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Everything posted by ChalklYne

  1. I AM in fact Truffle's personal slave 0_0 Dont knock my choices in modding slavery. That's just how I scroll. It is most decidedly NOT just a video game. Hobbies are fun mine are dirty. And I apologize for the hold up man, I am in the middle of some crazy shit right now brotha. Give me a few k? Swear.
  2. I love ladies =) All of them.

    1. Show previous comments  24 more
    2. Flynn


      14 here, found someone who is interested in a bunch of the same things as me, has a similar personality (neither of us really like people in general XD), does similar things (makes EDM) AND is attractive to boot. I'm excited...

    3. Onysfx


      I remember the good old days when I was 14 xD.

    4. Tempust85


      I met my now wife when I was 25. It happens when it happens, but you need to be looking.

  3. Your first question was answered by Razor. Your second question was answered helped by ent, asgarath, therfiles, mini. to which you replied Your third question was answered by razor, dt85, therfiles, eezstreet To which you replied Your idea of help must be different from mine.
  4. I have to take my kids to school, then I will come back and throw this guy around a bit and make sure he's good to be finished. I still need to repaint/resculpt his face. I just need to go snag some good refs for how I want him to look. I'll have some good pics up in a while if all goes as planned of him being finished up and the weights being tested. I'm not sure if I will sculpt his head today though. Or finish it I should say
  5. I move in 3 days and won't have interwebs for a while, I was trying to release it to him before that. Rushed to get it ingame?! If I were rushing to get it ingame, I would have used said bespoken solution, or, I could have just rigged it to the R2 skele and made a moving brick and called it done. I made him a custom skele and animated it, and have it working, just want more anims for him. So I think I took the most difficult route tbh. I noticed something about his back, and ashura pointed out something with the front feet I will be addressing those issues, but besides that I am happy where this thing is at. I'll adjust those little parts, and change the bone names to something more conventional for a R2 unit, but anything else I would classify as nitpicking. You can't please everyone, and I'm damn sure not trying to. The OP is happy with the mesh, Im happy with it besides 2 little adjustments, no need to go all balls to the wall I have shit to do elsewhere. I will just start telling people that if you want a 1:1 copy hit up u guys XD I work too fast for all that and lose interest tl;dr? Im not changing much else here, and your attempts to rescue this model are futile 0_0 I don't wanna be one of the greats gentlemen, I just want to mod.
  6. so why can i give things like lightning to a rancor and cant add it to a r2d2? all of my bones work ingame, but they only go off on the idle anim as i have it rotating its head and cycling through all of it's gadgets really slowly as an idle anim. So all of the bones work, just not the extra tasks I assign them to. I will copy the r2d2 so this can be used in MP, but i would still like to know which specific class allows what. Just some trial and error I guess. See I also Made a Rancor a custom vehicle you could ride on his back and use all of his anims. I just needed to add in a bolt_driver. then, when he started walking, he wouldnt stop. So i had to add in the idle lines form the swoop animation.cfg with rancor stopping anims assigned to the added lines and then I got the rancor to stop continuously walking, because i added in a vehicle idle anim. So I would like to know what the difference is between rancors and r2's that eliminates this feature
  7. The thumb was modeled out of the bottom. Directly following another hand tutorial. Modeled over Kyle's hand. They are only 4 sided boxes right now. When I get to rigging the shoulders, hips, knees, or fingers I will add in an edge loop here or there where I need them. The hand is fit to the skele so I shouldn't have a problem with rigging them. IF I do I'll fix it when I get there Theres the low res mesh Looks kinda screwy I'll probably repaint him sometime.
  8. What if I included a higher res GLM for all of my models along with displacement and normal maps? Would there ever be an implementation of supporting higher tri counts? Say 6-8000?

    1. minilogoguy18


      What's the point of upping the tri count when you can just make a good normal map, cavity map and AO map?

    2. ChalklYne


      I wasnt sure about how shadows would look on the model and better clipping and I wasn't sure if it was something that had already been worked out in OpenJK or something

