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Mysterious Stranger

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Status Updates posted by Mysterious Stranger

  1. been a while, noticed the reviews from older dates (2019 isn't old!) don't show up and are just blanks for me? anyone else with the same issue? highly believe someone's plants ate it up.

    1. Circa


      It was a result of our forum software upgrade last year. It didn't transfer them properly.

    2. Mysterious Stranger
  2. *throws potted steves at the mess

  3. is the default master server still dead? haven't a way to check but an old friend said wasn't anything. if it's been dead ages maybe staff could make an announcement or something and get it pinned with jkhub's master :x

    1. Mysterious Stranger

      Mysterious Stranger

      ! the potted steve lives! great thanks! xo

  4. someone refresh my 1000000 year old memory, but is it possible to update a 1.00 jampded to 1.01? X(

    1. Circa


      Can't you just download the 1.01 one?

    2. Mysterious Stranger

      Mysterious Stranger

      Happened to have a vastly modified personal 1.00 one that I wanted to update to 1.01 since no 1.01 mod has all the stuff I wanted. But nevermind, found a coder who agreed to do it for me xd on a default 1.01 jampded.

    3. Circa


      Oh that makes more sense. Gotcha.

  5. I haven't been in JKA for a while but Jeditracker is down? Or dead for good?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Grab
    3. Circa


      Ah good to know.

    4. Mysterious Stranger

      Mysterious Stranger

      Thanks Grab. never miss something til its gone...next time i better hit that donation button xD

  6. didn't notice the background pic change til now. guess caelum must have eaten the previous one.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Cerez


      Sure it is. Space = Star Wars. What kind of a fan are you, anyway? ;)

    3. Mysterious Stranger

      Mysterious Stranger

      an old and mildly obsolete one. HAHA. idk. always thought the backgrounds were JKA screenshots or something :D

    4. Cerez


      I was playing at satire. :) These days everyone seems to think that as long as it's set in space and has blasters, it's Star Wars. To me, Star Wars means a lot more than that.


      Yes, we did use to have JKA screenshots. I think Caelum was going for a simplistic, stylistic design for the board this time. I don't mind it, it looks elegant.

  7. Got billed again for an AUSTRALIAN TS server that I don't use, anyone wanting to use it for a month do PM me.

  8. Was updating my profile and Xfire is dead, maybe a potted Steve somewhere should remove the Xfire contact option?

  9. Anyone have the source code for jka? I seem to have lost mine.

    1. Tempust85


      Just grab openJK. The original release of the source code was not in a working state from what I recall.

  10. Now that there's an update for KOTOR II through Steam, maybe JKA is in the line...somewhere

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. afi


      But you're actually cereal about poke. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)

    3. Ping



    4. Artorias


      More realism needed. So that we just hold walk and other stuff.

  11. Never noticed that CTF1 has more red spawn points than blue :x

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Mysterious Stranger

      Mysterious Stranger

      Damn. Looks like I gotta add them spawn points to blue myself then.

    3. Omicron


      Works for me Merek

    4. eezstreet


      If it's not working, don't post about it in a random status, post it where the devs will see it, otherwise you're just making yourself look silly.

  12. Well, if Xfire hadn't died enough, it's gonna die further :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. afi


      I never really liked it

    3. Ramikad


      Brings back bad memories.

    4. Circa


      Never liked it, though I got it later, after Steam had become popular.

  13. caelum y u block HK net i was starved of jkhub for 4 days :<

    1. Mysterious Stranger

      Mysterious Stranger

      All good now that I'm back home. Lol. Some Authentication rejected and then zero sized reply and squid didn't receive any data for that request.

