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Everything posted by ChalklYne

  1. @@Xycaleth Amazing work man VERY cool stuff. This will be used over and over for a very long time. I plan on using it for my mod. Awesome work man and thank you!
  2. WWBBD?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Circa


      HAHAHA oh wow. I'm dying.

    3. ChalklYne


      I'm pretty sure Bob would do something exactly like this the SECOND you let him out of your CP fortress...


    4. Circa
  3. Nah I've cleaned it up quite a bit. I was still learning back then. hell I'm still learning now, but I know how to not waste tris XD You are welcome to poke around at any models if you'd like though and lend any assistance, I would be honored in fact. But have you seen the troopers?! That EVO to be around 3,300 tris or so is just a masterpiece for my standards dude. As well as the Jump. I waste nothing! lol Also, you and I have separate opinions as to what exactly is "wasted" sometimes.Meaning sometimes I would send people a model to proof read it, and they'd be like "alpha map this instead of modeling it in", or "texture this in instead of modeling it in", and it ends up saving maybe 10 tris and looks shit XD Point being, If I keep all the players under 4000 tris or so I shouldn't have a problem you're saying? Because that is a huge wave of relief. Also, remember that that exterior piece I sent you was all screwy because I duplicated like everything while trying to do something I can't remember, but even that was just a huge brainfart, not shoddy modeling man. I se ewhat you are insinuating though and would love to throw you a model so you can show by example all of my wastedness =P And about just editing base or HS not really what I was going for. I wanted my own wave of custom armor to go with the canonical accessories So they still are recognizable as EVO's and Jump's, but with sleeker more iron-man/batman like armor. Matter of fact, I'll just post really nice wireframes of each real quick and we'll see where we stand with all this speech of epic wastedness and lay that shit to rest XD
  4. @@DT85 Long explanation of why I am trying to keep verts very low Who is a good authority on LOD's and vert count and engine stability around here so we can pick thier brain about it? I can get a tri count for an entire map right now, combined with the tri count of starkiller and like 8-10 troopers and see where we stand if needed? Actually, I would just ask you @@DT85 XD Or @@minilogoguy18 or possibly @@eezstreet. You guys know way more than me about the subject Current vert count
  5. I agree with all points made, however, I purposely made the armor different though. I didnt want an exact 1:1 copy of jumptroopers or evo troopers or maps or anything. maybe just Starkiller, Juno's face, and the tie fighters and things liek that. but I wanted my own phase of evotroopers and jumps and stuff. With custom fitting armor more like Batman's than a regular jumptrooper. I would just ask @@DT85 to use his stormie, but the vert count is way too high for me to add to. So, what I can do is, make my custom versions (with most of the improvements @@Barricade24 and @@DT85 had suggested) while still staying true to this more sleek armor design, and keep all of their accessories separate. then, when I get all of the accessories textured and looking ok, I will try and fit them to Dt85's stormie for all of you canonical fans. tl;dr? I am making my own versions of the jump and evo armor. I will also put the accessories on Dt85's stormie (if it's cool with him) for all of you who want a more canon jump and evo. I just like how my design is, and want it to be in the mod. Having the creative freedom like that is what makes this all still fun for me.
  6. yeah im making one, but mor eimportantly, im making a crashed one. was just going to finish the uncrashed one for anyone who wants to use it. plus it looks to have significantly less tris than this one, so to each his own. I agree the more the merrier!
  7. My little yellow pills are overwhelming, but the larger blue ones are kind.

  8. That's a damn good reference. I will go through and make sure the points you made are taken care of.
  9. I now have been driven to drink

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. therfiles


      As long as your not driving drunk

    3. Onysfx


      Are you drinking because your unhappy?

    4. ChalklYne


      I never drive drunk nor am I unhappy XD I drink with chicks, and lately there has been an abundance of them. HERE is the best part, I hang with chicks and make them sit and watch and critique my modeling XD Good times.

  10. you could always make the shoulder gun a veh and script the npc to use the veh right? then give the veh 3 different muzzles
  11. i could use some ref pics for this guy if you guys come across anything @@AshuraDX @@therfiles @@Circa may i suggest a ref pic and free texture section of the site? maybe structured like this Modeling 1 Ref pics Free textures Video tutorial links Resources 1 Anakin Skywalker Obi Wan Kenobi Yoda Etc. Someone is always having problems finding good ref pics. Would be cool. Also, people are always making textures on thier spare time that someone else could use. Let us post various new threads for new character or vehicle or weapon ref pics . Like, I have this I'm sure someone could use. Tons of things like this.
  12. ChalklYne

    Hey there

    Welcome to Thunderdome!
  13. Are you going to load up a Maul pic into zbrush and use the eyedropper to select accurate colors or just kinda eyeball it?
  14. oooooh I really want a custom Scout trooper now...
  15. Yeah chin seems ok, but the gap between the nose and lips is pretty noticeable. Could be the gap, or something with his lip divot right there in the middle whatever you call it. regardless, something in that area just seems to jump out at me? I would just say take a look at it because when it comes to proportions, I don't know my ass from my elbow.
  16. Sounds good. I figured you would enjoy the new troopers. So I will put out a Jump, EVO, Purge, and most likely a custom trooper of my own design.
  17. So what about the gap between his nose and his lips? and doesnt his chin seem a bit wide?
  18. @@Barricade24 imageshack is just being a pain in the ass. once u upload it, dont go to myimages, just check out the big box it opens up and change the "direct" option to "forum" and it will give u the code like the old days
  19. Patience my young padawan, patience. I personally guarantee that once this model is complete you will be the first person to download it. No, no I don't. Still, thanks for all the positive feedback.
  20. I have tears in my eyes laughing at this damn site. yesterday's Gandalf quote by Si, today's Starkiller lyrics.. it's been a good week XD

    1. Show previous comments  36 more
    2. Link



    3. Onysfx



    4. ChalklYne


      this is Chalk hungover.

  21. He most likely will not have any speaking roles, just pain sounds and possibly a where am I or somethings along those lines. And the dialogue from the other games is irrelevant. Just for turds and giggles though, here is Starkiller's lyrics... they're beautiful
  22. I would assume something like HS Stormtrooper should be ok with it's sounds... just try to avoid things like this XD
  23. I didnt think you had to break it down in lamens but yeah go ahead XD First time I read it I was like hrmmmm
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