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Posts posted by swegmaster

  1. HEY Pals! :D


    I will post here what skin,or what i'm working on when i'm not doing the TFA mod! xD

    Hey dudes! :D


    Now because i'm so exicited abour Rogue One, with @@Seven 's help i did a new skin. Captain Cassian Andor from Rogue One :)



    its a good model reskin, ill say that, but you should post other things on this thread, like yun sith statue and force power icons

    GPChannel likes this
  2. I've been procrastinating making a final decision on which version of ren's blade i want to put in the final release for awhile now, so finally trying to make a decision so i can release this mod..I've posted a number of my original versions on here pages back and a newer one recently. So here's another newer version i made with a screenshot of my original for comparison, lemme know what ya'll think.


    This one is similar to the recent version i posted but with a bigger core



    And one of my original ones for comparison


    i can say the first screen looks less "unstable"

  3. So I can't quite figure this out. Since I started mapping again, a bunch of random textures show up as tiny and tiled in-game. They look perfectly fine in Radiant. I've tried pressing S and changing the wrap to Axial or Fit, etc. None of that changes anything. The same texture that's used on a model works fine and looks good. See pics below.


    At first I thought it was a problem with my first map, but now it's happening on a new map.


    This wasn't an issue a year ago.


    I gave my map to @@MagSul to test and he says the textures look fine to him.










    I'm also missing a few models in one map. They show up for him, but not me. No errors in the console.








    It's really driving me crazy. Any ideas what's going on?

    dunno, maybe you messed with a setting in radiant?

  4. This is the best kotor pack I have downloaded in a long time, really appreciate the upload! Anyway, anyone know what's up with uthar wynns eyes? They seem to be far back in his head? 0_o

    Jeff stated he didn't port most of the models, they were from others, i could tell when looking at the actual models that they're common kotor jka models, i stated that he could "improve" most of the models by giving them some stuff from existing base models and maybe fix some bugs like head detachment from atton and odd hands on some models that don't have bending fingers 

  5. something is a little "wrong" with the kotor pack however, one: the atton model seems to be the same model with wierd head detachment thats noticeable if you replace rosh with atton, two: the sion model also seems to be the same as the current ported sion we have, but the arms look a bit wierd, and hands are still not changed

  6. @@RevanKnight, i looked in your pk3s for the model, the files were a bit messy, so i "cleaned them" for ya, and btw, i would like it if sp support and npc support was put in a different pk3 for options, also the other 2 pk3s (mp and no shader) don't need the model or sounds, just delete them and leave the shader in it, so that players put the main model pk3 in base, and then for mp put the other pk3 with the shader file in with it, which would have more z's to get loaded before the main model pk3

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