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Status Replies posted by Onysfx

  1. Started up "bacon's makermod" lets see if it even works.

  2. Started up "bacon's makermod" lets see if it even works.

  3. Possible broken right shoulder from snowboarding, gotta do a follow up with my doctor here now that I'm back in FL, FML

  4. Temping to "alienware" Respawn my pc...go back to factory mode.....But I dont wanna reinstall everything :(

  5. Temping to "alienware" Respawn my pc...go back to factory mode.....But I dont wanna reinstall everything :(

  6. But...but...where is HL2 episode 3!?

  7. But...but...where is HL2 episode 3!?

  8. High school is haaaaarrrrd...

  9. Anyone else getting buried in over a foot of snow?

  10. High school is haaaaarrrrd...

  11. High school is haaaaarrrrd...

  12. High school is haaaaarrrrd...

  13. High school is haaaaarrrrd...

  14. High school is haaaaarrrrd...

  15. I thought you needed a super high end computer to run portal, as I thought you would stare into the portals in almost infinity, resulting in extreme lag. However, the requirements are low enough, so I've been playing portal :).

  16. Happy new year everybody! Hope you had fun!

  17. Rumor has it there is a party tonight and a few people who have been talking about wanting to kick my ass are supposed to be there. So I invited myself XD Wish me luck fellas.i want to start 2014 with a clean slate. Even if that means spending the last day of 2013 cleaning some clocks XD

  18. Rumor has it there is a party tonight and a few people who have been talking about wanting to kick my ass are supposed to be there. So I invited myself XD Wish me luck fellas.i want to start 2014 with a clean slate. Even if that means spending the last day of 2013 cleaning some clocks XD

  19. Rumor has it there is a party tonight and a few people who have been talking about wanting to kick my ass are supposed to be there. So I invited myself XD Wish me luck fellas.i want to start 2014 with a clean slate. Even if that means spending the last day of 2013 cleaning some clocks XD

  20. I get random PM's from people with the same dizzy-near-mannequins problem, lol

  21. I remember that there was a mod which increased the light amount a lot, I actually found it to look quite nice. I don't remember what it's called, and can't find it. Any ideas?

  22. I do hate PC issues

  23. Half-Life 2 is pretty great.

  24. I don't understand the hype around The Last of Us. The gameplay is atrocious.

  25. I don't understand the hype around The Last of Us. The gameplay is atrocious.

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