  14. So I got a new gfx card...stuff looks so good..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Stoiss


      good choice to get a new one :) becours it was for sure you old 580 card there was broken :)

    3. Mysterious Stranger

      Mysterious Stranger

      Yea it died a quick death. Luckily my motherboard is still able to support modern cards *phew*

    4. Stoiss


      all card and motherbord to date is backworks compatiple for pci - e 2.0 even if is 3.0 :)

  15. Anyone can PM me the JKhub master IP? I must have blocked it again by accident.

    1. Didz


      master.jkhub.org (IP address can change)

  16. oh god no fucking windows 8.1 is raping my laptop

    1. Syko


      I actually like windows 8.1 a lot. You could always switch to Linux if Windows isn't working for you. Linux Mint is the best distro IMO.

  17. Welp, looks like the master list is down again >.<

    1. Oobah


      With the hub list and still able to do favorite list/direct connect/out of game browser. It doesn't stop anyone from playing still either. It's a waste of time to worry about the master list. Just a e-peen waving contest for an idiot who only does it to get attention/reactions out of people.

    2. Oobah


      Enough alternatives in place to not even care about the master list and I'm sure Raven was already emailed about it anyway from someone.

  18. What happens if I already have most of the games on humble bundle but buy the whole lot? Do they get turned into gifts or?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ping


      I sacrifice mine to the god of unwanted gifts and purchases.

    3. Vulcan


      If you got empire at wars ill volunteer as tribute :P

    4. Ramikad


      Well, going down that way, should anyone have an extra code for TFU2, or Republic Commando, or Starfighter... *wink*

  19. How long does it take for a server to show up in the JKHub master list? Replaced 2 servers this morning, can connect to em but they won't show.

    1. Circa


      I'd give it about a day. If they still don't, contact Didz. If you have any security measures to block getstatus/getinfo requests, that will cause them to not show up.

    2. Mysterious Stranger

      Mysterious Stranger

      Ooh. Just checked...had to whitelist the IP. My bad lol.

    3. z3filus


      -seriously ^^


  20. I suppose if the default master server stays down longer, I get to save money. Not entirely a bad thing.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mysterious Stranger

      Mysterious Stranger

      I have 2 Windows VPS' for JKA, pain in the wallet to keep up in times like this.

    3. Circa


      Ah. So if it never comes back, you're not going to host any servers anymore?

    4. Mysterious Stranger

      Mysterious Stranger

      Maybe just my 2 Makermod servers on a tiny VPS. Not worth paying for empty servers for life :( and if I had an event in JKA, just rent a VPS for that month only.

  21. Any Aus/Asian players here still? Got a Christmas gathering in JKA (1.00 tho) in approx 3 hours in an Aus server.

    1. Wasa


      Sadly, I don't have much time for that. :/

    2. Mysterious Stranger

      Mysterious Stranger

      It's alright, you didn't miss too much...we took lots of porn pics.

    3. Ramikad
  22. So the master server changed IP. xD if I hadn't been that lazy I'd have noticed. ..

    1. Boothand


      Hmm do you know anything more about this? Everyone at Jk2 has lost their masterserver...

    2. Merek



    3. Mysterious Stranger

      Mysterious Stranger

      No. Unfortunately not. Just happened my JKA servers went invisible for days until I logged in the VPS and found that my firewall had blocked the master server's new IP.

  23. My PC hd died. Should I get a SSD over the conventional one?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Mysterious Stranger

      Mysterious Stranger

      I dont get how the ssd produces lower fps too. My friend experienced the same thing. Yea ssd lifespan is shorter and more unstable, ill prob go the c drive ssd only route.

    3. Tempust85


      All you'd get with an SSD is faster data loading times. There's examples of game loading times with HDD vs SSD on the net.

    4. leadarc


      Try a hybrid drive, its the best of both worlds.

  24. Reformatted. Stay away from me Windows 8.1!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. therfiles


      Yeah! 8.1 forced itself on me too! It's not TERRIBLE but I don't see much difference. Must be some minor patches.

    3. Mysterious Stranger

      Mysterious Stranger

      Problems vary from system to system. I couldn't use my keyboard properly despite updating drivers and stuff.

    4. Onysfx


      Wait, so windows 8 is reformatting your HDD when it updates? WTF.

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