Mysterious Stranger
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Status Updates posted by Mysterious Stranger
been a while, noticed the reviews from older dates (2019 isn't old!) don't show up and are just blanks for me? anyone else with the same issue? highly believe someone's plants ate it up.
is the default master server still dead? haven't a way to check but an old friend said wasn't anything. if it's been dead ages maybe staff could make an announcement or something and get it pinned with jkhub's master :x
someone refresh my 1000000 year old memory, but is it possible to update a 1.00 jampded to 1.01? X(
I haven't been in JKA for a while but Jeditracker is down? Or dead for good?
didn't notice the background pic change til now. guess caelum must have eaten the previous one.
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I was playing at satire. These days everyone seems to think that as long as it's set in space and has blasters, it's Star Wars. To me, Star Wars means a lot more than that.
Yes, we did use to have JKA screenshots. I think Caelum was going for a simplistic, stylistic design for the board this time. I don't mind it, it looks elegant.
that new blue dot tho,
Got billed again for an AUSTRALIAN TS server that I don't use, anyone wanting to use it for a month do PM me.
Was updating my profile and Xfire is dead, maybe a potted Steve somewhere should remove the Xfire contact option?
Anyone have the source code for jka? I seem to have lost mine.
Now that there's an update for KOTOR II through Steam, maybe JKA is in the line...somewhere
Never noticed that CTF1 has more red spawn points than blue :x
Well, if Xfire hadn't died enough, it's gonna die further
caelum y u block HK net i was starved of jkhub for 4 days :<
So I got a new gfx card...stuff looks so good..
Anyone can PM me the JKhub master IP? I must have blocked it again by accident.
oh god no fucking windows 8.1 is raping my laptop
Welp, looks like the master list is down again >.<
What happens if I already have most of the games on humble bundle but buy the whole lot? Do they get turned into gifts or?
How long does it take for a server to show up in the JKHub master list? Replaced 2 servers this morning, can connect to em but they won't show.
I suppose if the default master server stays down longer, I get to save money. Not entirely a bad thing.
Any Aus/Asian players here still? Got a Christmas gathering in JKA (1.00 tho) in approx 3 hours in an Aus server.
So the master server changed IP. xD if I hadn't been that lazy I'd have noticed. ..
My PC hd died. Should I get a SSD over the conventional one?
Reformatted. Stay away from me Windows 8.1!!