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Everything posted by toxictaliban111

  1. Are there any models of these two anywhere? I know they're not the most popular characters and people have their issues but has anyone been tinkering on these two at all? Otherwise, are there any models that are somewhat similar, at least for Rose. A woman in a utilitarian outfit with short black hair would cut it
  2. Any word on the Ach-To map is that on ice for now?
  3. http://www.mediafire.com/file/dwgus6rw17fewfd/rebelspackV3.2.pk3 He's in there with a few other Rebels characters, just the model. There's models of him in both MB2 and KOTF 2.1 too I think, but it's all the same model as the one in the link.
  4. I know this post is old, but I figured out why this model wasn't showing up in the NPCtool. The 'models' file has a capital 'M' on it. Change it to lower case and it works perfectly.
  5. How's the Ach-To map going anyway? It looked great in the shots you posted before
  6. Someone was in the stages of making Luke's cave there a few weeks back, but not sure if any progress has been made. https://jkhub.org/topic/8182-gp-channels-wip-wampa-cave/page-5
  7. Colour him green and paste a redundant set of arms on him and you've got General Pong Krell
  8. KOTF 2.1, released a few days ago, has a T3 model in it but I don't know where the model itself is from originally.
  9. Any chance of making a Repeater replacement version instead of an E-11?
  10. Mod it to get all the models and maps and stuff? I don't play MP at all, only SP. Spend most of my time setting up random duels or battles. KOTF comes with hundreds of models and it's spawning and loading menus are so useful. I also don't have the patience to make all the NPCs I'd need using the NPCTool. It's not that it's difficult, just time consuming.
  11. I've been tempted to use OpenJk but, admittedly, I use that old Knights Of The Force mod. For all its issues, it's so easy and simple to use and its got so many models, maps and NPCs. I keep telling myself I'm going to just spend a couple hours modding OpenJK to have all the stuff, but I just never have the time to do all that.
  12. As someone who also doesn't use OpenJK, it'd be fantastic if you decide to do that in the future.
  13. I know it's a bit of a longshot, but you still around? That map and those videos are fantastic.
  14. Wow, that is fantastic! Always love seeing some Sequel Trilogy stuff, looking forward to seeing this
  15. I found the model. It's in the Galactic Battles Pack on the Movie Battles 2 Site it was easy enough to drop in for MB2, and easy to pick out for use in normal JKJA. Thanks for the pointer , been waiting for a model of him since he turned up in Rebels.
  16. May I ask where it would be? I've been aching for a Fifth Brother Model for months.
  17. Damn, that's good news. I was expecting a good few months yet, not one of two. Keep up the good work
  18. Any idea when all this stuff is gonna be released? I'm hyped and I'm also eagerly waiting to use that 5th Brother Model, he's the last force-wielder in canon without a JKJA model released.
  19. https://jkhub.org/files/file/804-dark-forces-ii-skin-pack/ I'm not sure it's ported, but the skins are good. As A huge fan of the whole Dark Forces/Jedi Knight series, I use them a lot myself.
  20. I can get the Shoretooper to spawn, but gives me a Ghoul2 Error if it gets hit by laser or lightsaber. Great for a screenshot, useless for gameplay.
  21. I'm jealous, how'd you get the white sabers?
  22. That model is fantastic, great work on your part It's great to finally see her in JA, been wanting her ever since she returned in Rebels. PSA: Anyone downloading the Ahsoka, the file names are flipped, you need to rename "players" to "models" and "models" to "players". The sounds and saber files aren't there either, but its easy to sort it out with the NPC tool.
  23. Finally, finally finally! We've needed a Rebels Ahsoka for ages, and yours looks fantastic. Great work
  24. I tired a bit of renaming and all the models work, sad thing is the rebel_commando NPCs give me an error before they take any damage. It crashes and says : "Ran out of transfer space for Ghoul2 models, Adjust minheapsize in SV_spawnserver." The others work, so I'm happy enough as ones a Hoth and another is Endor, so overrall a success anyway. Thanks a lot everyone
  25. Here it is, I'm 99% sure I haven't thrown in one of MB2's shader files it needs since I'm trying to use it in base JKA not MovieBattles. Here's the PK3 : https://www.dropbox.com/s/pawmzb2dmcohk4b/HothEndorRebels.pk3?dl=0
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