  9. Think I'll spend the day on some more lighting tutorials for Softimage to get some better Rendermaps

  10. THANK YOU@@AshuraDX SO the MP vehicles can use custom skeles?!
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eGWBs8XjNJU
  12. I will rig this to a R2 skele for your filming purposes to be used in MP. Will Try as hard as I can to set him up in a way that he can have some sort of anim, but since I can't change R2's gla, I doubt it. he will be available to walk around and be recorded for whatever you're doing. I will release the SP version with all his anims, and try to add a few more by the end following mini's advice I will texture it myself I hope we are all back on the same page now.
  13. It has a movement null! lol My head is going to explode
  14. Ahh I see what you're saying. But I did that in the beginning. I changed the name of a few bones but the rest is the same, I'll go swap those bone names back and see what happens. Don't know how to read? Or possibly you didn't explain yourself completely. Dont be pompous with me mini, u wanna take this to the Swearing thread dude? I appreciate your input but you can check that tone. i initially imported the r2 and built around it, but mainly to steal tags and stuff. I will change the names of the mesh and bones back and see if that does anything.
  15. If you would have noted it was for MP in the OP we would have nipped that right in the bud. So you really have no need for this then? Because I want to texture it, but I want to take my time on it because I just found out some cool techniques I want to use on it. I just won't feel such a rush and I can finish up blackbeard and unwrap about 6 of my own models and get them ready to be sculpted Maybe by then I'll tamper with this enough to be able to add a couple more anims or something cool. I know I gave extra abilities to the rancor and had him doing fully animated force lightings wayyyyy back in the day. like.. @@AshuraDX.. do u remember when we made the baby rancor with bugged eyes?! rofl those days I had rancors doing all kinds of cool things. So I will figure out if it's a bone naming deal, a class thing, or something else. I need this info anyways. Hell I may start a few tutorials. Like, the idiot's guide to tags and heirarchy. Covering everything from base to custom skeles. Twould be niiice. So I would like to know any of this and when I come into a snag I like to figure out why so I can avoid it or know to completely eliminate that route. So don't just say it won't work I'd like to personally know why so I know the exact reason if any of you can part with these sacred Jedi arts I would be joyful
  16. Well it works enough that missing 1 anim that I wanted to throw in won't matter much. As it stands ingame I have a walking, a running, a run start, a run stop, an idle anim, and it should be fine like this. No point in sticking him to the R2 skele because he wont have even the 3 or 4 anims that he does now. He would just be a moving brick So dude.. @... I really have no idea what you're getting at here? I can literally only pick a few things out of that bro.. No MP When he speaks of replacing the R2D2 he means the skeleton and animation file, so I'm not sure how sticking this to the old skele will "It could inspire replacements of protocol droids and various other entities" No. It will be a moving brick with maybe 1 animation if that and it would be a wonky anim at that. Mr shamshy head is amazing I cant make sense of this one at all "If we can't, though, are the animations being bound to the classic droid skeleton? Would it be a separate spawn entity, or would it affect all droids?" It wont mess with any of the base stuff. It will not be rigged to an r2 skele Here's an inganme of the few anims I do have working http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnWeyMFJ5Do&feature=youtu.be
  17. Yeah I have no idea why he kept sating MP I cleared that up like 2 pages ago. I just didnt want to keep correcting him I was kinda like "whatever" XD I see what you're saying Mini and I will experiment between classes. If anything I will add the tags from _humanoid and use process of elimination to get a more definitive answer for anyone who wants to make custom skeles.
  18. But that's not what I'm going for. Sure I can import the R2 skele and be content with that, but I want to make sure I know the ins and outs of custom playermodels. It does have a motion null, right under skeleton_root. He will jump, just not play the anim for jumping. I don't want him to jump sop it is a horrible example, but say I wanmted him to be able to use the USE button, he will, and he can use stuff, but it wont play his use anim. Only the three I listed I am just inquiring to why that is and how I can fix it. I added BOTH_LIGHTNING to a rancor's animation.cfg then made a new animation for lighting for the rancor and merged the glas. It worked perfectly. So I am wondering why this won't. I am wondering if he needs more tags to be able to do some anims?
  19. Well... I'm having a problem with this guy. btw I decided to texture it. Will be sweet. Here's the issue... I give the animation.cfg extra abilities i.e. jump etc. My droid will only do the anims for walk and run though. So I thought it was because I had his class as bot. So I changed his class to Luke just to see if it helped and same thing. Except now he can jump XD But the jump anim won't play that I assigned. it all works correctly in Modview though, like in Modview I can double click on BOTH_CROUCH and it will do the crouching anim, but ingame, no go. Any ideas? @@AshuraDX @@DT85 Long story short, the anims show up in Modview in the correct syntax, but the game will not play them. Only the walk, stand, and run anims "Gravity's silhouette remains, but the star and all the planets, disappeared they have"
  20. Some rough drafts of Kota Militia I did over the past few weeks in the backround
  21. I'm not working on any of my TFU stuff until I finish wiht a couple requests. Even then, I'm not releasing this map seperate. Guys? Just me dude
  22. Taking a couple swings at the anims http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_-Uj8zmG9k&feature=youtu.be
  23. This head is all fucky now. Here;s what i propose... All of the heads I've seen that reach a really nice level of likeness to the ref, are started out in a more skull shape, then the character's specific facial muscles are sculpted onto the skull. Once they get a really good sculpt, they export the low res mesh and unwrap it. I wthink I need to go back and try this. Because at this point he has too much flesh in way too many places to try and fix this to the level I'd like to see it. I will take acouple swings at it and see what happens.
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