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Posts posted by swegmaster

  1. damage control response by mkdiablo to my comment on dumb jedi academy unleashed mod i think @@Langerd was raging on:

    Hello there
    with that credit on pic is a good idea but some models has 5+ years so how I could ask for permission huh ?
    +not everything is stolen man
    +I have permission for some models
    +on few models author is saying that everyone can modify his work without permission

    Ramikad, Smoo, Jeff and 1 other like this
  2. i think i and eezstreet claimed a victory@@Jeff, that MKDiablo guy, that (please pardon the slur Admins of this hub, but the moddb thieves have made me that damn pist that i cant contain it any longer) faggot mcdicksucker who stole your bb-8 model and claimed it as his own on moddb, has seemingly removed the bb-8 model from the addons, pretty sure its because i just exposed him in some comments

  3. theres a question that plagues my mind, why is @@dark_apprentice part of the thiefs on moddb, i noticed theres 2 files uploaded by him called stormtrooper reskin (@@DT85's stormie) and @@Jeff's satele shan, unless thats not the real dark, and the moddb dark *seems* to supports MKDiablo, a common mod thief on moddb, evidence being a comment in mk's tfu thing supporting it

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