaurus asked for a Reelo head, so I will see what I can do. I just need to remove the mohawk, and screw with the antennae a bit for his head. The heavy rodian will have a mohawk though, able to be *off in the skin file, so I can use the same head for the rodian rippers with just a different texture. And I agree with you concerning the eyes
  12. I just got every character model from TFU in DAE format for references. Very cool.

    1. Tempust85


      Now where did you manage to find that? I was combing the net for plasmid's rips but he's taken them down.

    2. ChalklYne
    3. Tempust85


      That's really cool. :D

  13. redsaurus said he needed a rodian head, so I decided to start wrapping up one of mine. This will eventually be on the Heavy Rodian once I get a few more things done
  14. About the LOTR models, I believe @@AshuraDX has some orcs. Possibly even Sauron or someone I can't remember
  15. Your days of tyranny are numbered.

    1. Onysfx


      Soon ChalklYne and I will reorganize this website into the opposite of tyranny, A GALACTIC EMPIRE! (that's not tyranny, it's just "improved leadership")

  16. My little girl got all "Excellents" on her kindergarten report card, and scored an average of 15 points higher than needed on her DIBELS testing =D. So happy. Time for some rootbeer floats!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ChalklYne


      Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills. It tests Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Accurate and Fluent reading, and Reading Comprehension. She needed at least a 189 and got 290

    3. Circa


      What a genius.

    4. katanamaru


      Drinks all around!

  17. Are there no gingers in Star Wars?!?!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. ChalklYne


      exactly! im just trying to get to the bottom of it. The great purge of the ginger temple

    3. Circa


      It was a classic "Aldaraan/Death Star" situation. A whole planet of the only gingers in the galaxy, suddenly cry out in terror.

    4. ChalklYne


      LMAO! Noooooes!!1! Brothers!!!

  18. Is there a not too busy texture artist in our midst?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ChalklYne


      LMAO! It need be textured

    3. Circa


      I'll see what I can do.

    4. ChalklYne


      K. Then i'll clean up the UV maps tonight and see what's going on. Also, I'm not sure if I have to just export .obj's or separate glms or what let me talk to Ashura, or if you run into him ask him

  19. Sorry dude got carried away with muh mod. I worked on this guy the other day, just need to unwrap him next from what I see
  20. I just keep forgetting about that! Good suggestion and thank you.
  21. Thank you. I will make sure they all have 4 LOD's then.. How far away are they when they hit LOD_4? So I know how much detail I can remove and kinda figure out the ones in between on my own from there? I've noticed deleting too much edges will ruin the uvmap so isn't there something like clusters I believe I can do to eliminate that issue?
  22. So the first set is just regular stupidtriangle... then it goes onto stupidtriangle_1, stupidtriangle_2, stupidtriangle_3 correct?
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