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Everything posted by ChalklYne

  1. Yeah now that I compare it, it is a bit too tall. I'll adjust that next along with the pelvis armor as I just screwed up the shading on it trying to get it fit better Thank you @
  2. I got some platinum advice from @@AshuraDX yesterday about my models and topo... he said "Stop fucking around and learn this shit" XD roger, roger New Jump and new topo for him Still working on it, just taking my time This is pretty much how the convo went. http://youtu.be/mCK1V5B4ZeQ?t=16s XD Thanks brotha
  3. No worries brotha! Get excited! Hell I HATE Starkiller at this point and I'm excited XD. Just know that I spend roughly 40% of ALL of my time on this mod, so if something you want isn't getting worked on, believe me that SOMETHING is getting worked on. I have come a LONG way with this, and we will see a really nice release this year. On a side note... @@AshuraDX is the drill sergeant of modeling. I would prolly have 75% of this mod done right now, but, it would look as shit. And I am thankful to have peers such as these to make sure it doesnt turn out like that. I get messages on youtube, gmail, FACEBOOk!, hell I have even gotten a request on my xboxlive account XD and with the abundance of people telling me how AWESOME all my stuff is, it is really nice to have some talented people to turn to like the ones in this forum, that will keep me grounded and go "no chalk, this is shit" XD I won't make a 100% accurate mod, but it will be pretty =)
  4. I am having a ridiculously difficult time rigging these shoulders =/

    1. Tempust85


      Shoulders are usually the most difficult area to weigh. Just takes time and a lot of practice to get a desired look.

    2. Doc Scratch
  5. @@Barricade24 there u go. hands came out a lil screwy? Nothing I could really do to fix that though
  6. Rigging this guy is going to take me all night. Looks cool so far though Still nowhere near done being rigged His right arm is barely rigged at all as well as his right hand. His left arm and hand are almost done. And I still need to fix clipping on his cloth
  7. @@DT85 I fixed up the back of the legs (don't know how I forgot that) and adjusted the arms a bit but I really want to keep the tentacles like I have them so it looks decent ingame holding weapons. I wasn't really planning on this being exactly "accurate" XD just functioning I figured I could rig his hige arm tentacle up to his forearm and the suction cup up to the wrist? so it moved around with the bottom arm? what do you think?
  8. @@DT85 Yeah he's pretty ug MY main concern, is if I go any more by the refs.. he will look as if he were drawn in crayon by a 5 year old. I will keep it like this with SOME sort of human-esque features, and just go from there. I don't want these to look like the blurry gooey blobs of shit that they do in the ref pics
  9. The Felucian Warrior is up in the Contest section of Unleashed 1.5. Good luck to everyone

  10. Here is the first model in the contest. Felucian warrior with the long mask. Here is a pic from modview And proof that you can spawn him ingame as a playermodel to get a look at him I will be making different masks for him, but here is the first one ready to go I will be taking the best of the skins and doing a polypaint in Zbrush with them, then touching up the seams and stuff if you guys get any as I would like a bunch of different Felucians I will go and fit his "hands" to the skele a bit better and weight paint him while you all are busy. You can *off the mask of course What do you say @@therfiles @@Circa? First one to 10 votes or so? Just leave screenshots here in this thread until I get a few gathered up to make a poll Once again, these models will be spawnable ingame, but will have no anims >=) Cuz I'm a jerk. Let me know if there are any issues. Enjoy https://www.dropbox.com/s/kx2ohdju1qm6two/felucian.pk3
  11. smh... Thoe pics you saw in the Ref pics section, are ref pics. Models from SWTFU Not mine Mine aren't done. No Starkiller 4 yoo
  12. No These are models from the pc version of SWTFU Not mine.
  13. I'll keep updating it, feel free to ask for any you may need
  14. I will go through and include as many ref pics as I can come up with for anyone interested. Troopers EVO Trooper Shadow EVO Trooper Shadow Trooper Jump Trooper Felucians Felucian Warrior Kazdan Paratus Bull Rancor Raxus Prime Raxus Prime Heavy Rodian
  15. @@Barricade24 I will go take pics now I'll go start a new topic in the Overview section of nothing but TFU ref pics for anyone who needs them Ask for whichever you need I may have the model
  16. I woke up and looked at this and said these exact words
  17. Ill make those slight adjustments today. Not too worried about the textures though. That's a main reason Im having these contests is because I blow ass at textyring and don't even want to waste my time on it right now. I'll lay down a good base texture and let everybody have at it. Thanks for the lookout on his nose, I never saw one lol
  18. This is all lowest subdivision with textured_decal mode on, so exactly what you'd see in modview
  19. All of his "teeth" are irrelevant right now they will be modeled in later. Better?
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